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Looks like the Time Machine system preferences panel got a facelift sometime recently (DP3 Update 2, maybe?) See the image: Image

Since the first DP3, though they did fix the weird double label.

does anyone else lack some menus in energy saving pref pane like put hdd to sleep et etc ?? see pic thanks!

This was also discussed recently. I assume all of the options are on by default. Might be some hidden preference options to change them.

But thanks for your contributions, guys! Keep digging, I'm sure you'll find some more.
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Notice they fixed the redundant 'Time Machine' text as someone else mentioned some pages before.

Since the first DP3, though they did fix the weird double label.

This was also discussed recently. I assume all of the options are on by default. Might be some hidden preference options to change them.

But thanks for your contributions, guys! Keep digging, I'm sure you'll find some more.

Figures! I totally skipped over DP3.0, so I figured I missed it. Looks nice, though.

Looks pretty good. What interests me, too, is why haven't they implemented the iOS 5-style toggle?

Made a quick mockup of Time Maching with a rounded toggle. :)
Apologies if this has been mentioned already, but have you noticed that the scrollbars now grow in size when you mouse over them? Much better for when selecting them.

Change in scrollbars for 10.8

Also, is it right that when saving a document to iCloud it also saves it locally?
Also, is it right that when saving a document to iCloud it also saves it locally?

What happens is it is saved to ~/Library/Mobile Documents inside the app's documents folder. The sync agent then pushes those files up to iCloud and pulls down other files from other devices. So you'll always have a local copy. For example, a TextEdit document I saved in iCloud on Mountain Lion is in my Library on my Lion machine.
Quick Look Gesture

New Features / Changes

A three finger tap on an icon in the Finder will bring up the quick look window.

They've changed the dashboard BG in ML, the divets are lit from the top as apposed to the front.


Also, the ability to resize a webpage by dragging in from the sides of a Full-Screen Safari window is gone, all the same, but I used it for designing a lot.

Overall Mountain Lion, especially at this point feels smooth and SO much more polished than Lion.


I'm not sure if this is the right place to post but I had this issue in Lion and it persists in this build of ML where When I click something in the dock and move my mouse or switch desktops the Dock remains up and doesn't autohide until I move my mouse cursor again. Curious if i'm the only one with this issue, i think I've seen it on Apples forums though.

I also get a bug sometimes in Full Screen Safari where i'll move my mouse up to the top of the page to open the Bookmarks Bar but the toolbar/address bar actually slides UNDER the content. I have to quit Safari to fix it. If/When it happens again i'll post a picture.
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You said little things, here's a little thing.

I noticed the other day that there was something pleasant about the Calendar app and I couldn't figure it out until I popped back to my Lion install and it hit me:


(Mountain Lion)

The annoying (arguably pointless) leather stitching is gone from Calendar.
Leather stiching is dead, long live annoying leather stitching! :p

It also takes up like 20 less pixels, for people with teeny MacBooks like me.

And for anyone who is wondering, the stitching is gone in both the standard and full screen calendar.
The annoying (arguably pointless) leather stitching is gone from Calendar.
Leather stiching is dead, long live annoying leather stitching! :p

Well crap, what's gonna keep all the pages from falling out onto my desktop?! Haha.

But seriously, I'm rather excited for Mountain Lion. I love reading about all these little changes.
Not sure if anyone's mentioned this, but you no longer have to click to wake your screen up (like Lion), it's back to the way it should be.
I don't know if it's really helpful but you can switch between conversations in iMessage when you click on its icon in the dock (if the window is active).
Not sure if anyone's mentioned this, but you no longer have to click to wake your screen up (like Lion), it's back to the way it should be.
Not for me it isn't. Anyway, I believe the 'Lion way' is the correct way. No more irritating wake-ups when someone nudges the table my iMac sits on.
How is this news? I can putan app in fullscreen on my mac or display in lion. What I can't do is have full screen at the same time on both screens. Is that what they mean?

I thought it would be possible to use the other screen as a normal desktop. My mistake. :eek:
A couple changes from DP3 that I noticed in the demo during WWDC:

- Notification center's icon isn't a dot anymore. Instead, it looks more like horizontal bars to represent multiple notifications. The new "do not disturb" icon is a greyed-out variant of the icon, instead of the crescent moon icon we previously had.

- The dock texture has been changed for the first time since Snow Leopard to a much smoother and minimalistic style.

You can see some of the screenshots on the following page to see what I'm referencing:
New displays icon in System Preferences.


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