There are always compromises, just the ones you can live with and the ones you can't.See, the big problem about that is that the current state of technology allows for us to have a 2-1 device without the compromises of iPad. Don't say this can't be done within the weight of the 12.9 inch iPad Pro. Adding 10 key features, including optional mouse support in e.g. productivity apps (office and also Safari) would be a great start. People are buying a special mouse for their iPads already to survive using VPN/Citrix. Of course they shouldn't have to. We don't even need Mac OS on iPad - we just need it to be further developed without being Mac OS.
Even a 2-in-1 device like the surface pro isn't free of them. You are simply trading one set of compromises for another. You want the best of both worlds, you get the worst of both worlds as well.
For me, I like my iPad the way it is - a pure tablet experience unencumbered by the burden of having to replicate the traditional laptop experience in its entirety.
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