Turns out the y key doesn’t work at all and the v key only works with an insane amount of pressure on it. Really scammed by a 100% rated seller...
Unless this comes back in stock if I’m buying another one of these in a few months...
Besides that I got 8.6 on here. 240p video mostly plays fullspeed but I think it’s more comfortable with 144p at the current PPCMC settings.
EDIT: THE V KEY WORKS! Kept pressing it and now it works like all the other keys.
Also, Y key is working with the key cap removed, can I really fix this?
Edit 2: Y key almost functioning normally. Went at the contact and plastic best I could with a dry Q-Tip. Maybe isopropyl is the answer?
Edit 3: Completely working! Just a dry Q-Tip to clean off the bottom contact and the plastic nub’s inside portion. Both had to be cleaned off, there were specs of dirt and debris in both.