check out this guide how do I get around this on IMac mid 2011 everything was good and now this come on everytime I boot Windows
I don't think thats one of the cards supported on the list. Have you looked at page one, post one for the list of supported cards?I found the new card 1050ti,N17P-G1-A1 with vbios,how can use it?
Have you looked it up on the list of supported cards on page one, post one?I failed with GTX 870M and now I want to make sure if my next buy will work or not with my 27 imac. it's 680M 2G. This will work, right?
View attachment 1771314
Yes, I did. 680M is updated recently. But the color of PCBA is different from the one in the post so I wanted to double check.Have you looked it up on the list of supported cards on page one, post one?
Hi, thanks for you great work.** NVIDIA Quadro K3100M Mac Edition ROM **
Genuine Native Boot Screen & Brightness Control
View attachment 942193
Pre-installation Requirements:
- iMac12,2 (27-inch Mid 2011) Mac-942B59F58194171B (Tested machine)
- BootROM:
. Please use High Sierra to update your BootROM to latest version.
- GPU Variant: N15E-Q1-A2
- Hynix GDDR5 Die Generation variants
View attachment 1687878
H5GQ2H24AFR - Hynix 1st Generation die - VDD 1.5V, use K3100M_AFR.rom
H5GC2H24BFR - Hynix 2nd Generation die - VDD 1.35V, use K3100M_BFR.rom
H5GQ2H24BFR - Hynix 2nd Generation die - VDD 1.5V, use K3100M_BFR.rom
known working cards:
Dell K3100M vbios: 80.04.B0.00.0A
HP K3100M vbios: 80.04.CD.00.0A. PN: 744354-001
This ROM does not require a 3rd party bootloader like OpenCore.
This ROM is build on the same principles as my K4100M. Unfortunately, the color-pixel bug is still present. But I am working on it. The brightness will need to be adjusted via a kext as previous. I have a feeling that the native brightness dimness is also inline with the same generic driver bug previously mentioned. The rom has a modest clock table boost as well.
Post-installation Requirements:
Brightness Control Stepping Mod:
-Turn computer on, hold down Command(⌘)-R
-Choose Utilities > Terminal
-Enter:csrutil disable
-MacOS Catalina: requires you to make root writeable:sudo mount -uw /
-Download and open 'Kext Utility v2.6.6'
-Navigate to S/L/E (System/Library/Extensions)
-Copy "AppleBacklight.kext" to Desktop
-Scroll down to:IOKitPersonalities > AppleIntelPanelA > ApplePanels
-There you find several Apple LCD profiles.
-For the iMac 2011 27" machine locate:
Code:<key>F10Ta007</key> <data> ABEABgALABQAHAAnADMAPwBOAFwAZwBzAIEAkQClAL8A2wD/ </data>
-Change the <data> section to:
-Drag your modded kext into Kext Utility, allow it correct permissions
-"Applebacklight.kext.bak" folder will be created
The above data pattern will allow for a wider span of steppings for the brightness control and utilizes more of the capacity of the HD3000. If you have a different machine, your panel ID can be found by going toSystem Preferences > Displays > Color > Open Profile > mmod
Caveats post-install/Bugs:
-16bit resolution glitch of UGA_DRAW_PROTOCOL - temporary solution: activate a sleep cycle and return, this should now clear the issue.
warning: please remember this is a WSON based card. You will be unable to recover from a bad flash with clip.
View attachment 939736 View attachment 939740
"insanely great!"
-Steve Jobs
01-27-2021 BFR-mem:1800Mhz; TDP:849.5Mhz, Rom Ver:31.6B.32.37.B1
12-07-2020 TDP/3D/Boost adjusted for both ROMs
12-06-2020 new roms for Hynix AFR and Hynix BFR based vRAMs should fix white/black screen issue
10-04-2020 working on Catalina 10.15.7, HP PN:744354-001 @GButorin
08-04-2020 working on Sierra 10.12.6 @Ausdauersportler
Wait let me get my crystal ball.Hi, thanks for you great work.
I've just flashed K3100m with AFR rom and my iMac (27" 2011) have still black screen with boot loop. What can I do? Could you help me, please?
Read the first post. This is the MOST common problem.Hi, thanks for you great work.
I've just flashed K3100m with AFR rom and my iMac (27" 2011) have still black screen with boot loop. What can I do? Could you help me, please?
Check diagnostic LEDsHi, thanks for you great work.
I've just flashed K3100m with AFR rom and my iMac (27" 2011) have still black screen with boot loop. What can I do? Could you help me, please?
Mac1-AirPlay poll using Big Sur
Thanks for reply. My GPU: Nvidia quadro K3100m (from dell gaming laptop, Hynix GDDR5 H5GQ2H24AFR, original bios ver: 80.04. E8. 00. 1C.)Wait let me get my crystal ball.
Do you mind explaining all the steps you have done including more information about your GPU, IE: card manufacturers, vram type.
Yes, as we all know on the iMac12,x OCLP disables then iGPU so you cannot get it working to support the encoding. Your only option is currently to boot HS without OC(LP) to have this working, again.Mac1-
iMac12,2, 770m, BCM94360CD, OC v0.5.7, Catalina 10.15.7, yes ATV3 & ATV4k
iMac12,2, 770m, BCM94360CD, Stock HS 10.13.6, yes ATV3 & ATV4k
iMac12,2, 770m, BCM94360CD, OC v0.5.7, HS 10.13.6, yes ATV3 & ATV4k
iMac12,2, K3100m, Atheros, OCLP 0.1.1 Light, BigSur 11.3, no neither ATV3 or 4K found
iMac12,2, K3100m, Atheros, OCLP 0.1.1 Light, HS 10.13.6, Audio only on ATV3 & 4K, cannot get mirroring options to display icon to show in the menu bar?
Did you try K3100M_V4.rom?Thanks for reply. My GPU: Nvidia quadro K3100m (from dell gaming laptop, Hynix GDDR5 H5GQ2H24AFR, original bios ver: 80.04. E8. 00. 1C.)
Hi, thanks for reply. I've checked, all 4 LED's lights.Check diagnostic LEDs
nvflash rejects v4 rom for my card.Did you try K3100M_V4.rom?
Is it a constant boot chime or after loading halfway boot looping back to chime?
You still haven't explained in full your process and symptoms.
Yes, nvflash rejects v4 rom for my card. Yes, I've made heat sink modification.Again I ask did you try K3100M_V4 rom?
Did you perform 3 pipe heat sink modification?
I'm interested in the 780M and wondering how to message you.I have a working, flashed 780M for sale if anyone's interested. I've upgraded to the WX7100 and have no use for the 780M now.
PM me if interested.
I suggest you test the card in the Dell laptop. Flash back the original bios you saved first.Yes, nvflash rejects v4 rom for my card. Yes, I've made modification of heat sink.
Click on @Terros name and start conversation.I'm interested in the 780M and wondering how to message you.
Ok, thanks.I suggest you test the card in the Dell laptop. Flash back the original bios you saved first.
I have a working, flashed 780M for sale if anyone's interested. I've upgraded to the WX7100 and have no use for the 780M now.
PM me if interested.
Thanks, I'm new here and think that a minimum number of posts are required before I can send a PM.Click on @Terros name and start conversation.
Most of the time when I have encountered constant boot chime it has been caused by a shorted or dead gpu.Ok, thanks.
Unfortunately I only bought a graphics card from a vendor who used this card in a dell laptop.
I'm at a loss here and would like to seek your advices on what I may try before concluding the worst case scenario that my graphic signals couldn't reach the internal LCD because of hardware problem:
My setup: iMac 27"2010 with K1100m
Vbios flashed. High Sierra with OCLP 0.1.1. The OCLP is booted from SD card.
Test run perfectly with external monitor only.
When switching to the internal monitor, it would remain black (LCD backlight is triggered and on)
When connecting both monitors, both remained black during boot. I had to blindly select the High Sierra disk. They both remained black until log-in screen was displayed on external monitor.
On system report, the internal monitor was still recognized. (screenshot attached)
I have already added boot-arg agdpmod=vit9696 to the OCLP config.plist
Tomorrow I will try to re-install the WX4150 to isolate the issue and report here.
I'm also thinking of re-install the OS but it seems not relevant much at first thought.