Thank you so much, internetzel!
My chronic WX7100 boost problems (See Post 6743) are gone since flashing your new GOP ROM!
The Card now accelerates as it should...
By contrast, as I still do not reach the desired Valley performance, I realized that my CPU throttles all the time.
Unfortunately I cannot tell since when, as i swapped an i7-2600 and a Xeon 1290 forth and back again.
I tried virtually everything I can imagine:
- installed OWC In-line Digital Thermal Sensor Cable for upgraded Internal HDD together with SSD
- checked every sensor cable at least 20 Times
- performed SMC Reset multiple times
- checked the two ferrite beads near the ambient temperature sensor connector (L5500 & L5501) -> no apparent prob
- Macs Fan control gives reasonable temp values for all sensors I am familiar with
- downloaded AHT via this
Github PAge and installed it on OC USB Stick, ran it, found 4MOT/4/40000003: HDD-1301 -> changed the HDD fan -> no change at all
- in despair, I compiled a SSDT-PM.aml according to
dortania -> no change
CPU is stuck at 1.8 GHz, so helpfull suggestions would be warmly appreciated...
Best regards,