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Based on a quick search, it looks like the MX25L2006E is supported by flashrom. The "ZNI" part doesn't matter - ZN just means WSON package (eg. as opposed to SOIC-8 for example), and the "I" just refers to its industrial temperature class.

It's not relevant now, but just as a test, I swapped the MX25L2006EZNI chip with a GD25Q20BT (which I pre-programmed with a suitable K3000M ROM) and can confirm it works without any other changes to the hardware. I can also confirm that the WSON footprint is compatible with SOIC-8, so you would (skill permitting) be able to remove that WSON chip and replace it with either the SOIC-8 version (MX25L2006EM1I) or a GD25Q20BT.

This is excellent to know. Thanks a lot for the tests and the time you spent with it.
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You can add padding at the end of the rom with this command:

truncate -s 256kB new.rom

This will change the size of the .rom file to 256kb and you can flash it this way.
ok what about the current file no the chip its in .dat format does that have any thing to say. and it is the only chip on the card that can be a bios afaik! gonna poste some images tomorrow
So I prepared the iMac to default boot into Linux, got it installed on a seperate disk from OSX and tested switching a couple of times (with the old AMD card installed). Works like a charm.. whenever I want to boot into OSX I poweron the mac and hold the option (ALT) key and select OSX via the arrowkeys on the keyboard.

After that I installed the 780M, started linux automagically with a working internal display. Just no screen at the POST which is normal since I haven't flashed the iMac bootrom (couldn't get the old clip to stick so waiting for the new clip to arrive).

Made a few backups of the vBios using nvflash for Linux and flashed the beta2 BIOS to it. Rebooting went fine into Linux, and I can re-read the vbios. By the way, the old vbios is 166400bytes.

But now the issue I'm facing:
How the hell do I get into OSX? I tried the "ALT" key at boot, waited about a minute, released the "ALT" button and tapped twice on the right arrowkey and pressed "Enter" but no joy.
I even disconnected the HDD with Linux on it. Then I get to see a message like "nVidia 780M by Nick", and then a message saying that there is no Operating system found. Probably because it needs the UEFI partition on the Linuix disc.

I think I have to wait now untill the new clip arrives and I can flash the iMac bootrom with a modded version.

Linux is no punishment but on a Mac OSX is nicer.
So I prepared the iMac to default boot into Linux, got it installed on a seperate disk from OSX and tested switching a couple of times (with the old AMD card installed). Works like a charm.. whenever I want to boot into OSX I poweron the mac and hold the option (ALT) key and select OSX via the arrowkeys on the keyboard.

After that I installed the 780M, started linux automagically with a working internal display. Just no screen at the POST which is normal since I haven't flashed the iMac bootrom (couldn't get the old clip to stick so waiting for the new clip to arrive).

Made a few backups of the vBios using nvflash for Linux and flashed the beta2 BIOS to it. Rebooting went fine into Linux, and I can re-read the vbios. By the way, the old vbios is 166400bytes.

But now the issue I'm facing:
How the hell do I get into OSX? I tried the "ALT" key at boot, waited about a minute, released the "ALT" button and tapped twice on the right arrowkey and pressed "Enter" but no joy.
I even disconnected the HDD with Linux on it. Then I get to see a message like "nVidia 780M by Nick", and then a message saying that there is no Operating system found. Probably because it needs the UEFI partition on the Linuix disc.

I think I have to wait now untill the new clip arrives and I can flash the iMac bootrom with a modded version.

Linux is no punishment but on a Mac OSX is nicer.

Try an Nvram reset, this should boot back into MacOS.
If you see the message Nvidia 780m by Nick, then your card should have a succesfull vbios flash.. ;)
You dont need Linux now anymore I would say, you can even delete it if you want.
Try an Nvram reset, this should boot back into MacOS.
If you see the message Nvidia 780m by Nick, then your card should have a succesfull vbios flash.. ;)
You dont need Linux now anymore I would say, you can even delete it if you want.
Unfortunately the nvram reset didn't sent me back into MacOS. So I'm a bit in the dark now. No worries, I'll just wait for the new clip and flash the Bootrom. I can wait, everything I have now is much better then it was a couple of days ago when I just had an expensive paperweight to look at.

Unfortunately the nvram reset didn't sent me back into MacOS. So I'm a bit in the dark now. No worries, I'll just wait for the new clip and flash the Bootrom. I can wait, everything I have now is much better then it was a couple of days ago when I just had an expensive paperweight to look at.


You can always for example, take your HDD out of the iMac, and hook it up to another Mac and reinstall MacOS for example.

But of course doing the bootrom patch will also give you the EFI bootscreen afterall.. ;)
Which makes life a little easier.. ;0

remember, do a nvram reset after you did the bootrom patch, you must do this in order to let make EFI mod work from Nick !
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You can always for example, take your HDD out of the iMac, and hook it up to another Mac and reinstall MacOS for example.

But of course doing the bootrom patch will also give you the EFI bootscreen afterall.. ;)
Which makes life a little easier.. ;0

remember, do a nvram reset after you did the bootrom patch, you must do this in order to let make EFI mod work from Nick !

The old GPU (6970) still works.. so I can always swap the graphics card if Linux starts to annoy me.. (Only 22 screws and 24 connectors to remove.) and try and figure out what's wrong. :)
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Is it possible to have a link where to have every thing to mode boot tom imac 2011 to work with nvidia gtx 780m
And if possible how to put the Nik’s bootrom because the dell one has only 128 kb and the Nik’s rom has 256kb i have nt risk to flash
Alright, I'm back after I thought I blew my psu. I have the dying light working even with my horrific soldering. Everything should be all set for my wx7100 but I'm still not sure how do do the bios and vbios flash, how to use the clip, and what order I should do them in. Anyone know what post the guide was?

Also pro tip, if you plan on putting in an ssd in place of the hdd then put a 1k0 resistor across the two pins for hdd temp to not have roaring fans.

Edit: found it will try and post results in a day or two.

Results are early because I'm stuck, modded and flashed the bios successfully but can't flash the vbios of the gpu or get the rom recognized at all, keep getting
MacBook:~ nickel$ sudo flashrom --programmer ch341a_spi -c MX25L3205D/MX25L3208D -r backup.bin
flashrom v1.1 on Darwin 18.6.0 (x86_64)
flashrom is free software, get the source code at

Calibrating delay loop... OK.
libusb: info [darwin_claim_interface] no interface found; setting configuration: 1
No EEPROM/flash device found.
Note: flashrom can never write if the flash chip isn't found automatically.
I'm probably going to try flashing it in windows and just look up how to do that.
I'm so close but will update later with hopefully positive results.

I just realized I was specifying the wrong chip type last night, probably wasn't the issue, if it wasn't I'll just flash the vbios in linux on the iMac.
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[QUOTE = "FlorisVN, postagem: 27988684, membro: 859699"]
Tente redefinir o Nvram, isso deve ser iniciado novamente no MacOS.
Se você vir a mensagem Nvidia 780m de Nick, seu cartão poderá ter um flash com êxito. ;)
Você não precisa mais do Linux agora, eu diria, você pode até excluir, se desejar.
O que outras pessoas estão dizendo
O que outras pessoas estão dizendo
[QUOTE = "FlorisVN, postagem: 27988684, membro: 859699"]
Tente redefinir o Nvram, isso deve inicializar novamente no MacOS.
Se você vir a mensagem Nvidia 780m de Nick, seu cartão deverá ter um flash vbios bem-sucedido. ;)
Você não precisa mais do Linux agora, eu diria, você pode até excluí-lo, se quiser.
Try an Nvram reset, this should boot back into MacOS.
If you see the message Nvidia 780m by Nick, then your card should have a succesfull vbios flash.. ;)
You dont need Linux now anymore I would say, you can even delete it if you want.
Good Morning. I have this problem but in my case after installing a gtx780 my imac starts normally in osx but in windows 7 it does not start, i call and press the option but the screen goes black. I've done this procedure waited a while and in the dark selected arrow to the side and hit enter also unsuccessfully. Any tips on this? Remembering that I did not install the mod ROM Nicks. Thanks
[QUOTE = "FlorisVN, postagem: 27988684, membro: 859699"]
Tente redefinir o Nvram, isso deve ser iniciado novamente no MacOS.
Se você vir a mensagem Nvidia 780m de Nick, seu cartão poderá ter um flash com êxito. ;)
Você não precisa mais do Linux agora, eu diria, você pode até excluir, se desejar.
O que outras pessoas estão dizendo
O que outras pessoas estão dizendo
[QUOTE = "FlorisVN, postagem: 27988684, membro: 859699"]
Tente redefinir o Nvram, isso deve inicializar novamente no MacOS.
Se você vir a mensagem Nvidia 780m de Nick, seu cartão deverá ter um flash vbios bem-sucedido. ;)
Você não precisa mais do Linux agora, eu diria, você pode até excluí-lo, se quiser.

Good Morning. I have this problem but in my case after installing a gtx780 my imac starts normally in osx but in windows 7 it does not start, i call and press the option but the screen goes black. I've done this procedure waited a while and in the dark selected arrow to the side and hit enter also unsuccessfully. Any tips on this? Remembering that I did not install the mod ROM Nicks. Thanks
If I understand correctly what you want to do, flash the gtx780 from Windows, I would go about it in the following manner:
1. Reinstall the old graphics card
2. Make sure the imac boots default into a working Windows
3. Setup teamviewer or some similar remote-connection tool to auto boot. Test it before doing anything else!
4. Install the gtx780 card.
5. After booting the imac and if nothing shows on the screen connect via another pc/mac/laptop to your imac with teamviewer or another tool you've choosen.
6. Do the nvidia flash with the vbios rom Nick provided.

Now, if you cannot get back into OSX but want to, first try a nvram reset. It just might work for you, didn't for me.
If the nvram reset doesn't work, reinstall the old graphics card and make sure you boot into osx by default. That should be it until you flash the modded bios in the iMac.

I did this apart from the making OSX work again, but with a Linux (Fedora 31) installation, works like a charm. Just waiting for the new clip to arrive so I can flash the iMac BIOS with a modded version via the CH341A programmer.

Hope this helps.
  • Like
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[QUOTE = "FlorisVN, postagem: 27988684, membro: 859699"]
Tente redefinir o Nvram, isso deve ser iniciado novamente no MacOS.
Se você vir a mensagem Nvidia 780m de Nick, seu cartão poderá ter um flash com êxito. ;)
Você não precisa mais do Linux agora, eu diria, você pode até excluir, se desejar.
O que outras pessoas estão dizendo
O que outras pessoas estão dizendo
[QUOTE = "FlorisVN, postagem: 27988684, membro: 859699"]
Tente redefinir o Nvram, isso deve inicializar novamente no MacOS.
Se você vir a mensagem Nvidia 780m de Nick, seu cartão deverá ter um flash vbios bem-sucedido. ;)
Você não precisa mais do Linux agora, eu diria, você pode até excluí-lo, se quiser.

Good Morning. I have this problem but in my case after installing a gtx780 my imac starts normally in osx but in windows 7 it does not start, i call and press the option but the screen goes black. I've done this procedure waited a while and in the dark selected arrow to the side and hit enter also unsuccessfully. Any tips on this? Remembering that I did not install the mod ROM Nicks. Thanks

external display could work under Windows bootcamp, have you tried this.. ?
you need a custom vbios, like the one from Nick, in order to get a internal display working under Windows Bootcamp !

Also the suggestion from @hijglander , is very good !
  • Like
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If I understand correctly what you want to do, flash the gtx780 from Windows, I would go about it in the following manner:
1. Reinstall the old graphics card
2. Make sure the imac boots default into a working Windows
3. Setup teamviewer or some similar remote-connection tool to auto boot. Test it before doing anything else!
4. Install the gtx780 card.
5. After booting the imac and if nothing shows on the screen connect via another pc/mac/laptop to your imac with teamviewer or another tool you've choosen.
6. Do the nvidia flash with the vbios rom Nick provided.

Now, if you cannot get back into OSX but want to, first try a nvram reset. It just might work for you, didn't for me.
If the nvram reset doesn't work, reinstall the old graphics card and make sure you boot into osx by default. That should be it until you flash the modded bios in the iMac.

I did this apart from the making OSX work again, but with a Linux (Fedora 31) installation, works like a charm. Just waiting for the new clip to arrive so I can flash the iMac BIOS with a modded version via the CH341A programmer.

Hope this helps.
Understand. Then I will have to disassemble and assemble everything again😭😭😭. I will try to resolve this and return with the results.
[QUOTE = "FlorisVN, postagem: 27995088, membro: 859699"]
O monitor externo pode funcionar no bootcamp do Windows, você já tentou isso?
você precisa de um vbios personalizado, como o de Nick, para que um monitor interno funcione no Windows Bootcamp!

Além disso, a sugestão de [USER = 1195337] @hijglander [/ USER] é muito boa!
@FlorisVN , Already donload the lips Nick. I will try to install with nvflash. Not yet tried with external monitor. I will also try this alternative. Can I with a thunderbolt cable Plugged in a TV or other monitor? Would you have any chance of getting it that way? Thank you for your help.
Is it possible to have a link where to have every thing to mode boot tom imac 2011 to work with nvidia gtx 780m
And if possible how to put the Nik’s bootrom because the dell one has only 128 kb and the Nik’s rom has 256kb i have nt risk to flash

You can download the kepler beta 2 bios files, they can be found all over this topic.
please use the search function.. ;)

As far as I know, Nicks vbios is based on a Dell/Alienware version, I would also highly reccomend you use a known compatible Dell/Alienware card.
Perhaps other cards might work, but are not guaranteed as far as I would say..

Also as far as I know, Nick has edited the size of the vbios, so using flashrom with a CH341A programmer wont give a error anymore with flashing it that way..

Using nvflash is still my prefered way of flashing the vbios..
[QUOTE = "FlorisVN, postagem: 27995088, membro: 859699"]
O monitor externo pode funcionar no bootcamp do Windows, você já tentou isso?
você precisa de um vbios personalizado, como o de Nick, para que um monitor interno funcione no Windows Bootcamp!

Além disso, a sugestão de [USER = 1195337] @hijglander [/ USER] é muito boa!
@FlorisVN , Already donload the lips Nick. I will try to install with nvflash. Not yet tried with external monitor. I will also try this alternative. Can I with a thunderbolt cable Plugged in a TV or other monitor? Would you have any chance of getting it that way? Thank you for your help.

Try external monitor, also enable RDP or another remote client for your windows bootcamp.
You will need some external remote support, during the nvflash sequence because all screens will go black.
At least this is what I experienced, and using remote desktop saved me on this one..
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I'm a bit in a pickle here... still in Linux and still on the gtx780.. Just flashed it back to the original vbios. Because I thought that (with the original bios) the brightness control was available and with the vbios from Nick there wasn't any brightness control.

Low and behold the original vbios actually has a working brightness control.

Haven't been able to test the brightness control in OSX (have to disassamble the iMac and install the AMD card or wait for the new programmer clip), but if it is a feature in this vbios maybe @Nick [D]vB can make it work as a vbios with brightness control in OSX?

I've added the vbios to this post.

Just flashed the vbios from Nick again:

Causing the brightness control to be gone again...


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Hello, thanks to your help and support I was able to modify iMac 2011. I now have a boot screen, the GPU is working and I was so happy that I installed Catalina on a new disk and ... I have Kernel Panic :(
I changed graphics cards (I have two pieces) on each is the same. This happens when you wake up. iMac reboots and shows error and send to apple. Does anyone have that?

Zrzut ekranu 2019-11-19 o 23.03.03.png

panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff7fa17e9306): NVRM[0/1:0:0]: Read Error 0x00070000: CFG 0x11e110de 0x00100000 0x00000000, BAR0 0xb0000000 0xffffffa3cc91b000 0x0e6210a1, D3, P0/3
Backtrace (CPU 0), Frame : Return Address
0xffffffa3cc5baed0 : 0xffffff8020739a3b
0xffffffa3cc5baf20 : 0xffffff8020870fe5
0xffffffa3cc5baf60 : 0xffffff8020862a5e
0xffffffa3cc5bafb0 : 0xffffff80206e0a40
0xffffffa3cc5bafd0 : 0xffffff8020739127
0xffffffa3cc5bb0d0 : 0xffffff802073950b
0xffffffa3cc5bb120 : 0xffffff8020ed17f9
0xffffffa3cc5bb190 : 0xffffff7fa17e9306
0xffffffa3cc5bb210 : 0xffffff7fa18b611b
0xffffffa3cc5bb270 : 0xffffff7fa3118dea
0xffffffa3cc5bb2c0 : 0xffffff7fa3118d13
0xffffffa3cc5bb300 : 0xffffff7fa17cfe11
0xffffffa3cc5bb3a0 : 0xffffff7fa18d0280
0xffffffa3cc5bb400 : 0xffffff7fa17b84b7
0xffffffa3cc5bb4a0 : 0xffffff7fa17b0370
0xffffffa3cc5bb500 : 0xffffff7fa17b03df
0xffffffa3cc5bb530 : 0xffffff7fa17adb72
0xffffffa3cc5bb5d0 : 0xffffff7fa17edb1c
0xffffffa3cc5bb750 : 0xffffff7fa17ee58d
0xffffffa3cc5bb840 : 0xffffff7fa1c8a98e
0xffffffa3cc5bb890 : 0xffffff7fa1c589ab
0xffffffa3cc5bb8c0 : 0xffffff7fa1c5a0c2
0xffffffa3cc5bb8f0 : 0xffffff7fa1c5ad0c
0xffffffa3cc5bb910 : 0xffffff7fa1caf473
0xffffffa3cc5bb930 : 0xffffff7fa1c500a0
0xffffffa3cc5bb950 : 0xffffff7fa1bbff14
0xffffffa3cc5bb970 : 0xffffff7fa1ba8218
0xffffffa3cc5bb9b0 : 0xffffff7fa1b733e5
0xffffffa3cc5bb9f0 : 0xffffff7fa1b969bb
0xffffffa3cc5bba30 : 0xffffff7fa1b9b6fa
0xffffffa3cc5bba80 : 0xffffff7fa1b9cee9
0xffffffa3cc5bbac0 : 0xffffff8020e663fb
0xffffffa3cc5bbb10 : 0xffffff7fa1b9d0e2
0xffffffa3cc5bbb60 : 0xffffff8020e6f393
0xffffffa3cc5bbca0 : 0xffffff8020820b92
0xffffffa3cc5bbdb0 : 0xffffff802073f8b8
0xffffffa3cc5bbe10 : 0xffffff8020716545
0xffffffa3cc5bbe70 : 0xf
I installed the wx7100 but there's no backlight at all even though I have a dying light attached that I tested with a multi meter, shows up in system report, and I installed the drivers. Anyone know what I did wrong?
I installed the wx7100 but there's no backlight at all even though I have a dying light attached that I tested with a multi meter, shows up in system report, and I installed the drivers. Anyone know what I did wrong?View attachment 878108,
If it's showing up in USB then something is wrong with the PWM signal being delivered to the 6 pin "PCIe connector" here are the pictures that helped me.

Actually is it showing up in USB in system profiler?


  • PWM LOL.png
    PWM LOL.png
    2.9 MB · Views: 202
  • PWM-2.jpg
    35.7 KB · Views: 156
Hello, thanks to your help and support I was able to modify iMac 2011. I now have a boot screen, the GPU is working and I was so happy that I installed Catalina on a new disk and ... I have Kernel Panic :(
I changed graphics cards (I have two pieces) on each is the same. This happens when you wake up. iMac reboots and shows error and send to apple. Does anyone have that?

View attachment 878106

panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff7fa17e9306): NVRM[0/1:0:0]: Read Error 0x00070000: CFG 0x11e110de 0x00100000 0x00000000, BAR0 0xb0000000 0xffffffa3cc91b000 0x0e6210a1, D3, P0/3
Backtrace (CPU 0), Frame : Return Address
0xffffffa3cc5baed0 : 0xffffff8020739a3b
0xffffffa3cc5baf20 : 0xffffff8020870fe5
0xffffffa3cc5baf60 : 0xffffff8020862a5e
0xffffffa3cc5bafb0 : 0xffffff80206e0a40
0xffffffa3cc5bafd0 : 0xffffff8020739127
0xffffffa3cc5bb0d0 : 0xffffff802073950b
0xffffffa3cc5bb120 : 0xffffff8020ed17f9
0xffffffa3cc5bb190 : 0xffffff7fa17e9306
0xffffffa3cc5bb210 : 0xffffff7fa18b611b
0xffffffa3cc5bb270 : 0xffffff7fa3118dea
0xffffffa3cc5bb2c0 : 0xffffff7fa3118d13
0xffffffa3cc5bb300 : 0xffffff7fa17cfe11
0xffffffa3cc5bb3a0 : 0xffffff7fa18d0280
0xffffffa3cc5bb400 : 0xffffff7fa17b84b7
0xffffffa3cc5bb4a0 : 0xffffff7fa17b0370
0xffffffa3cc5bb500 : 0xffffff7fa17b03df
0xffffffa3cc5bb530 : 0xffffff7fa17adb72
0xffffffa3cc5bb5d0 : 0xffffff7fa17edb1c
0xffffffa3cc5bb750 : 0xffffff7fa17ee58d
0xffffffa3cc5bb840 : 0xffffff7fa1c8a98e
0xffffffa3cc5bb890 : 0xffffff7fa1c589ab
0xffffffa3cc5bb8c0 : 0xffffff7fa1c5a0c2
0xffffffa3cc5bb8f0 : 0xffffff7fa1c5ad0c
0xffffffa3cc5bb910 : 0xffffff7fa1caf473
0xffffffa3cc5bb930 : 0xffffff7fa1c500a0
0xffffffa3cc5bb950 : 0xffffff7fa1bbff14
0xffffffa3cc5bb970 : 0xffffff7fa1ba8218
0xffffffa3cc5bb9b0 : 0xffffff7fa1b733e5
0xffffffa3cc5bb9f0 : 0xffffff7fa1b969bb
0xffffffa3cc5bba30 : 0xffffff7fa1b9b6fa
0xffffffa3cc5bba80 : 0xffffff7fa1b9cee9
0xffffffa3cc5bbac0 : 0xffffff8020e663fb
0xffffffa3cc5bbb10 : 0xffffff7fa1b9d0e2
0xffffffa3cc5bbb60 : 0xffffff8020e6f393
0xffffffa3cc5bbca0 : 0xffffff8020820b92
0xffffffa3cc5bbdb0 : 0xffffff802073f8b8
0xffffffa3cc5bbe10 : 0xffffff8020716545
0xffffffa3cc5bbe70 : 0xf
You have to install my Kexts here using Hackintool to unlock the system partition. Then drag all Kext files onto Kext Utility.

Yeah the @dosdude1 Catalina patcher doesn't patch these files in the patcher for sleep.

Post here
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something is wrong with the PWM signal
That was it!
(sorry its sideways)
Everything is working. I don't know what to say to everyone here but a massive thanks for all the help, especially Dosdude1 and Nick!
Im going to go upgrade the drives and install Catalina now, if anyone needs help especially with the roms feel free to ask me as it was a bit tricky to get.
That was it!
View attachment 878130(sorry its sideways)
Everything is working. I don't know what to say to everyone here but a massive thanks for all the help, especially Dosdude1 and Nick!
Im going to go upgrade the drives and install Catalina now, if anyone needs help especially with the roms feel free to ask me as it was a bit tricky to get.
Are you using another ROM other than from @Ooze or @Nick [D]vB ? Just curious about bootscreens and proper boost mode.
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