My 5600M is here. The comparison with the 13" 2020 4-port follows.
13" in clamshell not busy (7.7W total, 137F, 0rpm):
View attachment 932332
5600M clamshell not busy (19.7W, 133F, 1800rpm):
View attachment 932333
so lower running temp than the not busy 13", but not by much. However, as I'm typing this the 5600M is now even cooler: 14.7W, 117F. I can't hear it running.
Now for open lid.
13" Open Lid not busy (13.9W, 143F, 1300rpm):
View attachment 932342
5600M Open Lid not busy (27.6W, 133F, 1800rpm):
View attachment 932344
Radeon High Side is pretty low out of the box. No tweaks. That fan speed and temp is nice. I was in the 150's and 5000rpm open lid on the 5500M, so this is an improvement.
5600M Open Lid busy (57.4W, 166F, 4700rpm):
View attachment 932345
Another later zoom today was 147F and 32W, no slack running.
My conclusion is that I was hoping for lower idle wattage on the 5600M in general. I was expecting clamshell 12-14W, but it seems that 15-24W is the range it works in during normal use - lite browsing etc - during clamshell. When there is little changing on the screen it's closer to the 15W side.
Even though the wattage it higher than I expected it's really running cool. I never saw mid 120's on the 13" even. I'm not doing anything special for cooling.
I really like that it doesn't go ballistic in either open lid or clamshell. I also turned Power Nap back on and everything just works, right out of the box. So, I think this is my machine. It's noticeably snappier than the 13", not that the 13 was too slow, but once I get to rendering I'll really appreciate this extra boost.