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I tried downloading the Yosemite install dmg and making a boot usb from it. It shows up as bootable in the system preferences, but won't boot. It starts to boot and then hangs up.

I also watched the video and the usb it makes is not bootable. It doesn't show up in the system preferences.

I read somewhere that the boot file needs to be blessed, but don't have a clue which file this would be.

Can you give me a clue about what is going on here?


Don James

Try a different USB or make an 8GB partition on an internal drive for the installer. The pre parched installer dmg is bootable as is when restored.
Can you explane this?
Updated twice via ApStore to 10.10.5. finished the download, installed the update normaly
and the version is still at 10.10.4, and the ApStore insists to update to 10.10.5

Ss 2015-08-18 at 22.54.25 PM.jpg
Try a different USB or make an 8GB partition on an internal drive for the installer. The pre parched installer dmg is bootable as is when restored.


Ok, I will do that and get back to you. I did discover that the cmos battery in my macpro1,1 was low and was probably causing it to act weird. I had to replace it today when the computer refused to boot.

Thanks for getting back to me.

Don James
Try a different USB or make an 8GB partition on an internal drive for the installer. The pre parched installer dmg is bootable as is when restored.

I installed it on an 8 gb usb. It shows up in Preferences->Startup disk, but when I tell the computer to make it the startup disk, the computer says something about the system not being able to bless it. So it can't become a startup disk. Also, it shows up in the boot menu when I reboot and hold down the option key, but it won't boot.

Is there a file in the usb that needs to be blessed? If so, which file and how do I bless it?


Don James
Try a different USB or make an 8GB partition on an internal drive for the installer. The pre parched installer dmg is bootable as is when restored.


I found this in the first post in this thread:
############# start of quote ###########
Then, after installation, copy Pike's EFI32 boot.efi to that drive's /usr/standalone/i386 and /System/Library/CoreServices/ directories overwriting the stock Apple EFI64 boot.efi and repair permissions. That drive should now be bootable on a 2006/2007 Mac Pro, although sometimes it still may need to be blessed in the 2006/2007 Mac Pro.
######### end of quote #########

What exactly needs to be blessed? How is that done?


Don James

I booted Mac Pro with Mavericks drive, blessed the SSD, zapped PRAM (should have done it before) and... voila the black screen of Yosemite :)

Mr.Zarniwoop, Demi-God is not enough. IMHO it's time to upgrade to Full God status ;)

Thanks a lot also to Hennesie2000. Guys, you're doing great.


I am having this same problem. What is the exact command to bless the file to get this thing to boot?


Don James
Bless both boot.efi files

Here is the command that I ran:
bless --folder=/Volumes/"Yosemite Installer" --file=/Volumes/"Yosemite Installer"/System/Library/CoreServices/boot.efi --setBoot

I have two questions:
Is this the correct syntax for the bless command?
Where is the other boot.efi file?


Don James
Bless both boot.efi files

I finally got Yosemite installed. When I restored the hard drive, I put the hard drive name in the destination window, of the Disk Utility, instead of the hard drive volume. Evidently, this messed up the boot. I put the dmg in the source window and the hard drive volume in the destination window and it worked! I also ran PikeYoseFix after Yosemite booted up the first time. Then I ran all of the updates. When I rebooted, I got the black-background boot screen. Everything is working!

Thanks a bunch for your help.


Don James
Henderson, Texas USA
This first post is usually updated with recent summarized information.

Two approaches that can be used to boot OS X 10.10 Yosemite on unsupported Mac Pro models:

Piker-Alpha bootloader (preferred approach)

This method, a fork of boot.efi boot loader that thunks EFI64 calls from the 64-bit OS X kernel to the EFI32 firmware.

Additional information about Pike's boot.efi is available at Pike's blog, Universum. There are two variations available, one with a legacy light grey background/dark grey Apple logo boot screen boot.efi that blends with the native EFI32 pre-boot screen (2008-2012 Mac Pro-style), and a new black background/white Apple logo boot screen boot.efi (2013 Mac Pro-style).

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I intend to use the prepatched Piker-Alpha bootable Yosemite installer (see post 3588) as shown in the first post of this thread on my Pro 1.1 to an empty HD. I got the error notice "To load and restore OSX Apple must verify the authorization of the machine" and then "Not found installation informations for this computer".
I've bought Yosemite some months ago and installed on another newly bought Macbook Pro using my own Apple-ID. This is shown in App Store under 'Bought Software' on both machines MP and MBP. I let register both machines in App Store under the same Apple-ID.
How to override this restriction ? Maybe I have had another Apple-ID before my MP has crashed some time ago, and I can't find this one any more. I don't believe that at that time Apple didn't verify the machine with the installed software already.
Any ideas ? I'd be very grateful.
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Did you 'restore' the pre-patched installer to a USB stick or external HD? I did this and then installed from this onto a new blank SSD (or HD) on my Mac Pro - all went pretty well using this method. The Apple App Store didn't get involved until I downloaded the updates (having installed Yosefix first).
Did you 'restore' the pre-patched installer to a USB stick or external HD? I did this and then installed from this onto a new blank SSD (or HD) on my Mac Pro - all went pretty well using this method. The Apple App Store didn't get involved until I downloaded the updates (having installed Yosefix first).

Indeed I tried to install on HD inside MacPro. I already supposed that this could be the reason of not functioning. I'll try your experience next, and I'm pretty curious.
Thanks for answering.
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I intend to use the prepatched Piker-Alpha bootable Yosemite installer (see post 3588) as shown in the first post of this thread on my Pro 1.1 to an empty HD. I got the error notice "To load and restore OSX Apple must verify the authorization of the machine" and then "Not found installation informations for this computer".
I've bought Yosemite some months ago and installed on another newly bought Macbook Pro using my own Apple-ID. This is shown in App Store under 'Bought Software' on both machines MP and MBP. I let register both machines in App Store under the same Apple-ID.
How to override this restriction ? Maybe I have had another Apple-ID before my MP has crashed some time ago, and I can't find this one any more. I don't believe that at that time Apple didn't verify the machine with the installed software already.
Any ideas ? I'd be very grateful.

I've never used the Pre-Patch, so I can't speak to that--I prefer to do everything from scratch each time.

I use VMWare to open a virtual session to bypass the machine check when re-downloading the latest from the Store.

From there, I can copy Install OS X to anywhere, and use that to build my installation media (no success with usb thingies: success with only a local fixed-disk partition for the installer, in my case, each time).

I prefer to do it from scratch as well but I never had any issues using either a USB thumb drive or a HDD connect via a sata to USB adapter.

@ #3592 and #3594
thanks for answering! My native language is German - please help my understanding: what is "scratch"?
2nd: Even with an USB-stick Apple machine verification is involved; so I can't install.
@ #3592 and #3594
thanks for answering! My native language is German - please help my understanding: what is "scratch"?
2nd: Even with an USB-stick Apple machine verification is involved; so I can't install.
"From scratch" means "from the beginning", i.e., NOT using any files custom-made beforehand by a third party (excepting, in this case, boot.efi and the PikeYoseFix). If you edit the supported platforms properly, machine verification will be successful. Beware of "curly" quotation marks (i.e., “” WON'T do).
"From scratch" means "from the beginning", i.e., NOT using any files custom-made beforehand by a third party (excepting, in this case, boot.efi and the PikeYoseFix). If you edit the supported platforms properly, machine verification will be successful. Beware of "curly" quotation marks (i.e., “” WON'T do).
I thought the machine / board verification numbers were updated in the Pre-patched installer - I certainly didn't have to update them manually. The only tricky thing I found was working out the correct way to restore the installer to an external HD before running the installer to get OSX on my Mac. If this isn't a thing you do often it can seem a bit difficult to work out at first.
I thought the machine / board verification numbers were updated in the Pre-patched installer - I certainly didn't have to update them manually. The only tricky thing I found was working out the correct way to restore the installer to an external HD before running the installer to get OSX on my Mac. If this isn't a thing you do often it can seem a bit difficult to work out at first.

They are already updated in the pre-patched installer for a MacPro1,1 and MacPro2,1.
I intend to use the prepatched Piker-Alpha bootable Yosemite installer (see post 3588) as shown in the first post of this thread on my Pro 1.1 to an empty HD. I got the error notice "To load and restore OSX Apple must verify the authorization of the machine" and then "Not found installation informations for this computer".
I've bought Yosemite some months ago and installed on another newly bought Macbook Pro using my own Apple-ID. This is shown in App Store under 'Bought Software' on both machines MP and MBP. I let register both machines in App Store under the same Apple-ID.
How to override this restriction ? Maybe I have had another Apple-ID before my MP has crashed some time ago, and I can't find this one any more. I don't believe that at that time Apple didn't verify the machine with the installed software already.
Any ideas ? I'd be very grateful.
Were you able to install Yosemite on your mac?


Don James
I thoughtI posed this before but maybe not. I realized that there is a super simple way to get this on a 1,1.

As long as you have a Yosemite capable Mac of any sort and a means to access a hard drive that can also work in 1,1.

1. Connect HD for 1,1 to a Yosemite capable machine. (USB enclosure, Firewire mode, etc)
2.Get Yosemite up and running in capable machine. (via fresh install, CCC, Disk Utility Restore, etc, whatever floats your boat)
3. Run the Piker Yose Fix that Blacksheep666 made in the Yose capable machine.
4. Reboot a couple times until the Yose capable machine sends you to a different HD. This is sign that the 32 bit boot.efi is installed and running.
5. Move drive to 1,1 and enjoy.

It really is this simple. I did it with my 1,1 a couple days ago, no trouble at all. Point being you don't have to do the boot.efi replacements manually, just let the app do it. When the 64 bit machine can't boot from the disc anymore you know it is ready. All you have to think about is do you want black or grey boot screen.
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