need your help (and forgive my bad english).
i bought from Ebay two 2011 27" iMacs with defective 6790 GPUs and bought two Quadro K2100 2 GB (from HP).
I flashed the new GPUs firmware chips with an external programmer (using
@Nick [D]vB's file) and all went ok.
Assembled the first machine,
powered it up ok, with sound and apple logo on the sreen (i thought: wow, so simple... 😫; so i tried to install Catalina patched (i forgot to apply the Bootrom for APFS (i know about nothing about the "story" of these machines) but i think that it isn't the cause of my troubles..., i hope).
Installer started ok but after about 5-10 minutes,
in the middle of Catalina installation screen gone black and nothing more happened.
Now i can restart the iMac, hear the Booong sound but the screen stays black: checked the diagnostic leds on the MB and the fourth one doesn't light up.
So i tried with the second iMac: i installed the 2nd flashed k2100, started the machine, hear the Booong sound but this time no screen backlight, no logo, nothing: screen black too; and 4th diagnostic led off.
Now, on both machines, if i wait 20 seconds i can hear the left fan spinning very fast: but i am sure that all sensors are correctly connected to the MB.
I don't think that both k2100 cards are faulty (vendor claimed them were new; and the first one worked about ten minutes); and them are well installed.
So, now, the actual situation is: both iMacs start with the usual sound but screen black and fourth diagnostic led off. Afer 20 sec left fan start spinning fast.
Any help?