After 8 days of battery drain with 11.4 (6s, 7 months old, drain was at home only), I did the following experiment. Airplane mode, no battery drain. Disable wifi (only cell network, reception at home not the best) - little to no drain. Wifi only (airplane mode, enable wifi) - some drain, though lower than in normal mode. Did not try disabling specific wifi channels.
All contacts with Apple support ended with "check your apps battery usage", "restore with backup", "restore as new" - of 11.4. Every time I mentioned (actually demanded) downgrade to 11.3.1 they were close to threaten me as if I were jailbreaking. Waved "security" in my face (hey, 11.3.1 was your OS till a week ago!).
Eventually I had enough and downgraded 2 days ago through iTunes (11.3.1 was signed at the moment). This came with a price as I did not have a backup of 11.3.1 (first time I missed this one) and Apple (of course) doesn't let you use backups of newer versions. Had to restore all apps and their data manually, a pain but had a chance to clean the phone a bit. Since then I'm a happy camper. Battery drops less than 10% overnight, as opposed to 10+% an hour.
iOS 11.4 firmware is a PIECE OF S**T. Apple has turned into Microsoft of the 90s. Close-to-zero innovation, garbage quality, money-grabbing corporate. I use Macs for 13 years and iPhones for 6, but I think this relationship is going to end. Happy weekend everyone (and apologies for the long rant)!