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The first post of this thread is a WikiPost and can be edited by anyone with the appropiate permissions. Your edits will be public.
According to, the FirePro m5100 is mxm-a therefore it would fit in my mac. The power withdraw is unknown though. While I was exploring the website, I found that the AMD FirePro w5170m has a base clock speed of 900MHz while the m5100 only has a 750MHz base clock speed. The AMD FirePro w5170m is also an mxm-a card this card can also fit into my mac. The card doesn't need external power for it to function, and the card is also a year newer. They go for about 80-85$ so price to performance is pretty good there.

You want cheap GPUs?
Get the M5950m (<40$), solder in an EEFROM chip (2$) and flash the vBIOS of 6770m 1GB you will find in this thread.
Another (still) cheap one is K610m. (40~46$ preflashed)
For 80~85$, you can already buy K100m or K2100m, of which vBIOS is ready made.
I was reviewing which one out of the w5170m or m5100 and the m5100 is like 35$ for similar performance to the w5170m which is 80$. I think I know which one to get.
You want cheap GPUs?
Get the M5950m (<40$), solder in an EEFROM chip (2$) and flash the vBIOS of 6770m 1GB you will find in this thread.
Another (still) cheap one is K610m. (40~46$ preflashed)
For 80~85$, you can already buy K100m or K2100m, of which vBIOS is ready made.
I want to play some games on my mac and I don't have all the money in the world. Like I said I can get great performance on a card that is only 35$.
I was reviewing which one out of the w5170m or m5100 and the m5100 is like 35$ for similar performance to the w5170m which is 80$. I think I know which one to get.

I want to play some games on my mac and I don't have all the money in the world. Like I said I can get great performance on a card that is only 35$.

If you don't have all the money in the world, then the appropriate advice will be: delay your gaming, work and save some money for a better card. Then play game. It's easy like that.
I can work here as a delivery boy and earn about 20~25$/day. Busting my ass for a week, I can save at least 100$ to pursuit my dream of gaming on my iMac.
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I found a k2100m for 60$. If I can run Minecraft at 60fps on that I would be happy. If I also can find an i7 2600s to put in my mac then I should be good to go for a year or two. Lastly I plan to add 4 more gb of ram to boost it up to 16 gb. That should be good for anything. Anyways thanks for the help.
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Upd2. Do not flash that rom. It bricking gpu

I have made a new "final" build of WX4150! Check it and test.
I think it should support Apple BootScreen.
Also it should (possibly) fix sleep issue.

Report of success or failure.

WARNING: That is testing build, it can brick GPU, so be ready to recover it with programmer!

Waiting for testers :)

NEBULA_WX4150+AppleGOP+iMac.rom and later research (aka manual) will be stored here:

Upg1. iMac 2009 is bricking with this build.


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I found a k2100m for 60$. If I can run Minecraft at 60fps on that I would be happy. If I also can find an i7 2600s to put in my mac then I should be good to go for a year or two. Lastly I plan to add 4 more gb of ram to boost it up to 16 gb. That should be good for anything. Anyways thanks for the help.
you should be able to run Minecraft pretty good with a k2100m and i7 2600s. I got a friend with same specs and he plays Minecraft on Catalina without complains. If you want me to ask him anything about performance let me know.
@Tom.Tom Yes, I get a slider and theoretically goes to 100%, but the actual brightness is way less than that. I was just comparing it side by side to another 2009 27" Imac, and it looks more like 50-60% of the original level.
I was having this problem after updating the OC on my EFI partition because Hackintool proposed to do so. After rolling back to OC coming with OCLP it was good again.

Still suffering Sleep Issues on my side. It will not react on mouse and keyboard for wake. When pressing the power button it turn on the fans but no screen and also keyboard not working…

can this be related to the missing WiFi card? I don’t have it installed yet but i doubt it should cause a problem. I will try another SSD as next…
I have made a new "final" build of WX4150! Check it and test.
I think it should support Apple BootScreen.
Also it should (possibly) fix sleep issue.

Report of success or failure.

WARNING: That is testing build, it can brick GPU, so be ready to recover it with programmer!

Waiting for testers :)

NEBULA_WX4150+AppleGOP+iMac.rom and later research (aka manual) will be stored here:

Upg1. iMac 2009 is bricking with this build.
There's more than just a GOP driver needed for the Apple EFI applications. Some other protocols need to be implemented as well. The firmware seems to at least automatically add something that appears to be a GOP to UGA bridge driver, but unlike in the older MacPros and like in the newer ones something more is still missing.
I tried adding the GOP to UGA bridge driver from OpenCore but did not get anywhere yet - but bricking the iMac is indeed very easy and annoying; I then short circuit two pins of the EEPROM using a small screw driver while turning on the machine until it has booted into the Linux boot stick, but that's somewhat dangerous for the hardware.
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I finally flashed my iMac Late 2009 27" in High Sierra.


Screen Shot 2021-08-15 at 12.53.23 PM.png

Here is my story on this quest:

I'm not planning to move to other OSX (Maybe in the future) but right now I'm fine with High Sierra.


- Model Identifier: iMac11,1 (27" Late 2009 - Mac-F2268DAE)
- Boot ROM Version: (Run Software Update in your iMac to update it, use High Sierra)
- SMC Version (system): 1.54f36


I purchased a K3100M with 3 pipes heatsink (I forgot to take a photo but is the same RAM posted by Nikey22):


- Hynix GDDR5 Die Generation variants
- GPU Variant: N15E-Q1-A2


- Download the Linux Live USB, follow the instructions and create a bootable USB or SD card / Thanks to Xanderon & The_Croupier

- Disable SIP (System Integrity Protection):

- Turn computer on, hold down Command (⌘)-R
- Choose Utilities > Terminal
- Enter: csrutil disable

Unfortunately my iMac got stuck looking for my Bluetooth mouse and keyboard. (You may have this issue).
I had to use my wired keyboard and mouse.

- Removed my old, glitchy ATI Radeon HD 4850 (thanks for all the years in service) with the 2 pipe heatsink.

- Install the K3100M with the 3 pipe heatsink, disconnect your SSD/HDD and take the Wifi antenna (cable).

- Connect your iMac to your router LAN (Ethernet cable), find you iMac IP. This depends on your router settings. I believe is usually where you can find the router settings. Check your router instructions.

- Connect the Linux Live Bootable USB / SD Card, wait until it loads (you can check this on your external monitor).

I got a black screen on the LCD (that's normal) but I connected an external monitor to the iMac to check the video was working and it was working.

XX@XXX-MacBook-Air ~ % ssh root@
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:WmC8wP3Jn3YIMrCgSAmNYc2M1wq0wI36S0rKp88noVo.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
root@'s password:
Linux grml 4.19.0-1-grml-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.19.8-1+grml.1 (2018-12-11) x86_64
Grml - Linux for geeks

root@grml ~ # lsblk
loop0    7:0    0 259.9M  1 loop /lib/live/mount/rootfs/grml64-small.squashfs
sda      8:0    0 465.8G  0 disk
├─sda1   8:1    0   200M  0 part
└─sda2   8:2    0 465.6G  0 part
sdb      8:16   0 931.5G  0 disk
├─sdb1   8:17   0   200M  0 part
└─sdb2   8:18   0 931.3G  0 part
sdd      8:48   1  14.9G  0 disk
├─sdd1   8:49   1   200M  0 part
└─sdd2   8:50   1  14.7G  0 part /lib/live/mount/persistence/sdd2
root@grml ~ # /lib/live/mount/persistence/sdd2
root@grml /lib/live/mount/persistence/sdd2 # cd /lib/live/mount/persistence/sdd2/flash
root@grml /lib/live/mount/persistence/sdd2/flash # ls
AMD  Backups  GTX  QUADRO  README  amdvbflash  nvflash_linux
root@grml /lib/live/mount/persistence/sdd2/flash # ./nvflash_linux -6 QUADRO/K3100M_BFR.rom  

NVIDIA Firmware Update Utility (Version 5.414.0)
Simplified Version For OEM Only
Checking for matches between display adapter(s) and image(s)...

Adapter: Quadro K3100M        (10DE,11B6,10DE,1022) H:--:NRM  S:00,B:01,D:00,F:00

WARNING: Firmware image PCI Subsystem ID (1028.15CD)
  does not match adapter PCI Subsystem ID (10DE.1022).

Please press 'y' to confirm override of PCI Subsystem ID's:  y
Overriding PCI subsystem ID mismatch
Current      - Version:31.6B.32.37.04 ID:10DE:11B6:10DE:1022
               NVIDIA Quadro K3100M by nikey22 (Normal Board)
Replace with - Version:FE.ED.0A.C0.DE ID:10DE:11B6:1028:15CD
               NVIDIA Quadro K3100M by nikey22 (Normal Board)

Update display adapter firmware?
Press 'y' to confirm (any other key to abort):  y
Identifying EEPROM...
EEPROM ID (C2,2012) : MX MX25L2005 2.7-3.6V 2048Kx1S, page
Storing updated firmware image...
Verifying update...
Update successful.

Firmware image has been updated from version 31.6B.32.37.04 to FE.ED.0A.C0.DE.

A reboot is required for the update to take effect.
./nvflash_linux -6 QUADRO/K3100M_BFR.rom  25.19s user 2.51s system 79% cpu 34.861 total
root@grml /lib/live/mount/persistence/sdd2/flash # shutdown now
Connection to closed by remote host.
Connection to closed.
XX@XXX-MacBook-Air ~ %

This is a modified code, just replaced the AFR, for BFR.

- In case you choose a different/not working/by mistake rom you can remove your host typing:

rm ~/.ssh/known_hosts

And start again flashing with the right rom. This is only in case you made a mistake or installed a different/not working rom.

- You may get a black screen (Chicken or Egg Dilemma With NVidia and Late iMac 2009) you can see everything is fine with the external monitor / Thanks Ausdauersportler

- Use the Sierra & High Sierra Package Installer and install it with an external monitor and restart the iMac / Thanks Ausdauersportler

Would like to thanks all the mods, developers. Thanks also to Nguyen Duc Hieu for the help.


- When the iMac goes to sleep, sometimes doesn't wake up and have to restart.

If someone has some more info or I missed something please feel free to comment. Thanks!!!


  • Screen Shot 2021-08-14 at 11.35.50 AM.png
    Screen Shot 2021-08-14 at 11.35.50 AM.png
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The cards @THeKiNGs mentioned (K610M, K1x00M, K2x00M) with the Mid 2011 all need OpenCore to enable brightness control. So one would add a solution not needing OpenCore just to install the very same OpenCore in the next step?

We need to have a definition of a proper analysis of a problem, too.
Brightness control is not something you can't live, but with a black screen when lets say hard drive fail, or efi partition gets corrupted and you lose the OC.
I just say is still a good option to patch main BIOS adding a simple driver if we cannot fix the VBIOS, and since we patch the BIOS adding a driver is very easy to fix the DSDT and have also brightness control or windows uefi...
This is why we made Ozmosis back on the hackint0sh days to be part of main BIOS as a driver and not be loaded like OC is still done, yeah I know there are plans to integrate it.
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Reactions: Ausdauersportler
I've got such a card and it's working in such an iMac. It needs a higher capacity VBIOS EEPROM so the VBIOS with EFI driver can be flashed to it.
which eeprom? i have a programmer and tools to do it so thats not an issue, just need to know what eeprom and im good to go
There's more than just a GOP driver needed for the Apple EFI applications. Some other protocols need to be implemented as well. The firmware seems to at least automatically add something that appears to be a GOP to UGA bridge driver, but unlike in the older MacPros and like in the newer ones something more is still missing.
I tried adding the GOP to UGA bridge driver from OpenCore but did not get anywhere yet - but bricking the iMac is indeed very easy and annoying; I then short circuit two pins of the EEPROM using a small screw driver while turning on the machine until it has booted into the Linux boot stick, but that's somewhat dangerous for the hardware.
I will take a break from that project! Thanks for help and support!

To finish that, we need bios iMac expert, who knows that like a favorite book..
which eeprom? i have a programmer and tools to do it so thats not an issue, just need to know what eeprom and im good to go
It's the 8 pin chip on the upper left of the first photo in the following post (click on the name of the original poster to get to the original post):
Looking for help moving the circuit, before looking at the forum someone shared a Dell Red PCB HD6770M replacement 128k capacity EEPROM to write a modified Dell HP VBiOS support iMac. i myself also have a Dell Red PCB HD6770M can work fine on iMac 2011 21.5 2011 27.

I recently acquired 10 HP M5950 cheaply, the pcb color has two kinds of blue and green compared to the Dell red PCB front missing EEPROM to make up for themselves, the back circuit has a difference part of the empty solder.

I'm pretty sure there is no problem soldering EEPROM, soldered 6 sheets are the same result can not read from the EEPROM to identify the correct VBiOS information written VBiOS written a different Dell HD6770M forum modified Dell HP iMac M5950 6770M are the same. It is blank in any case.

EEPROM is to purchase dozens of brand new Huabang 256kb capacity actual written VBiOS information is 128kb.

These M5950M 6770M are HP 8560W 8760W tested to determine that the graphics card is normal workmanship without any problems. In the PC PCIE adapter MXM development debug card test graphics card can also work properly run scores also no problem. gpu-z view VBiOS information is blank did not correctly read the various tests written by CH341A VBiOS information.

Translated with (free version)
i meant more of what do i replace it with or can i just desolder it and flash it?
There was one VBIOS image uploaded to this thread, attached to the following post:
Will do mate, I'll try and get something over to you for tomorrow evening. Thanks again.

Yes, they did, and yes, there is... ;)

This version has an older EFI, but should work better on the 27".
This post and the other posts around it explains somewhat more:
Those M5950 cards work really well, but don't use the Apple vbios. What they’ve done here is take the HP / Dell vBios and bolt the Apple 6770 EFI onto the end, by some miracle it matches the Hydrilla frame-buffer almost perfectly. Bootscreen, brightness & both DP outputs work, apart from the GPU temp sensor the only other thing that doesn’t is legacy windows / bootcamp (LCD just stays black, unless you do a back-light mod).

You’ll notice they had to solder on a larger 128KB EEPROM. I think I’ve mentioned this before, but to avoid doing that you can just inject the EFI part into the iMac’s bootrom using UEFITool, in the same way as my bootrom mod. You can actually do something similar with the FirePro M5800 (5670M), but the EFI needs a few more tweaks to get them working properly in MacOS. I have the patched files somewhere so can post them if anyone’s interested?

Thanks, I’ll have a think and put some test vbios together to try and pin down what’s going on with the brightness control. It would be good if you can set up dual-boot because we’ll need to flash in Windows then test in MacOS. Most changes should be pretty safe, but if I really cock something up you can always recover the card using the clip, I’d test read / writing the EEPROM with that first just to be safe. I’ll try and drop you a PM with the files in the next few days. Thanks again!
The flashing itself can be performed using a programmer before soldering the higher capacity EEPROM onto the board, or using the methods described in post 1 of this thread.
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Reactions: Ausdauersportler
There was one VBIOS image uploaded to this thread, attached to the following post:

This post and the other posts around it explains somewhat more:

The flashing itself can be performed using a programmer before soldering the higher capacity EEPROM onto the board, or using the methods described in post 1 of this thread.
okay but what eeprom do i use? got a model number?
Thank you to all who have kept this running. I sent the old K3100M card back received a new one and after a lengthy SSD upgrade, have Big Sur 11.5.2 up and running. I ran across a problem running OCLP patch after install. I lost the menu bar. I cloned the drive and had to reload Big Sur and and this time I did not turn the patch and all looks good. Any reason why the menu bar would go away? Thanks for any assist
Can you install Catalina or BigSur without OCLP?
You can try to plug a BigSur pre-installed SSD to the iMac to see if it can get you to Desktop or not.
Thanks for answer
I Very Newbie , I Have Imac 27 2011 and installed Catalina with DosDude ,work fine, but my card 765m without brightness , i see post that I have install OCLP and brightness works ,but i don't know where to start .
Thanks for answer
I Very Newbie , I Have Imac 27 2011 and installed Catalina with DosDude ,work fine, but my card 765m without brightness , i see post that I have install OCLP and brightness works ,but i don't know where to start .
Converting DosDude Catalina to OCLP Catalina is troublesome.
You'd better do a fresh install on a new SSD. Remember to back-up personal data first.
1. On DosDude1 Catalina, use OCLP TUI and create an OCLP USB.
2. Make a USB installer of Catalina or BigSur.
3. Use Opencore Configurator and adjust the boot menu selecting time to 25~30s (Google on how to use the OpenCore Configurator)
3. Now turn-off the machine and remove the Dosdude1 SSD. Install a blank SSD.
4. Boot-up the machine with only OCLP USB. Wait until it display the menu
5. Turn off the machine, plug-in the USB installer.
6. Turn it on again, now you can select the USB installer from the Opencore boot menu.
There is a key combination to plug-in the USB installer without turning off the machine in step 5&6 above, but I don't remember.
More info. can be found here:

After a High Sierra fresh install, I'm having issues with Sleep Wake Failure.

Didn't install AppleGraphicsControl (AGC), since it boot without problem. Do I need to install it to fix this?

Goes to sleep and suddenly reboot.

Hope someone can help me, Thanks in advance.

Here's the code:

Date/Time: 2021-08-15 21:49:14 -0600
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.13.6 (Build 17G14042)
Architecture: x86_64
Report Version: 26

Data Source: Stackshots

Event: Sleep Wake Failure
Duration: 0.07s
Steps: 7

Hardware model: iMac11,1
Active cpus: 4

Time Awake Since Boot: 6300s

Process: accountsd [274]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 48.87 MB

Binary Images:

Process: adid [212]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 8484 KB

Binary Images:

Process: AirPlayUIAgent [420]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 19.45 MB

Binary Images:

Process: AirPlayXPCHelper [98]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 16.77 MB

Binary Images:

Process: airportd [202]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 13.84 MB

Thread 0x53f 1 sample (1) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested default, ipc override default), thread darwinbg, process darwinbg, IO tier 2>
1 <truncated backtrace> 1
*1 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 120390) [0xffffff800021d646] 1
*1 unix_syscall64 + 616 (kernel + 6301720) [0xffffff8000802818] 1
*1 read_nocancel + 115 (kernel + 5523027) [0xffffff8000744653] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 5523637) [0xffffff80007448b5] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 2874380) [0xffffff80004bdc0c] 1
*1 VNOP_READ + 106 (kernel + 2931194) [0xffffff80004cb9fa] 1
*1 spec_read + 667 (kernel + 2973483) [0xffffff80004d5f2b] 1
*1 cdev_read + 379 (IO80211Family + 447212) [0xffffff7f824492ec] 1
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 546063) [0xffffff800028550f] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 550218) [0xffffff800028654a] 1
*1 machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 1580685) [0xffffff8000381e8d] 1

Thread 0x66f 1 sample (1) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested default, ipc override default), thread darwinbg, process darwinbg, IO tier 2>
1 <truncated backtrace> 1
*1 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 120390) [0xffffff800021d646] 1
*1 unix_syscall64 + 616 (kernel + 6301720) [0xffffff8000802818] 1
*1 read_nocancel + 115 (kernel + 5523027) [0xffffff8000744653] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 5523637) [0xffffff80007448b5] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 2874380) [0xffffff80004bdc0c] 1
*1 VNOP_READ + 106 (kernel + 2931194) [0xffffff80004cb9fa] 1
*1 spec_read + 667 (kernel + 2973483) [0xffffff80004d5f2b] 1
*1 cdev_read + 379 (IO80211Family + 447212) [0xffffff7f824492ec] 1
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 546063) [0xffffff800028550f] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 550218) [0xffffff800028654a] 1
*1 machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 1580685) [0xffffff8000381e8d] 1

Thread 0x67a 1 sample (1) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested default, ipc override default), thread darwinbg, process darwinbg, IO tier 2>
1 <truncated backtrace> 1
*1 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 120390) [0xffffff800021d646] 1
*1 unix_syscall64 + 616 (kernel + 6301720) [0xffffff8000802818] 1
*1 read_nocancel + 115 (kernel + 5523027) [0xffffff8000744653] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 5523637) [0xffffff80007448b5] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 2874380) [0xffffff80004bdc0c] 1
*1 VNOP_READ + 106 (kernel + 2931194) [0xffffff80004cb9fa] 1
*1 spec_read + 667 (kernel + 2973483) [0xffffff80004d5f2b] 1
*1 cdev_read + 379 (IO80211Family + 447212) [0xffffff7f824492ec] 1
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 546063) [0xffffff800028550f] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 550218) [0xffffff800028654a] 1
*1 machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 1580685) [0xffffff8000381e8d] 1

Binary Images:
*0xffffff7f823dc000 - 0xffffff7f8248bfff 12.0 (1200.12.2) <68C94514-CB05-36E8-BC7B-9C3C19A7C65F> /System/Library/Extensions/IO80211Family.kext/Contents/MacOS/IO80211Family
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (4570.71.82.8) <5E83A13A-32F5-3604-8591-50E2F2F70DC6> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel

Process: akd [210]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 7788 KB

Binary Images:

Process: akd [291]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 22.12 MB

Binary Images:

Process: amfid [99]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 26.94 MB

Binary Images:

Process: analyticsd [193]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 9116 KB

Binary Images:

Process: apfsd [163]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 5156 KB

Binary Images:

Process: APFSUserAgent [305]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 5304 KB

Binary Images:

Process: appleeventsd [52]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 8272 KB

Binary Images:

Process: AppleSpell [444]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 61.19 MB

Binary Images:

Process: apsd [77]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 25.91 MB

Binary Images:

Process: askpermissiond [268]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 13.28 MB

Binary Images:

Process: aslmanager [106]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 4992 KB

Binary Images:

Process: AssetCache [464]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 12.39 MB

Binary Images:

Process: AssetCacheLocatorService [463]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 9520 KB

Binary Images:

Process: AssetCacheLocatorService [4089]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 9600 KB

Binary Images:

Process: assistant_service [356]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 19.16 MB

Binary Images:

Process: assistantd [265]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 36.88 MB

Binary Images:

Process: AudioComponentRegistrar [223]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 7564 KB

Binary Images:

Process: AudioComponentRegistrar [354]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 9352 KB

Binary Images:

Process: authd [104]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 11.19 MB

Thread 0x324 1 sample (1) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested default), thread darwinbg, process darwinbg, IO tier 2>
1 <truncated backtrace> 1
*1 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 120390) [0xffffff800021d646] 1
*1 unix_syscall64 + 616 (kernel + 6301720) [0xffffff8000802818] 1
*1 read_nocancel + 115 (kernel + 5523027) [0xffffff8000744653] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 5523637) [0xffffff80007448b5] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 2874380) [0xffffff80004bdc0c] 1
*1 VNOP_READ + 106 (kernel + 2931194) [0xffffff80004cb9fa] 1
*1 spec_read + 667 (kernel + 2973483) [0xffffff80004d5f2b] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 5057604) [0xffffff80006d2c44] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 5426694) [0xffffff800072ce06] 1
*1 lck_mtx_sleep + 126 (kernel + 500174) [0xffffff800027a1ce] 1
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 546063) [0xffffff800028550f] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 550218) [0xffffff800028654a] 1
*1 machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 1580685) [0xffffff8000381e8d] 1

Binary Images:
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (4570.71.82.8) <5E83A13A-32F5-3604-8591-50E2F2F70DC6> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel

Process: autofsd [85]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 5012 KB

Binary Images:

Process: avconferenced [4420]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 22.86 MB

Binary Images:

Process: awdd [192]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 9356 KB

Binary Images:

Process: backgroundtaskmanagementagent [425]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 7216 KB

Binary Images:

Process: backupd-helper [72]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 25.86 MB

Binary Images:

Process: bird [275]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 21.20 MB

Binary Images:

Process: bluetoothd [541]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 12.59 MB

Binary Images:

Process: bootinstalld [237]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 10.16 MB

Binary Images:

Process: cacheAssistant [4464]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 9568 KB

Binary Images:

Process: CalendarAgent [301]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 47.66 MB

Binary Images:

Process: CallHistoryPluginHelper [406]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 20.64 MB

Binary Images:

Process: CallHistorySyncHelper [266]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 23.20 MB

Binary Images:

Process: callservicesd [324]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 39.80 MB

Binary Images:

Process: CalNCService [307]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 30.58 MB

Binary Images:

Process: captiveagent [285]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 7188 KB

Binary Images:

Process: cdpd [318]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 11.78 MB

Binary Images:

Process: cfprefsd [102]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 3440 KB

Binary Images:

Process: cfprefsd [256]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 3408 KB

Binary Images:

Process: cfprefsd [315]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 1584 KB

Binary Images:

Process: ckkeyrolld [410]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 15.46 MB

Binary Images:

Process: cloudd [276]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 37.44 MB

Binary Images:

Process: CloudKeychainProxy [282]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 9108 KB

Binary Images:

Process: cloudpaird [421]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 18.67 MB

Binary Images:

Process: cloudphotosd [311]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 41.39 MB

Binary Images:

Process: CMFSyncAgent [338]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 6400 KB

Binary Images:

Process: colorsync.displayservices [226]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 5700 KB

Binary Images:

Process: colorsync.useragent [4383]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 5820 KB

Binary Images:

Process: colorsyncd [233]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 5792 KB

Binary Images:

Process: [4045]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 4996 KB

Binary Images:

Process: [246]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 4736 KB

Binary Images:

Process: [306]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 10160 KB

Binary Images:

Process: [403]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 4440 KB

Binary Images:

Process: [128]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 6836 KB

Binary Images:

Process: [225]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 8584 KB

Binary Images:

Process: [336]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 8548 KB

Binary Images:

Process: [375]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 8580 KB

Binary Images:

Process: [4070]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 8560 KB

Binary Images:

Process: [4272]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 8544 KB

Binary Images:

Process: [366]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 21.18 MB

Binary Images:

Process: [208]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 1204 KB

Binary Images:

Process: [232]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 7232 KB

Binary Images:

Process: [521]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 12.79 MB

Binary Images:

Process: [118]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 8400 KB

Binary Images:

Process: [295]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 9236 KB

Binary Images:

Process: [392]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 24.74 MB

Binary Images:

Process: [300]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 13.73 MB

Binary Images:

Process: [314]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 23.23 MB

Binary Images:

Process: [510]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 5508 KB

Binary Images:

Process: [168]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 9028 KB

Binary Images:

Process: [334]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 11.02 MB

Binary Images:

Process: [4283]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 34.15 MB

Binary Images:

Process: [394]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 13.95 MB

Binary Images:

Process: [250]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 7164 KB

Binary Images:

Process: [462]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 18.29 MB

Binary Images:

Process: [4388]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 34.22 MB

Binary Images:

Process: [459]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 40.28 MB

Binary Images:

Process: [4279]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 10232 KB

Binary Images:

Process: [4019]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 32.61 MB

Binary Images:

Process: [4027]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 25.91 MB

Binary Images:

Process: [4028]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 32.55 MB

Binary Images:

Process: [333]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 39.31 MB

Binary Images:

Process: [4033]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 24.71 MB

Binary Images:

Process: [4423]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 5124 KB

Binary Images:

Process: [4021]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 95.54 MB

Binary Images:

Process: [4550]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 52.74 MB

Binary Images:

Process: [4551]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 43.20 MB

Binary Images:

Process: com.crystalidea.macsfancontrol. [44]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 4880 KB

Binary Images:

Process: commerce [344]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 38.16 MB

Binary Images:

Process: configd [55]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 10.87 MB

Binary Images:

Process: ContactsAccountsService [317]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 15.77 MB

Binary Images:

Process: ContactsAgent [321]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 16.07 MB

Binary Images:

Process: contactsdonationagent [383]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 22.19 MB

Binary Images:

Process: ContainerMetadataExtractor [322]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 10.62 MB

Binary Images:

Process: coreaudiod [116]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 14.75 MB

Binary Images:

Process: coreauthd [252]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 9652 KB

Binary Images:

Process: coreauthd [388]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 11.53 MB

Binary Images:

Process: corebrightnessd [97]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 19.02 MB

Binary Images:

Process: coreduetd [73]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 30.50 MB

Binary Images:

Process: CoreLocationAgent [319]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 14.12 MB

Binary Images:

Process: coreservicesd [105]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 13.50 MB

Thread 0x361 1 sample (1) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS default (requested default), IO tier 0>
1 <truncated backtrace> 1
*1 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 120390) [0xffffff800021d646] 1
*1 unix_syscall64 + 616 (kernel + 6301720) [0xffffff8000802818] 1
*1 read_nocancel + 115 (kernel + 5523027) [0xffffff8000744653] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 5523637) [0xffffff80007448b5] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 2955702) [0xffffff80004d19b6] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 5427026) [0xffffff800072cf52] 1
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 546063) [0xffffff800028550f] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 550218) [0xffffff800028654a] 1
*1 machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 1580685) [0xffffff8000381e8d] 1

Binary Images:
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (4570.71.82.8) <5E83A13A-32F5-3604-8591-50E2F2F70DC6> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel

Process: CoreServicesUIAgent [436]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 14.42 MB

Binary Images:

Process: corespeechd [409]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 17.27 MB

Binary Images:

Process: corespotlightd [391]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 29.68 MB

Binary Images:

Process: coresymbolicationd [201]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 6140 KB

Binary Images:

Process: CrashReporterSupportHelper [304]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 5420 KB

Binary Images:

Process: ctkahp [242]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 9900 KB

Binary Images:

Process: ctkahp [385]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 10.01 MB

Binary Images:

Process: ctkd [121]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 9784 KB

Binary Images:

Process: ctkd [386]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 10128 KB

Binary Images:

Process: cupsd [531]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 7968 KB

Binary Images:

Process: CVMServer [224]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 2648 KB

Binary Images:

Process: dasd [87]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 11.41 MB

Binary Images:

Process: deleted [477]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 8876 KB

Binary Images:

Process: diagnostics_agent [423]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 15.13 MB

Binary Images:

Process: diskarbitrationd [69]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 6964 KB

Binary Images:

Process: diskmanagementd [248]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 15.75 MB

Binary Images:

Process: DiskUnmountWatcher [4358]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 4640 KB

Binary Images:

Process: displaypolicyd [86]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 9776 KB

Thread 0x39b 1 sample (1) priority 20 (base 20)
<thread QoS utility (requested default), timers tier 3 (coalesced), IO tier 1>
1 <truncated backtrace> 1
*1 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 120390) [0xffffff800021d646] 1
*1 unix_syscall64 + 616 (kernel + 6301720) [0xffffff8000802818] 1
*1 accept_nocancel + 417 (kernel + 5779121) [0xffffff8000782eb1] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 5426694) [0xffffff800072ce06] 1
*1 lck_mtx_sleep + 126 (kernel + 500174) [0xffffff800027a1ce] 1
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 546063) [0xffffff800028550f] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 550218) [0xffffff800028654a] 1
*1 machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 1580685) [0xffffff8000381e8d] 1

Binary Images:
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (4570.71.82.8) <5E83A13A-32F5-3604-8591-50E2F2F70DC6> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel

Process: distnoted [101]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 4572 KB

Binary Images:

Process: distnoted [255]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 7296 KB

Binary Images:

Process: distnoted [471]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 3124 KB

Binary Images:

Process: dmd [414]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 12.47 MB

Binary Images:

Process: dmd [451]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 13.74 MB

Binary Images:

Process: Dock [360]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 39.50 MB

Binary Images:

Process: dpd [4553]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 9096 KB

Binary Images:

Process: dprivacyd [4035]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 8176 KB

Binary Images:

Process: ethcheck [217]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 4560 KB

Binary Images:

Process: filecoordinationd [297]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 6560 KB

Binary Images:

Process: fileproviderd [407]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 11.71 MB

Binary Images:

Process: Finder [362]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 116.96 MB

Binary Images:

Process: findmydeviced [156]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 21.43 MB

Binary Images:

Process: fmfd [277]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 29.74 MB

Binary Images:

Process: followupd [310]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 9188 KB

Binary Images:

Process: FollowUpUI [4414]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 52.36 MB

Binary Images:

Process: fontd [359]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 13.44 MB

Binary Images:

Process: fseventsd [48]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 14.38 MB

Thread 0x254 1 sample (1) priority 50 (base 50)
<IO tier 0>
1 <truncated backtrace> 1
*1 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 120390) [0xffffff800021d646] 1
*1 unix_syscall64 + 616 (kernel + 6301720) [0xffffff8000802818] 1
*1 read_nocancel + 115 (kernel + 5523027) [0xffffff8000744653] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 5523637) [0xffffff80007448b5] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 2955702) [0xffffff80004d19b6] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 5427026) [0xffffff800072cf52] 1
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 546063) [0xffffff800028550f] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 550218) [0xffffff800028654a] 1
*1 machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 1580685) [0xffffff8000381e8d] 1

Binary Images:
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (4570.71.82.8) <5E83A13A-32F5-3604-8591-50E2F2F70DC6> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel

Process: gamed [267]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 35.44 MB

Binary Images:

Process: hidd [96]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 7636 KB

Binary Images:

Process: icdd [417]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 15.19 MB

Binary Images:

Process: iconservicesagent [68]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 8664 KB

Binary Images:

Process: iconservicesagent [382]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 28.18 MB

Binary Images:

Process: iconservicesd [67]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 8808 KB

Binary Images:

Process: identityservicesd [284]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 35.96 MB

Binary Images:

Process: imagent [337]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 23.86 MB

Binary Images:

Process: IMDPersistenceAgent [339]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 16.04 MB

Binary Images:

Process: imklaunchagent [415]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 12.20 MB

Binary Images:

Process: IMRemoteURLConnectionAgent [4416]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 14.55 MB

Binary Images:

Process: installd [4083]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 9552 KB

Binary Images:

Process: installerdiagd [3998]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 4612 KB

Binary Images:

Process: KernelEventAgent [93]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 4392 KB

Binary Images:

Process: kextd [47]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 32.99 MB

Binary Images:

Process: keybagd [60]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 4476 KB

Binary Images:

Process: keyboardservicesd [264]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 13.16 MB

Binary Images:

Process: KeychainSyncingOverIDSProxy [389]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 10.02 MB

Binary Images:

Process: knowledge-agent [320]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 17.35 MB

Binary Images:

Process: languageassetd [280]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 15.34 MB

Binary Images:

Process: LaterAgent [457]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 18.06 MB

Binary Images:

Process: launchd [1]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 19.41 MB

Binary Images:

Process: launchservicesd [79]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 9352 KB

Binary Images:

Process: locationd [84]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 15.68 MB

Binary Images:

Process: logd [59]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 24.14 MB

Binary Images:

Process: logind [91]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 5920 KB

Binary Images:

Process: loginwindow [90]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 48.67 MB

Binary Images:

Process: lsd [181]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 15.77 MB

Binary Images:

Process: lsd [261]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 16.21 MB

Binary Images:

Process: Macs Fan Control [431]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 52.86 MB

Binary Images:

Process: mDNSResponder [154]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 8572 KB

Binary Images:

Process: mDNSResponderHelper [155]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 6252 KB

Binary Images:

Process: mds [66]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 56.80 MB

Thread 0x73d 1 sample (1) priority 50 (base 50)
<IO tier 0 and passive>
1 <truncated backtrace> 1
*1 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 120390) [0xffffff800021d646] 1
*1 unix_syscall64 + 616 (kernel + 6301720) [0xffffff8000802818] 1
*1 read_nocancel + 115 (kernel + 5523027) [0xffffff8000744653] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 5523637) [0xffffff80007448b5] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 2955702) [0xffffff80004d19b6] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 5427026) [0xffffff800072cf52] 1
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 546063) [0xffffff800028550f] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 550218) [0xffffff800028654a] 1
*1 machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 1580685) [0xffffff8000381e8d] 1

Binary Images:
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (4570.71.82.8) <5E83A13A-32F5-3604-8591-50E2F2F70DC6> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel

Process: mds_stores [220]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 241.58 MB

Binary Images:

Process: mdworker [438]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 12.11 MB

Binary Images:

Process: mdworker [439]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 12.41 MB

Binary Images:

Process: mdwrite [499]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 8852 KB

Binary Images:

Process: media-indexer [323]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 13.84 MB

Binary Images:

Process: mediaremoteagent [350]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 6100 KB

Binary Images:

Process: mediaremoted [50]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 20.80 MB

Binary Images:

Process: mobileassetd [173]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 28.17 MB

Binary Images:

Process: MTLCompilerService [377]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 11.30 MB

Binary Images:

Process: MTLCompilerService [378]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 11.15 MB

Binary Images:

Process: MTLCompilerService [379]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 11.39 MB

Binary Images:

Process: MTLCompilerService [380]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 15.37 MB

Binary Images:

Process: MTLCompilerService [433]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 15.40 MB

Binary Images:

Process: MTLCompilerService [437]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 16.11 MB

Binary Images:

Process: MTLCompilerService [4017]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 15.24 MB

Binary Images:

Process: MTLCompilerService [4022]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 21.40 MB

Binary Images:

Process: MTLCompilerService [4068]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 15.86 MB

Binary Images:

Process: MTLCompilerService [4274]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 16.07 MB

Binary Images:

Process: MTLCompilerService [4290]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 14.93 MB

Binary Images:

Process: MTLCompilerService [4415]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 16.09 MB

Binary Images:

Process: nbagent [422]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 17.13 MB

Binary Images:

Process: nbstated [78]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 5780 KB

Binary Images:

Process: nehelper [115]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 8936 KB

Binary Images:

Process: netbiosd [288]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 10144 KB

Binary Images:

Process: networkserviceproxy [302]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 10.98 MB

Binary Images:

Process: nfcd [191]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 7292 KB

Binary Images:

Process: NotificationCenter [296]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 47.92 MB

Binary Images:

Process: notifyd [100]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 2100 KB

Binary Images:

Process: nsurlsessiond [161]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 17.41 MB

Binary Images:

Process: nsurlsessiond [283]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 17.90 MB

Binary Images:

Process: nsurlstoraged [211]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 6568 KB

Binary Images:

Process: nsurlstoraged [293]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 13.02 MB

Binary Images:

Process: opendirectoryd [76]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 19.57 MB

Binary Images:

Process: OSDUIHelper [4289]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 17.37 MB

Binary Images:

Process: parsecd [374]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 24.22 MB

Binary Images:

Process: passd [273]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 20.95 MB

Binary Images:

Process: pboard [355]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 6172 KB

Binary Images:

Process: pbs [351]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 7212 KB

Binary Images:

Process: photoanalysisd [309]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 106.84 MB

Binary Images:

Process: photolibraryd [430]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 88.61 MB

Binary Images:

Process: pkd [368]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 13.63 MB

Binary Images:

Process: powerd [56]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 9416 KB

Binary Images:

Process: ProtectedCloudKeySyncing [343]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 13.62 MB

Binary Images:

Process: QuickLookUIService [4270]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 40.47 MB

Binary Images:

Process: QuickTime Player [4062]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 48.80 MB

Binary Images:

Process: rapportd [298]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 12.70 MB

Binary Images:

Process: ReportCrash [542]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 17.98 MB

Binary Images:

Process: ReportCrash [4215]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 8140 KB

Binary Images:

Process: revisiond [92]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 8752 KB

Thread 0x516 1 sample (1) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested default), thread darwinbg, process darwinbg, IO tier 2>
1 <truncated backtrace> 1
*1 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 120390) [0xffffff800021d646] 1
*1 unix_syscall64 + 616 (kernel + 6301720) [0xffffff8000802818] 1
*1 read_nocancel + 115 (kernel + 5523027) [0xffffff8000744653] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 5523637) [0xffffff80007448b5] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 2874380) [0xffffff80004bdc0c] 1
*1 VNOP_READ + 106 (kernel + 2931194) [0xffffff80004cb9fa] 1
*1 spec_read + 667 (kernel + 2973483) [0xffffff80004d5f2b] 1
*1 ??? (AppleFSCompressionTypeDataless + 6621) [0xffffff7f81d609dd] 1
*1 msleep + 98 (kernel + 5427922) [0xffffff800072d2d2] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 5426694) [0xffffff800072ce06] 1
*1 lck_mtx_sleep + 126 (kernel + 500174) [0xffffff800027a1ce] 1
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 546063) [0xffffff800028550f] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 550218) [0xffffff800028654a] 1
*1 machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 1580685) [0xffffff8000381e8d] 1

Binary Images:
*0xffffff7f81d5f000 - 0xffffff7f81d60fff 96.60.1 (1.0.0d1) <3B67C87D-2D57-3C8A-AC27-474171D2C9A1> /System/Library/Extensions/AppleFSCompressionTypeDataless.kext/Contents/MacOS/AppleFSCompressionTypeDataless
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (4570.71.82.8) <5E83A13A-32F5-3604-8591-50E2F2F70DC6> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel

Process: routined [299]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 33.72 MB

Binary Images:

Process: rtcreportingd [400]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 11.35 MB

Binary Images:

Process: Safari [4018]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 130.31 MB

Binary Images:

Process: SafariBookmarksSyncAgent [269]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 38.24 MB

Binary Images:

Process: SafeEjectGPUAgent [401]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 8480 KB

Binary Images:

Process: SafeEjectGPUService [402]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 9472 KB

Binary Images:

Process: sandboxd [200]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 10180 KB

Binary Images:

Process: ScopedBookmarkAgent [4071]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 7368 KB

Binary Images:

Process: secd [272]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 21.91 MB

Binary Images:

Process: secinitd [205]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 13.21 MB

Binary Images:

Process: secinitd [281]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 19.55 MB

Binary Images:

Process: secinitd [308]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 12.62 MB

Binary Images:

Process: securityd [81]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 10196 KB

Thread 0x277 1 sample (1) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS default (requested default), IO tier 0>
1 <truncated backtrace> 1
*1 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 120390) [0xffffff800021d646] 1
*1 unix_syscall64 + 616 (kernel + 6301720) [0xffffff8000802818] 1
*1 read_nocancel + 115 (kernel + 5523027) [0xffffff8000744653] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 5523637) [0xffffff80007448b5] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 2874380) [0xffffff80004bdc0c] 1
*1 VNOP_READ + 106 (kernel + 2931194) [0xffffff80004cb9fa] 1
*1 spec_read + 667 (kernel + 2973483) [0xffffff80004d5f2b] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 5057604) [0xffffff80006d2c44] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 5426694) [0xffffff800072ce06] 1
*1 lck_mtx_sleep + 126 (kernel + 500174) [0xffffff800027a1ce] 1
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 546063) [0xffffff800028550f] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 550218) [0xffffff800028654a] 1
*1 machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 1580685) [0xffffff8000381e8d] 1

Binary Images:
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (4570.71.82.8) <5E83A13A-32F5-3604-8591-50E2F2F70DC6> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel

Process: securityd_service [253]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 5880 KB

Binary Images:

Process: sharedfilelistd [313]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 9120 KB

Binary Images:

Process: sharingd [270]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 40.79 MB

Binary Images:

Process: signpost_notificationd [204]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 5376 KB

Binary Images:

Process: Siri [416]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 21.89 MB

Binary Images:

Process: siriknowledged [263]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 18.78 MB

Binary Images:

Process: SiriNCService [581]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 25.62 MB

Binary Images:

Process: smd [4160]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 4360 KB

Binary Images:

Process: soagent [348]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 38.22 MB

Binary Images:

Process: SocialPushAgent [412]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 10.79 MB

Binary Images:

Process: softwareupdate_download_service [4084]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 12.74 MB

Binary Images:

Process: softwareupdate_notify_agent [454]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 10.92 MB

Binary Images:

Process: softwareupdated [397]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 94.39 MB

Binary Images:

Process: spindump [340]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 75.17 MB

Binary Images:

Process: spindump_agent [341]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 5552 KB

Binary Images:

Process: Spotlight [370]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 71.80 MB

Binary Images:

Process: storeaccountd [376]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 15.25 MB

Binary Images:

Process: storeassetd [395]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 21.71 MB

Binary Images:

Process: storedownloadd [396]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 15.34 MB

Binary Images:

Process: storeinstalld [4232]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 10.36 MB

Binary Images:

Process: storelegacy [456]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 14.82 MB

Binary Images:

Process: storeuid [509]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 18.51 MB

Binary Images:

Process: SubmitDiagInfo [342]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 12.62 MB

Binary Images:

Process: suggestd [271]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 40.39 MB

Binary Images:

Process: suhelperd [398]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 13.02 MB

Binary Images:

Process: swcd [352]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 9256 KB

Binary Images:

Process: symptomsd [185]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 11.28 MB

Binary Images:

Process: sysdiagnose [4277]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 7032 KB

Binary Images:

Process: syslogd [41]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 1356 KB

Binary Images:

Process: sysmond [206]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 4984 KB

Binary Images:

Process: syspolicyd [4244]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 16.25 MB

Binary Images:

Process: system_installd [4091]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 45.16 MB

Binary Images:

Process: systemsoundserverd [331]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 9380 KB

Binary Images:

Process: systemstats [53]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 12.56 MB

Binary Images:

Process: systemstats [207]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 10060 KB

Binary Images:

Process: SystemUIServer [361]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 32.20 MB

Thread 0xe6b 1 sample (1) priority 47 (base 47)
<process frontmost, thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), process unclamped, IO tier 0>
1 <truncated backtrace> 1
*1 hndl_mach_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 120422) [0xffffff800021d666] 1
*1 mach_call_munger64 + 509 (kernel + 1508157) [0xffffff800037033d] 1
*1 mach_msg_overwrite_trap + 891 (kernel + 393723) [0xffffff80002601fb] 1
*1 ipc_kmsg_send + 189 (kernel + 317165) [0xffffff800024d6ed] 1
*1 ipc_kobject_server + 304 (kernel + 459648) [0xffffff8000270380] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 1316836) [0xffffff80003417e4] 1
*1 is_io_connect_method + 535 (kernel + 7116391) [0xffffff80008c9667] 1
*1 IOAccelSharedUserClient2::externalMethod(unsigned int, IOExternalMethodArguments*, IOExternalMethodDispatch*, OSObject*, void*) + 120 (IOAcceleratorFamily2 + 126038) [0xffffff7f82e95c56] 1
*1 IOUserClient::externalMethod(unsigned int, IOExternalMethodArguments*, IOExternalMethodDispatch*, OSObject*, void*) + 472 (kernel + 7080600) [0xffffff80008c0a98] 1
*1 IOAccelSharedUserClient2::s_new_resource(IOAccelSharedUserClient2*, void*, IOExternalMethodArguments*) + 147 (IOAcceleratorFamily2 + 125663) [0xffffff7f82e95adf] 1
*1 IOAccelSharedUserClient2::new_resource(IOAccelNewResourceArgs*, IOAccelNewResourceReturnData*, unsigned long long, unsigned int*) + 563 (IOAcceleratorFamily2 + 120305) [0xffffff7f82e945f1] 1
*1 IOGraphicsAccelerator2::acceleratorWaitEnabled() + 109 (IOAcceleratorFamily2 + 206769) [0xffffff7f82ea97b1] 1
*1 waiting_for_fEnabled_after_displayModeChange(_IOLock*, IOGraphicsAccelerator2*) + 11 (IOAcceleratorFamily2 + 206857) [0xffffff7f82ea9809] 1
*1 lck_mtx_sleep + 126 (kernel + 500174) [0xffffff800027a1ce] 1
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 546063) [0xffffff800028550f] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 550218) [0xffffff800028654a] 1
*1 machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 1580685) [0xffffff8000381e8d] 1

Binary Images:
*0xffffff7f82e77000 - 0xffffff7f82ec7fff 378.28 (378.28) <D342FE41-0457-3586-ABB0-38E8E3947C4F> /System/Library/Extensions/IOAcceleratorFamily2.kext/Contents/MacOS/IOAcceleratorFamily2
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (4570.71.82.8) <5E83A13A-32F5-3604-8591-50E2F2F70DC6> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel

Process: talagent [358]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 20.27 MB

Binary Images:

Process: tccd [278]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 10.28 MB

Binary Images:

Process: tccd [332]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 7236 KB

Binary Images:

Process: timed [80]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 6492 KB

Binary Images:

Process: trustd [117]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 14.37 MB

Binary Images:

Process: trustd [262]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 21.66 MB

Binary Images:

Process: trustd [316]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 10.21 MB

Binary Images:

Process: trustd [442]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 9524 KB

Binary Images:

Process: tzd [4462]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 18.46 MB

Binary Images:

Process: uninstalld [45]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 8556 KB

Binary Images:

Process: universalaccessd [259]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 11.85 MB

Binary Images:

Process: usbd [166]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 10.09 MB

Binary Images:

Process: usbmuxd [82]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 5860 KB

Binary Images:

Process: useractivityd [349]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 10.13 MB

Binary Images:

Process: UserEventAgent [42]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 16.54 MB

Binary Images:

Process: UserEventAgent [257]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 29.53 MB

Binary Images:

Process: usernoted [294]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 11.75 MB

Binary Images:

Process: VDCAssistant [164]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 11.60 MB

Binary Images:

Process: ViewBridgeAuxiliary [4271]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 11.93 MB

Binary Images:

Process: VTDecoderXPCService [4072]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 31.14 MB

Binary Images:

Process: VTDecoderXPCService [4273]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 33.59 MB

Binary Images:

Process: warmd [65]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 18.61 MB

Binary Images:

Process: watchdogd [216]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 4396 KB

Binary Images:

Process: WiFiAgent [303]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 13.42 MB

Binary Images:

Process: WiFiProxy [384]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 11.97 MB

Binary Images:

Process: WindowServer [129]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 141.84 MB

Binary Images:

Process: wirelessproxd [289]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 8716 KB

Binary Images:

Process: writeconfig [4477]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 6580 KB

Binary Images:

Process: XprotectService [4064]
Architecture: x86_64
Task size: 11.91 MB

Binary Images:

Process: kernel_task [0]
Architecture: x86_64
Version: Darwin Kernel Version 17.7.0: Fri Oct 30 13:34:27 PDT 2020; root:xnu-4570.71.82.8~1/RELEASE_X86_64
Task size: 1490.62 MB
CPU Time: 0.004s

Thread 0x6b 7 samples (1-7) priority 95 (base 95)
<IO tier 0>
*7 call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 116055) [0xffffff800021c557] 1-7
*7 ??? (kernel + 745539) [0xffffff80002b6043] 1-7
*7 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 546063) [0xffffff800028550f] 1-7
*7 ??? (kernel + 550218) [0xffffff800028654a] 1-7
*7 machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 1580685) [0xffffff8000381e8d] 1-7

Thread 0x6c 7 samples (1-7) priority 95 (base 95)
<IO tier 0>
*7 call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 116055) [0xffffff800021c557] 1-7
*7 ??? (kernel + 745539) [0xffffff80002b6043] 1-7
*7 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 546063) [0xffffff800028550f] 1-7
*7 ??? (kernel + 550218) [0xffffff800028654a] 1-7
*7 machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 1580685) [0xffffff8000381e8d] 1-7

Thread 0x6e 7 samples (1-7) priority 95 (base 95)
<IO tier 0>
*7 call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 116055) [0xffffff800021c557] 1-7
*7 mapping_replenish + 465 (kernel + 1502417) [0xffffff800036ecd1] 1-7
*7 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 546063) [0xffffff800028550f] 1-7
*7 ??? (kernel + 550218) [0xffffff800028654a] 1-7
*7 machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 1580685) [0xffffff8000381e8d] 1-7

Thread 0x6f Thread name "IOServiceTerminateThread" 7 samples (1-7) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*7 call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 116055) [0xffffff800021c557] 1-7
*7 IOService::terminateThread(void*, int) + 132 (kernel + 6782340) [0xffffff8000877d84] 1-7
*7 lck_mtx_sleep + 126 (kernel + 500174) [0xffffff800027a1ce] 1-7
*7 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 546063) [0xffffff800028550f] 1-7
*7 ??? (kernel + 550218) [0xffffff800028654a] 1-7
*7 machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 1580685) [0xffffff8000381e8d] 1-7

Thread 0x7e 7 samples (1-7) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*7 call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 116055) [0xffffff800021c557] 1-7
*7 pmInitThread + 885 (AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement + 25052) [0xffffff7f81ef71dc] 1-7
*7 lck_mtx_sleep + 126 (kernel + 500174) [0xffffff800027a1ce] 1-7
*7 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 546063) [0xffffff800028550f] 1-7
*7 ??? (kernel + 550218) [0xffffff800028654a] 1-7
*7 machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 1580685) [0xffffff8000381e8d] 1-7

Thread 0x8f Thread name "idle #1" 7 samples (1-7) priority 0 (base 0) idle time 0.067s
<IO tier 0>
*7 call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 116055) [0xffffff800021c557] 1-7
*7 idle_thread + 32 (kernel + 563520) [0xffffff8000289940] 1-7
*7 processor_idle + 210 (kernel + 562034) [0xffffff8000289372] 1-7
*7 machine_idle + 778 (kernel + 1607050) [0xffffff800038858a] (runnable) 1-7

Thread 0x92 Thread name "idle #2" 7 samples (1-7) priority 0 (base 0) idle time 0.068s
<IO tier 0>
*7 call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 116055) [0xffffff800021c557] 1-7
*7 idle_thread + 32 (kernel + 563520) [0xffffff8000289940] 1-7
*7 processor_idle + 210 (kernel + 562034) [0xffffff8000289372] 1-7
*7 machine_idle + 778 (kernel + 1607050) [0xffffff800038858a] (runnable) 1-7

Thread 0x95 Thread name "idle #3" 7 samples (1-7) priority 0 (base 0) idle time 0.068s
<IO tier 0>
*7 call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 116055) [0xffffff800021c557] 1-7
*7 idle_thread + 32 (kernel + 563520) [0xffffff8000289940] 1-7
*7 processor_idle + 210 (kernel + 562034) [0xffffff8000289372] 1-7
*7 machine_idle + 778 (kernel + 1607050) [0xffffff800038858a] (runnable) 1-7

Thread 0x12c 7 samples (1-7) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*7 call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 116055) [0xffffff800021c557] 1-7
*7 ??? (kernel + 3148529) [0xffffff8000500af1] 1-7
*7 ??? (kernel + 5426694) [0xffffff800072ce06] 1-7
*7 lck_mtx_sleep + 126 (kernel + 500174) [0xffffff800027a1ce] 1-7
*7 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 546063) [0xffffff800028550f] 1-7
*7 ??? (kernel + 550218) [0xffffff800028654a] 1-7
*7 machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 1580685) [0xffffff8000381e8d] 1-7

Thread 0x157 7 samples (1-7) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*7 call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 116055) [0xffffff800021c557] 1-7
*7 swcrypto_threadpool_worker_thread(void*, int) + 108 (apfs + 127030) [0xffffff7f814e6036] 1-7
*7 lck_mtx_sleep + 126 (kernel + 500174) [0xffffff800027a1ce] 1-7
*7 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 546063) [0xffffff800028550f] 1-7
*7 ??? (kernel + 550218) [0xffffff800028654a] 1-7
*7 machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 1580685) [0xffffff8000381e8d] 1-7

Thread 0x158 7 samples (1-7) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*7 call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 116055) [0xffffff800021c557] 1-7
*7 swcrypto_threadpool_worker_thread(void*, int) + 108 (apfs + 127030) [0xffffff7f814e6036] 1-7
*7 lck_mtx_sleep + 126 (kernel + 500174) [0xffffff800027a1ce] 1-7
*7 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 546063) [0xffffff800028550f] 1-7
*7 ??? (kernel + 550218) [0xffffff800028654a] 1-7
*7 machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 1580685) [0xffffff8000381e8d] 1-7

Thread 0x159 7 samples (1-7) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*7 call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 116055) [0xffffff800021c557] 1-7
*7 swcrypto_threadpool_worker_thread(void*, int) + 108 (apfs + 127030) [0xffffff7f814e6036] 1-7
*7 lck_mtx_sleep + 126 (kernel + 500174) [0xffffff800027a1ce] 1-7
*7 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 546063) [0xffffff800028550f] 1-7
*7 ??? (kernel + 550218) [0xffffff800028654a] 1-7
*7 machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 1580685) [0xffffff8000381e8d] 1-7

Thread 0x15a 7 samples (1-7) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*7 call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 116055) [0xffffff800021c557] 1-7
*7 swcrypto_threadpool_worker_thread(void*, int) + 108 (apfs + 127030) [0xffffff7f814e6036] 1-7
*7 lck_mtx_sleep + 126 (kernel + 500174) [0xffffff800027a1ce] 1-7
*7 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 546063) [0xffffff800028550f] 1-7
*7 ??? (kernel + 550218) [0xffffff800028654a] 1-7
*7 machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 1580685) [0xffffff8000381e8d] 1-7

Thread 0x16b 7 samples (1-7) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*7 call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 116055) [0xffffff800021c557] 1-7
*7 ??? (kernel + 5946378) [0xffffff80007abc0a] 1-7
*7 mach_msg_receive + 178 (kernel + 392722) [0xffffff800025fe12] 1-7
*7 ipc_mqueue_receive + 119 (kernel + 334535) [0xffffff8000251ac7] 1-7
*7 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 546063) [0xffffff800028550f] 1-7
*7 ??? (kernel + 550218) [0xffffff800028654a] 1-7
*7 machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 1580685) [0xffffff8000381e8d] 1-7

Thread 0x1b7 7 samples (1-7) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*7 call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 116055) [0xffffff800021c557] 1-7
*7 ??? (kernel + 5877052) [0xffffff800079ad3c] 1-7
*7 ??? (kernel + 5426694) [0xffffff800072ce06] 1-7
*7 lck_mtx_sleep + 126 (kernel + 500174) [0xffffff800027a1ce] 1-7
*7 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 546063) [0xffffff800028550f] 1-7
*7 ??? (kernel + 550218) [0xffffff800028654a] 1-7
*7 machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 1580685) [0xffffff8000381e8d] 1-7

Thread 0x60b Thread name "IOGraphicsSystemWorkLoop" 7 samples (1-7) priority 93 (base 81) cpu time <0.001s
<IO tier 0>
*7 call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 116055) [0xffffff800021c557] 1-7
*7 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 44 (kernel + 6907452) [0xffffff800089663c] 1-7
*7 IOWorkLoop::runEventSources() + 482 (kernel + 6909970) [0xffffff8000897012] 1-7
*7 IOInterruptEventSource::checkForWork() + 261 (kernel + 6916261) [0xffffff80008988a5] 1-7
*7 IOFramebuffer::systemWork(OSObject*, IOInterruptEventSource*, int) + 125 (IOGraphicsFamily + 69669) [0xffffff7f82312025] 1-7
*7 IOFBController::checkPowerWork(unsigned int) + 164 (IOGraphicsFamily + 42344) [0xffffff7f8230b568] 1-7
*7 IOFramebuffer::checkPowerWork(unsigned int) + 636 (IOGraphicsFamily + 43008) [0xffffff7f8230b800] 1-7
*7 IONDRVFramebuffer::setAttribute(unsigned int, unsigned long) + 99 (IONDRVSupport + 18547) [0xffffff7f82794873] 1-7
*7 IONDRVFramebuffer::ndrvSetPowerState(unsigned int) + 650 (IONDRVSupport + 19708) [0xffffff7f82794cfc] 1-7
*7 IONDRVFramebuffer::_doControl(IONDRVFramebuffer*, unsigned int, void*) + 95 (IONDRVSupport + 8175) [0xffffff7f82791fef] 1-7
*7 NVDA::doDriverIO(unsigned int, void*, unsigned int, unsigned int) + 971 (NVDAResman + 9795) [0xffffff7f829d9643] 1-7
*7 odbDynamicCast + 234128 (NVDAResman + 2392491) [0xffffff7f82c1f1ab] 1-7
*7 odbDynamicCast + 229270 (NVDAResman + 2387633) [0xffffff7f82c1deb1] 1-7
*7 delay_for_interval + 107 (kernel + 419371) [0xffffff800026662b] 1-7
*7 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 546063) [0xffffff800028550f] 1-7
*7 ??? (kernel + 550218) [0xffffff800028654a] 1-7
*7 machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 1580685) [0xffffff8000381e8d] 1-7

Thread 0x619 7 samples (1-7) priority 97 (base 97)
<IO tier 0>
*7 call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 116055) [0xffffff800021c557] 1-7
*7 AppleOSXWatchdog::watchdogMainThread() + 133 (AppleOSXWatchdog + 5613) [0xffffff7f823a05ed] 1-7
*7 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 546063) [0xffffff800028550f] 1-7
*7 ??? (kernel + 550218) [0xffffff800028654a] 1-7
*7 machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 1580685) [0xffffff8000381e8d] 1-7

Thread 0x63a 7 samples (1-7) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*7 call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 116055) [0xffffff800021c557] 1-7
*7 ??? (kernel + 3150017) [0xffffff80005010c1] 1-7
*7 ??? (kernel + 5426694) [0xffffff800072ce06] 1-7
*7 lck_mtx_sleep + 126 (kernel + 500174) [0xffffff800027a1ce] 1-7
*7 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 546063) [0xffffff800028550f] 1-7
*7 ??? (kernel + 550218) [0xffffff800028654a] 1-7
*7 machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 1580685) [0xffffff8000381e8d] 1-7

Thread 0x63b Thread name "ifnet_start_en0" 7 samples (1-7) priority 82 (base 82)
<IO tier 0>
*7 call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 116055) [0xffffff800021c557] 1-7
*7 ??? (kernel + 3184887) [0xffffff80005098f7] 1-7
*7 msleep + 98 (kernel + 5427922) [0xffffff800072d2d2] 1-7
*7 ??? (kernel + 5426694) [0xffffff800072ce06] 1-7
*7 lck_mtx_sleep + 126 (kernel + 500174) [0xffffff800027a1ce] 1-7
*7 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 546063) [0xffffff800028550f] 1-7
*7 ??? (kernel + 550218) [0xffffff800028654a] 1-7
*7 machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 1580685) [0xffffff8000381e8d] 1-7

Thread 0x63c 7 samples (1-7) priority 82 (base 82)
<IO tier 0>
*7 call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 116055) [0xffffff800021c557] 1-7
*7 ??? (kernel + 3185381) [0xffffff8000509ae5] 1-7
*7 msleep + 98 (kernel + 5427922) [0xffffff800072d2d2] 1-7
*7 ??? (kernel + 5426694) [0xffffff800072ce06] 1-7
*7 lck_mtx_sleep + 126 (kernel + 500174) [0xffffff800027a1ce] 1-7
*7 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 546063) [0xffffff800028550f] 1-7
*7 ??? (kernel + 550218) [0xffffff800028654a] 1-7
*7 machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 1580685) [0xffffff8000381e8d] 1-7

Thread 0x670 Thread name "dlil_input_en1" 7 samples (1-7) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*7 call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 116055) [0xffffff800021c557] 1-7
*7 ??? (kernel + 3152607) [0xffffff8000501adf] 1-7
*7 ??? (kernel + 5426694) [0xffffff800072ce06] 1-7
*7 lck_mtx_sleep + 126 (kernel + 500174) [0xffffff800027a1ce] 1-7
*7 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 546063) [0xffffff800028550f] 1-7
*7 ??? (kernel + 550218) [0xffffff800028654a] 1-7
*7 machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 1580685) [0xffffff8000381e8d] 1-7

Thread 0x671 Thread name "ifnet_start_en1" 7 samples (1-7) priority 82 (base 82)
<IO tier 0>
*7 call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 116055) [0xffffff800021c557] 1-7
*7 ??? (kernel + 3184887) [0xffffff80005098f7] 1-7
*7 msleep + 98 (kernel + 5427922) [0xffffff800072d2d2] 1-7
*7 ??? (kernel + 5426694) [0xffffff800072ce06] 1-7
*7 lck_mtx_sleep + 126 (kernel + 500174) [0xffffff800027a1ce] 1-7
*7 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 546063) [0xffffff800028550f] 1-7
*7 ??? (kernel + 550218) [0xffffff800028654a] 1-7
*7 machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 1580685) [0xffffff8000381e8d] 1-7

Thread 0x67c Thread name "dlil_input_p2p0" 7 samples (1-7) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*7 call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 116055) [0xffffff800021c557] 1-7
*7 ??? (kernel + 3152607) [0xffffff8000501adf] 1-7
*7 ??? (kernel + 5426694) [0xffffff800072ce06] 1-7
*7 lck_mtx_sleep + 126 (kernel + 500174) [0xffffff800027a1ce] 1-7
*7 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 546063) [0xffffff800028550f] 1-7
*7 ??? (kernel + 550218) [0xffffff800028654a] 1-7
*7 machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 1580685) [0xffffff8000381e8d] 1-7

Thread 0x67d Thread name "ifnet_start_p2p0" 7 samples (1-7) priority 82 (base 82)
<IO tier 0>
*7 call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 116055) [0xffffff800021c557] 1-7
*7 ??? (kernel + 3184887) [0xffffff80005098f7] 1-7
*7 msleep + 98 (kernel + 5427922) [0xffffff800072d2d2] 1-7
*7 ??? (kernel + 5426694) [0xffffff800072ce06] 1-7
*7 lck_mtx_sleep + 126 (kernel + 500174) [0xffffff800027a1ce] 1-7
*7 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 546063) [0xffffff800028550f] 1-7
*7 ??? (kernel + 550218) [0xffffff800028654a] 1-7
*7 machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 1580685) [0xffffff8000381e8d] 1-7

Thread 0x6da 7 samples (1-7) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*7 call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 116055) [0xffffff800021c557] 1-7
*7 IOCommandGate::runAction(int (*)(OSObject*, void*, void*, void*, void*), void*, void*, void*, void*) + 312 (kernel + 6921864) [0xffffff8000899e88] 1-7
*7 IOWorkQueue::processWorkCallFromSingleThreadAction(OSObject*, void*, void*, void*, void*) + 45 (IOBluetoothFamily + 236113) [0xffffff7f81c18a51] 1-7
*7 IOWorkQueue::processWorkCallFromSingleThreadWL() + 284 (IOBluetoothFamily + 236408) [0xffffff7f81c18b78] 1-7
*7 IOEventSource::sleepGate(void*, unsigned int) + 76 (kernel + 6915452) [0xffffff800089857c] 1-7
*7 IOWorkLoop::sleepGate(void*, unsigned int) + 123 (kernel + 6909243) [0xffffff8000896d3b] 1-7
*7 lck_mtx_sleep + 126 (kernel + 500174) [0xffffff800027a1ce] 1-7
*7 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 546063) [0xffffff800028550f] 1-7
*7 ??? (kernel + 550218) [0xffffff800028654a] 1-7
*7 machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 1580685) [0xffffff8000381e8d] 1-7

Thread 0xb4c Thread name "ifnet_start_utun0" 7 samples (1-7) priority 82 (base 82)
<IO tier 0>
*7 call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 116055) [0xffffff800021c557] 1-7
*7 ??? (kernel + 3184887) [0xffffff80005098f7] 1-7
*7 msleep + 98 (kernel + 5427922) [0xffffff800072d2d2] 1-7
*7 ??? (kernel + 5426694) [0xffffff800072ce06] 1-7
*7 lck_mtx_sleep + 126 (kernel + 500174) [0xffffff800027a1ce] 1-7
*7 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 546063) [0xffffff800028550f] 1-7
*7 ??? (kernel + 550218) [0xffffff800028654a] 1-7
*7 machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 1580685) [0xffffff8000381e8d] 1-7

Thread 0x30add Thread name "thread call high #11" 7 samples (1-7) priority 93 (base 93) cpu time 0.003s
<IO tier 0>
*7 call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 116055) [0xffffff800021c557] 1-7
*7 ??? (kernel + 673285) [0xffffff80002a4605] 1-7
*7 ??? (kernel + 674468) [0xffffff80002a4aa4] 1-7
*7 IOService::watchdog_timer_expired(void*, void*) + 46 (kernel + 6806254) [0xffffff800087daee] 1-7
*7 IOPMrootDomain::takeStackshot(bool, bool, bool) + 901 (kernel + 7314485) [0xffffff80008f9c35] 1-7
*7 stack_snapshot_from_kernel + 373 (kernel + 251333) [0xffffff800023d5c5] (running) 1-7

Thread 0x30ae9 Thread name "thread call high #10" 7 samples (1-7) priority 93 (base 93)
<IO tier 0>
*7 call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 116055) [0xffffff800021c557] 1-7
*7 ??? (kernel + 673285) [0xffffff80002a4605] 1-7
*7 ??? (kernel + 674468) [0xffffff80002a4aa4] 1-7
*7 IOService::pmDriverCallout(IOService*) + 52 (kernel + 6806612) [0xffffff800087dc54] 1-7
*7 IOService::driverInformPowerChange() + 286 (kernel + 6808046) [0xffffff800087e1ee] 1-7
*7 IOFramebuffer::powerStateDidChangeTo(unsigned long, unsigned long, IOService*) + 39 (IOGraphicsFamily + 92897) [0xffffff7f82317ae1] 1-7
*7 IOGraphicsControllerWorkLoop::closeGate() + 9 (IOGraphicsFamily + 130439) [0xffffff7f82320d87] 1-7
*7 IOGraphicsWorkLoop::closeGate() + 33 (IOGraphicsFamily + 34485) [0xffffff7f823096b5] 1-7
*7 lck_mtx_lock + 653 (kernel + 113421) [0xffffff800021bb0d] 1-7
*7 lck_mtx_lock_wait_x86 + 486 (kernel + 1571830) [0xffffff800037fbf6] 1-7
*7 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 546063) [0xffffff800028550f] 1-7
*7 ??? (kernel + 550218) [0xffffff800028654a] 1-7
*7 machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 1580685) [0xffffff8000381e8d] 1-7

Binary Images:
*0xffffff7f814c7000 - 0xffffff7f815a2fff 748.51.0 (748.51.0) <9970D96C-805A-37BF-AAE4-E2F0A39FED30> /System/Library/Extensions/apfs.kext/Contents/MacOS/apfs
*0xffffff7f81bdf000 - 0xffffff7f81c6efff 6.0.7 (6.0.7f22) <FF1CAA92-5B92-3233-B7F0-FC70FFE348E8> /System/Library/Extensions/IOBluetoothFamily.kext/Contents/MacOS/IOBluetoothFamily
*0xffffff7f81ef1000 - 0xffffff7f81f0dfff 220.50.1 (220.50.1) <07DFFD58-7AC2-3ADB-9535-E1B19D83978F> /System/Library/Extensions/AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext/Contents/MacOS/AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement
*0xffffff7f82301000 - 0xffffff7f82328fff 519.23 (519.23) <81D774E8-DD11-3866-B90A-E855215EDB60> /System/Library/Extensions/IOGraphicsFamily.kext/IOGraphicsFamily
*0xffffff7f8239f000 - 0xffffff7f823a0fff 1.0 (1) <10AB980B-BF01-317D-8CE7-51079C8E304C> /System/Library/Extensions/AppleOSXWatchdog.kext/Contents/MacOS/AppleOSXWatchdog
*0xffffff7f82790000 - 0xffffff7f82797fff 519.21 (519.21) <B9EB0174-55E4-3CB1-9802-E74BB1BD5EF0> /System/Library/Extensions/IONDRVSupport.kext/IONDRVSupport
*0xffffff7f829d7000 - 0xffffff7f82c52fff 10.32.0 (10.3.2) <6DE4BC26-EEC1-379B-AD41-532FB0A529CD> /System/Library/Extensions/NVDAResman.kext/Contents/MacOS/NVDAResman
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (4570.71.82.8) <5E83A13A-32F5-3604-8591-50E2F2F70DC6> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel

UUID: 4620DA8A-2C9A-400E-8FB6-8B82ACF184F3
Code: 00000001 00000027
Stackshot reason: Watchdog

Model: iMac11,1, BootROM, 4 processors, Intel Core i5, 2.66 GHz, 20 GB, SMC 1.54f36
Graphics: NVIDIA Quadro K3100M by nikey22, NVIDIA Quadro K3100M by nikey22, PCIe
Memory Module: BANK 0/DIMM0, 2 GB, DDR3, 1067 MHz, 0x80CE, 0x4D34373142353637334548312D4346382020
Memory Module: BANK 1/DIMM0, 2 GB, DDR3, 1067 MHz, 0x80CE, 0x4D34373142353637334548312D4346382020
Memory Module: BANK 0/DIMM1, 8 GB, DDR3, 1067 MHz, 0x0000, -
Memory Module: BANK 1/DIMM1, 8 GB, DDR3, 1067 MHz, 0x0000, -
AirPort: spairport_wireless_card_type_airport_extreme (0x168C, 0x8F), Atheros 9280:
Bluetooth: Version 6.0.7f22, 3 services, 27 devices, 1 incoming serial ports
Network Service: Wi-Fi, AirPort, en1
Serial ATA Device: Samsung SSD 850 EVO 500GB, 500.11 GB
Serial ATA Device: Samsung SSD 860 EVO 1TB, 1 TB
USB Device: USB 2.0 Bus
USB Device: Hub
USB Device: Internal Memory Card Reader
USB Device: BRCM2046 Hub
USB Device: Bluetooth USB Host Controller
USB Device: USB 2.0 Bus
USB Device: Hub
USB Device: IR Receiver
USB Device: Built-in iSight
Thunderbolt Bus:
Last edited:
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