Hi all,
Haven't been here for a while, however have done several successful GPU swaps in the meantime. Thank you again for this great source of knowledge and everybody's experience.
Yesterday a friend brought me his 21.5 iMac 2011 i5 with failed Radeon. Swapped with flashed k1100m and to my surprise - there is no brightness control!
Tests I have done:
- another k1100m,
- High Sierra with old OC (brightness available on the same HDD moved to 21.5 2010),
- BigSur with OCLP (brightness available on the same HDD moved to 21.5 2010),
- during the OS booting the screen deems a bit (that was usually the sign that modified kexts got loaded I guess...),
- the screen is reported by BigSur as LCD, main, active, brightness auto: yes, connection type: internal
- when I move the same HDD to 21.5 2010, BiGSur reports the screen in the other iMac in the same way, but the brightness slider is available.
The back of the LCD of this 2011 looks like definitely been serviced by someone (probably dust removal). Unfortunately I have no other 2011 21.5 LCD to swap and test (the one from 2010 has different LVDS connector even though they look the same at a first glance).
Unfortunately I have no working Radeon around to do the test with it. I'll try to reflow that dead one and if I can resurrect it at least for a while, I'll do the test and post the results.
In the meantime - do you have any clues where to look for the source of the problem or what to test (AppleBacklightFixup plist modification?). I have reread the #1 post, but have not gone through all latest couple hundred pages - maybe someone has already reported similar issue?
Thank you in advance.