Hi Guys,
Been following this thread a few months, I think I've read up most of it (although 600 pages is a lot, I hope to have covered the most important posts!), and just like to confirm whether the W7170M is still NOT a fully working card... as per post #4,204, it may seem to work somewhat, but after seeing over the years of posts that the marvelous work on here has gone from quite a few hardware mods and chip flashing to mostly software solutions, be it thru OC or LinuxUSB, I still have a small hope that possibly some more cards could eventually be supported (sometime soon😜)...?
So I bought what was supposed to be a 109-C95847-00C-02*, but, as seems to be common (and curiously this happened from IT card shop, same as from post above), I actually got a 109-C769A1-00B_02 - here is where I am still confused, although I prefer to trust more in the info on this site, and would say that this is not a WX7100, as it seems not to have either the correct BootROM chip, nor the treasured Ellesmore written on the card, so I am wondering whether to bother even trying to install this, or just send it back and get a refund from the shop...
I used to work at an Apple SAT, so am totally used to working inside these machines, and have a good control software wise, enough to understand and follow flashing and hackintosh instructions (have a LattePanda Alpha with a RX vega64 over a x4 PCIe connector🤔, I know, total overkill and will never take full advantage of this card (just had to take advantage of a great deal), but this little home gaming setup started out with a GTX1070 (still a bit of overkill, but came from a mining rig at a really good price), and the (long-term) idea is to have this card in a better hackintosh rig later on, when money permits (did I say looong-term!?!), anyway, works very nicely with OC, and previously with Clover ;-)
So this iMac is my home unit, kind of professional use, my need actually comes from Fusion360 is no longer being updated for High Sierra, so anything I edit on my MBP 2014 (Catalina) I can no longer open on the iMac, quite annoying!! Also, after seeing that could get true 4K thru DP, I could finally take full advantage of a 4K screen I have hooked up but only can drive to 2560x1600🤦♂️, if any of the pros here think it is worthwhile to try and get this card working to do some tests, I am willing to help and try out - I am sure I can easily put back the HD6970 if things do not work out, but would like to try this if there is some remote, but reasonable, possiblity of success... these days it seems very difficult to get hold of an AMD card from the list in post #1!!
*these days a 109-C95847-00C-02 seems to be a W7170M in most places on Aliexpress, but not all, and searching for a WX7100 will show cards marked with 109-C769A1-00B_02 as well, so it is getting quite difficult to know what exactly each place is actually selling - and if one searches for 109-C769A1-00B_02, then get W7170M - there seem to be an incredible amount of W7170Ms around even in the WX7100 shops - it would be great if we could use them for our iMacs!!