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You word choices in this thread are the same as in previous posts and your opinions do not appear to have changed at all. Given that it’s been a long time you’ve held this point of view, the mere creation of this thread seems questionable.
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You word choices in this thread are the same as in previous posts and your opinions do not appear to have changed at all. Given that it’s been a long time you’ve held this point of view, the mere creation of this thread seems questionable.

Nope, but a very important aspect of this matter is that we've had the iPad Pro's for some time since then. I expected to leave iPads, but tried the Pro's as I also expected them to move my standpoint over time. I must say they didn't.
OP.... for a person that doesn't like the iPad you sure like to stay around this thread for a long time
There are a handful of posters here that are like that--they have a big long list of Apple gear in their signatures, they claim to have owned every single version of every single device Apple has created, and they are constantly in threads saying how much the iPad/iPhone/Mac sucks. I really do think it's trolling for the most part, and I'm not sure what the point is. If they're not trolling, then they're spending a LOT of money on gear that they don't seem to like very much. Either way, I really don't understand it. People with more money and time than sense I suppose.
1 reason I didn't even read your first post.

1- it takes too long, so I cannot enjoy my ipad.

I fully agree. However, I will have to give him/her one thumbs up for understanding what the "Return" key is for. To many posters forget about separating content and end up with a LONG running single paragraph. On those, i give up at the end of the first sentence.
There are a handful of posters here that are like that--they have a big long list of Apple gear in their signatures, they claim to have owned every single version of every single device Apple has created, and they are constantly in threads saying how much the iPad/iPhone/Mac sucks. I really do think it's trolling for the most part, and I'm not sure what the point is. If they're not trolling, then they're spending a LOT of money on gear that they don't seem to like very much. Either way, I really don't understand it. People with more money and time than sense I suppose.

I think part of the issue, is people expect certain things from Apple to suit their needs. Imagine if Apple designed a product based on each users requests?

It could also be that Apple meets most of the expectations of most people, but sometimes there is that "if they would only add that one thing it would be a great product" mentality. I am sure it frustrates people to the point where they post lists on forums.

For me? iPad has been very very good to me.
25. The camera bump is not a sensible disposition

A sensible disposition?! Your entire original post doesn't reflect a sensible disposition!

Seriously though... there have been many threads about the viability of iPads as laptop replacement, and its been argued ad nauseam ad infinitum.

So, is an iPad viable as a laptop replacement? In my humble opinion, this is the wrong question to ask. The iPad was never made as a laptop replacement. Some people have their setups just right for them and have since ditched laptops for the greater part. Bully for them.

However, the iPad is a third device which really does sit in between your phone and your laptop/desktop. You're on your phone when you're out and about, on the go...but when you're indoors or seated somewhere, the iPad serves as an 'augmented' phone - larger better screen, for browsing, reading, playing games etc. Beats doing all that on a phone screen hands down. And on the other end of the 'in between spectrum', the iPad does a lot of things which you would otherwise do on the laptop/desktop, especially with an attached keyboard. Not everything. Most things. And the iPad is completely in its own field when you consider the application of the Pencil in things like handwritten note taking, drawing and other art, and marking up pdfs and other documents.

So not only is the iPad the perfect third device between the phone and the laptop/desktop, but also a unique extension into activities you couldn't really do with either that involve a large touchscreen.

Depends on relative perspective, I guess.
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I think part of the issue, is people expect certain things from Apple to suit their needs. Imagine if Apple designed a product based on each users requests?

It could also be that Apple meets most of the expectations of most people, but sometimes there is that "if they would only add that one thing it would be a great product" mentality. I am sure it frustrates people to the point where they post lists on forums.

For me? iPad has been very very good to me.
There is a big difference, however, between "I wish Apple would......." and "OH MY GOD I HATE IPADS BUT I OWN THREE OF THEM!!!!" Not saying that's what this particular poster did, but I do see it pretty often.
The iPad is great computing in bed. Taking a laptop to bed is a pain. I like that I can just lay down and hold my iPad and surf the web, watch videos, check my email, play some games and then sleep. I still feel the iPhone Plus screen is too small, I prefer the iPad screen (9.7, 10.5, 12.9).

I use it much more than this but this is one example where it is better than a laptop or phone.
The iPad is great computing in bed. Taking a laptop to bed is a pain. I like that I can just lay down and hold my iPad and surf the web, watch videos, check my email, play some games and then sleep. I still feel the iPhone Plus screen is too small, I prefer the iPad screen (9.7, 10.5, 12.9).

I use it much more than this but this is one example where it is better than a laptop or phone.
I tried not owning an iPad at all for awhile and just having a laptop---the very first night of that situation I remembered what a pain it is to use a laptop in bed, even with the compactness of the Macbook Pro. And beyond that, the bottom of the laptop would get warm enough where using it on a spring or summer night in bed when it was already hot and humid was just not an option. I missed my iPad immediately. Less than a year later I was back on an iPad again and now the only laptop I have is my work issued Macbook Air. iPad Pro was what I really needed all along--they just didn't exist yet when I needed them! :)
just got a new ipad. the new cheap one.

last one i bought was the ipad 2 which my kid took over years ago and which I just sold this year.

I guess this is for my kid mostly but I would love it if they had a guest user feature so i could keep my data on it but had it off to my kid for browsing, games and youtube.
The iPad is great computing in bed. Taking a laptop to bed is a pain. I like that I can just lay down and hold my iPad and surf the web, watch videos, check my email, play some games and then sleep. I still feel the iPhone Plus screen is too small, I prefer the iPad screen (9.7, 10.5, 12.9).

I use it much more than this but this is one example where it is better than a laptop or phone.
Same. For my personal electronic usage, I think the iPad gets used like ~85-90% of the time with iPhone at ~10% and laptop at ~5% or less. With Continuity, I even answer almost all calls and messages through the iPad.

The iPad is the one device I choose to upgrade regularly. The iPhone and laptop, I don't need to upgrade as often because my usage doesn't quite justify spending a lot of money on them. If I gave my devices hourly rates based on one year's usage, the iPad would be less than ~$0.50/hr, the iPhone ~$2/hr and the laptop ~$8/hr.
iPads for me excel at consumption - movies, music, reading, and games - with the occasional productivity work thrown in. I'd much rather surf the internet or read while on the sofa with an iPad than with my MBP. It's way more comfortable for me. When I travel, most of the time the iPad and magic keyboard will fill all my needs. But when I need to do any serious work (or occasional gaming with my eGPU setup) I get out my Mac.

Because iPads are primarily consumption devices for me the price is a little annoying, which is why my upgrade this year was to the new 5th gen iPad and not the Pro.
I was hopeful that this thread would be interesting and include valid reasons, but it's an absolute joke.
I am currently on my 3rd iPad since 2012 & would always have one until Apple decides to pull the plug. It compliments my iPhone perfectly, my go to device for my use case without which I would not go on any trip
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Working on an iPad can best be described as putting 10 different obstacles in front of you, that you have to solve to do the 1 thing you wanted.
And the point precisely is that he has solved all of them. So much so that he is now happily working away from his iPad. And he is better off for it.

The bigger question ought to be - what have you done to solve the issues you have with using your iPad? If you are unwilling to change your perspective or the way you work, why would you expect things to be any different?
When was debating and making valid points and opinions trolling?

I am glad that many do enjoy their iPads, and I have as well. It was just that I lately realized how much better laptops is now compared to iPads. Especially after the fanless laptops.

I used iPads instead of the old much hotter and noisy MacBook Airs and Pros. Then laptops moved on, and I suddenly could not believe why I still messed around with a tablet. It is just that simple.

Here you have five more

21. Multitasking is so bad compared to a laptop
22. Connectivity is bad and USB C should be the port
23. The mouse/trackpad is a big missing part for anything work related
24. Charging is slow and the quick charger should come with it
25. The camera bump is not a sensible disposition

I could easily write 20 more issues not to be found on a great laptop + phone combo
The way I see it is that I have different devices for different tasks that I need to do. It's not a laptop or an Pad because I have both and I use each one for different things. I am and old iPad Air 2 user who upgraded to the 10.5 inch pro. I find the extra weight negligible and worth it for the extra real estate.

However we are all different.
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just got a new ipad. the new cheap one.

last one i bought was the ipad 2 which my kid took over years ago and which I just sold this year.

I guess this is for my kid mostly but I would love it if they had a guest user feature so i could keep my data on it but had it off to my kid for browsing, games and youtube.
Yeah, (Stock) Android is pretty awesome for that. I have a Pixel phone where you can do that, and I share it with my family. Made 5 users and it keeps all data separate, and if you have the same app installed, it doesn’t use any more storage room. Maybe iOS 12? That, or Apple just wants us to buy iPads for each person :(.
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I wonder if there will eventually be a more obvious split/ rebranding in the line as the iPad continues its divergent evolution into a full computing system (pro) and a better version of the 'middle' device it's always been? I think the market is still there for the iPad as originally pitched; casual web browsing, email, youtube, Netflix etc, but it's an extremely mature market with a long upgrade cycle - so I don't see many further changes beyond the cosmetic (maybe going back to laminated displays and the thinner air 2 formfactor once the tech becomes cheap enough) for the iPad. By contrast, the pro is likely to keep changing software wise and maybe eventually becoming more laptop-like (a hybrid from the other direction?)

For me iOS is currently much better suited to recreational use due to its limitations on having multiple windows open simultaneously, but if that changed? If it became more Mac like, just built around a touchscreen? Could be interesting, though the limited screen space will likely always be a downside as I don't see a 15" iPad Pro/ successor hybrid ever working
The only point I will completely agree with is the first one concerning the aspect ratio. That is probably the biggest gripe I have about the iPad considering most of my use case is dedicated to content consumption. The iPad to me is not a device that would replace a traditional computer (sorry not even the pro) and instead sits in the middle of my iPhone and Mac. If anything, the iPad actually enabled me to confidently buy an iMac instead of a MBP.
“Brevity is the soul of wit.”

Seriously, if you want to troll MR you should offer more, but 4 pages in --this
seems to have worked. Moving on to
Why I'm opting for the Surface Pro 4 over the iPad Pro
for some real passion

If there could just be one thread with some grain of criticism towards iPad's current state without someone being called out as a troll... Don't see much passion in your "contribution",
which seem kinda troll like to me.

Actually I have a real passion for let's say the potential in iPad. Otherwise this thread would obviously not have been made.

What I am seeing in this thread is just as expected; the iPad is a third device which sits between the phone and computer - just as it was introduced.

See, the big problem about that is that the current state of technology allows for us to have a 2-1 device without the compromises of iPad. Don't say this can't be done within the weight of the 12.9 inch iPad Pro. Adding 10 key features, including optional mouse support in e.g. productivity apps (office and also Safari) would be a great start. People are buying a special mouse for their iPads already to survive using VPN/Citrix. Of course they shouldn't have to. We don't even need Mac OS on iPad - we just need it to be further developed without being Mac OS.

The answers in this thread - in my opinion - really confirms the current state of iPad.
If there could just be one thread with some grain of criticism towards iPad's current state without someone being called out as a troll... Don't see much passion in your "contribution",
which seem kinda troll like to me.

Actually I have a real passion for let's say the potential in iPad. Otherwise this thread would obviously not have been made.

What I am seeing in this thread is just as expected; the iPad is a third device which sits between the phone and computer - just as it was introduced.

See, the big problem about that is that the current state of technology allows for us to have a 2-1 device without the compromises of iPad. Don't say this can't be done within the weight of the 12.9 inch iPad Pro. Adding 10 key features, including optional mouse support in e.g. productivity apps (office and also Safari) would be a great start. People are buying a special mouse for their iPads already to survive using VPN/Citrix. Of course they shouldn't have to. We don't even need Mac OS on iPad - we just need it to be further developed without being Mac OS.

The answers in this thread - in my opinion - really confirms the current state of iPad.
I'm not sure where you're getting to that concusion, but hey, you do you.
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