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macrumors 6502
Sep 28, 2022
In my opinion last year 15 pro models were worth the upgrade
- titanium body
- impressive A17 chip that can run console level games
-5X Zoom camera on pro max models
- Log video recording

This year feels like an S year really. I am an Apple fan but I just don’t feel excited or the need to upgrade this year. The presentation bored me instead of getting me into the hype train like in previous years lol.

Yep. Normally in the past when I've even considered not upgrading I get FOMO, but this year I don't feel like that at all.

Maybe if they had a new colour for the Pro we haven't see for a while like red or green it might have just swayed me but Apple didn't even bother with that, instead bringing back a colour that is near enough rose gold.

17 should have the smaller dynamic island or pinhole at least.


macrumors 68020
Oct 26, 2014
well keeping 14pro and praying it will last until the iphone 20 comes out lol
I used to be an a yearly upgrader until around the iPhone 10-12 when I was biannual and now seems to be triennial or more. Keeping hold of the 14pro also now as dont see any point in wasting money on the 16 except to have something shiny and new.
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macrumors 6502a
Sep 18, 2019
If you're going to go Pixel, wait for the substantial discounts to hit like they always do in the fall.

Also, enjoy being surveilled constantly by Google. Unless you use a defensible OS like GrapheneOS, but then you lose out on all the Pixel special features.

Or, stick with Apple and have privacy/security AND features.


macrumors 601
Nov 16, 2010
I sincerely hope no one buys the iPhone 16 series and give Apple the middle finger. Gotta hit them where it hurts if we want them to change and money is the only thing they care about these days.
Millions will buy it for the gold color alone, then use it to take garbage Snapchat photos never touching 1/10 of what the camera is capable of.


macrumors 65816
Dec 28, 2009
Absolutely nothing special about the Pro models this year, and they don't even keep up with the competition. Even last year's Watch Ultra 2 got the new feature tile board - but the 16 Pro is so boring they couldn't fill one. Half of the presentation spent on contrived movie and music video shoots that don't represent anyone's actual usage - I mean, you can't get those images without at least $100k in outboard gear, but who is spending that on a shoot and using an iPhone?

Still limping along on a 12 Pro, and upgrades to the camera are the one feature that will motivate me to spend on a new iPhone. Despite the rumors, I was desperately hoping Apple would come through and deliver a camera that meets my needs and goes toe to toe with the competition. Alas, we suffer once again at the hands of Apple's bean counters. It's one thing for products to plateau as technology development slows - but this is something else.

Google just released their Pixel 9, with 48mp available at each sensor for increased image quality all around. Yet here we are now with Apple's flagship phone still offering only an aging 12mp sensor for the telephoto lens. What gives?

I use the telephoto all the time, so I was hoping for a significant upgrade to finally justify the cost of a new phone. Google can now deliver a real step up in image quality, so why can't Apple?

I would love to get better pictures out of my wide and ultra-wide cameras, along with stabilization, but I can't justify the cost of a new phone that will continue to leave me disappointed with half the pictures I take. If I want the best image quality available to me right now, it looks like I will have to switch to Google. I don't want that, but I also don't want an expensive new phone that barely improves on my old one.

There is no reason Apple couldn't offer something competitive with Google except for their greed and arrogance - assuming that people will continue buying iPhones regardless of what they actually offer, even if that means missing out on features they could have if Apple was not deliberating withholding. Probably they are correct. But not with me. 12 Pro will soldier on for another year - unless I give my money to Google instead.
Apple does no innovation in phones. I'm not saying that Apple does not innovate, but it's not on their most important product. So, this is very boring

I have the iPhone 12 mini, but the battery is degraded and screen cracked, so I might still upgrade. But their are other (innovative) tech products I would rather use money on.


macrumors 6502
Oct 26, 2014
Desert South West
Well, it's official on the financial page.

"Stocks Bounce After Brutal Week Despite Apple Unveiling A Dud"

Since I get by fine on a 2019 flip phone I'm not up on smart phone things, is it just the camera that is failing to impress? That seem to be most of the grumping on this page.
Currently in after hours it dropped the .08% that it had been up today. So does not really look like a win regarding Apple stock. The stock is still down over the past week 3.61%


macrumors 68030
Aug 18, 2023
Southern California
It's obvious. It's time for Apple to switch to a 2-year phone release cycle. The yearly updates are meaningless at this stage.
It is just like automobiles. New models every year but doesn’t mean the insides are any different or you need to update every year. Same applies to mobile phones and laptops. Not just Apple but all of the suppliers.


macrumors 68020
Mar 11, 2012
Near Toronto
Without creating a new thread (or maybe I should), forget the phone upgrades, but the entire presentation was … meh.

WWDC had Craig jumping out of a plane, flashy cut scenes and more.

This presentation was as straight forward, no nonsense, monotone and so many "now over to" yet another presenter.

It's like they were passing the buck "Hey don't blame me, blame this person!"


macrumors 68000
Sep 16, 2022
Since this was made with an account that is newbie status made in 2012. There isn't much creed. But I say this new iPhone series is good and man will still buy it. Its to many its worth buying.
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now i see it

macrumors G4
Jan 2, 2002
For some reason, people think that a new iPhone should be clearly superior to the previous year iphone.
Guess what? It doesn’t work that way anymore. New iPhones are primarily intended for people with OLDER iPhones, not the previous year model.
Replacing an iPhone every year made sense in the dark days of iPhone 4 when the device was so limited, but not any more.

Remington Steel

macrumors 6502
Dec 26, 2016
I know I’m in the minority, but I’m glad they don’t redesign the iPhone every two years. Smartphones are a maturing platform, there’s less scope for big advances than there used to be.

Unless you’re chasing gimmicks, there are just not going to be many big jumps any more.
Until Apple unveils their first folding phone (without any rumors). Servers will be absolutely destroyed with preorders.
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