Right looks much better.A couple quick pics of a 2016/2018 Samsung vs LG
Right looks much better.
I dont understand whats going on in the middle picture, contrast seems to be better on the right but the left has oddly burned highlights (Also the grass on the elephant is burned so bad it almost looks like a white spot
How about this?
Identical models, screen manufacturers, settings, but screens...
Even with this much of a difference nobody in apple bothers to explain why
Funny thing is that the one I returned because of overheating was brighter than those in apple store and I was absolutely happy about that screen. If I knew about that screen issue I would definitely keep it.
As I noticed they all overheat with discrete GPU onI think it's gonna be fixed by next mojave patch...but I just stupidly used that grace period and got bigger problem.
Do you think there is a chance to bring that screen issue to apple's attention somehow?
I think apple is well aware of the panel lottery tho
I am not sure to what extent it depends on manufacturer, but those on my picture are both LGs.
Agree. There is no way some of apple staff aren't aware of the problem, especially those who is in charge of things. Guys at the store seem absolutely useless though about this issue.
Your car probably has some scratches, you may have some wrinkles on your face and your sports team might not win anything this year. Much of life is living with imperfection. Learn to be happy.
I have Samsung in my Retina MacBook Pro Mid-2012, And another which is LG. (Original was Samsung) but was replaced because of scratches to the clearcoat, nothing wrong with Samsung and they gave back a noticibly less colourful LG panel, I say that subjectively, it could have just been different but things seem to be more crisp and accurate with the Samsung! (Calibrated).Please type this command in the command prompt:
ioreg -lw0 | grep "EDID" | sed "/[^<]*</s///" | xxd -p -r
If you see LP, then you got LG panel. If you do not see LP, then you got Samsung.
My 2017 macbook pro is Samsung Panel and it is WAY BETTER than my 2018 LG panel in terms of brightness and color. I was wondering how to get the Samsung panel. I have already returned 4 macbook pros but all of them are LG panels.