Oh please please, stop talking ******** and pretend you know things. Just please, stop. Seriously, stop, it's all ********.One of the reasons why people need Dual CPU workstations is that using CUDA hardware - there is no hardware scheduling on hardware level.
In essence. CUDA hardware needs software to work properly, because it lacks hardware scheduling. Last GPU from Nvidia which had Hardware Scheduler was Fermi, and was hot inefficient and burnt to death. Thats why Nvidia got rid of it, because they were not able to control it properly. Kepler and Maxwell have GigaThread Engine which need drivers to work properly. It cannot adapt itself to application. If it would have Hardware Scheduling - it would. All of Scheduling is on CPU.
Since kepler's GK110 nvidia has new GMU unit, it's in hardware.

Fermi was very hot mostly due to hot-clocks, when shaders run at almost twice the clock speed of rest of core.
This GMU is even able to provide Asynchronous Compute, but only with cuda. Nvidia ****ed up and made their GMU not compatible with DX12 requirements for bariers for efficient Async Compute queues.