Not quite sure what I did wrong but I flashed the SKhynix BFR version btw. M5100-EnableGop91-LVDS-HynixBFR to the videocard, since it has the BFR memory. (SKhynix, H5GC2H24BFR T2C 441V).
Accessed the videocard now again via SSH using GRML Linux. I'm not quite sure what vBIOS is need. I thought that the HynixBFR version was the correct one. Can't seem to connect to the Mac anymore. Getting: Connection Refused on Port 22.
Update 18/09/2023
Okay fixed the SSH connection. Installed multiple rom's:
- M5100-EG2_HynixBFR_adj.rom, did not work, no screen, no bootpicker, all black.
- M5100-EnableGop910-LVDS-HynixBFR.rom, did not work, no screen, no bootpicker, all black.
- M5100-GOP_HynixBFR.rom, does work, giving screen, can see the boot picker, but when booting into MacOS I've got a Yellow screen again, sometimes it's purple. Unless when I boot into Safe Mode. It is showing my GPU as an HD7xxx with 2GB vram tho.
@Ausdauersportler Have you got any ideas? Am I doing something wrong, am I missing out on something?