My initial impression of a just received i9 2.3, 5600m is positive. This new one behaves how I wished/expected the i9/5500m configs I tried (a few actually returning them to Apple along the way).
Right now I have lid open, USBC to an LG 27" 4k display, Parallels running a Windows VM using 2 cores, probably 60 chrome tabs open and Zoom mtg video active. Turbo Boost Pro is not installed. Radeon High Side is 13W (highest I've seen it go), high CPU temp is 70, fans moving around between 2.1-2.4k. On the other configs fans would be 3k+ w a Zoom mtg running (and with TBP enabled). Without TBP on the 5600 config, seems my CPU temp is higher than usual, but fans are lower. I also have 2 USBC cables plugged in on the left side (temp is 56). Switching those to the right plugs didn't impact the fans. The physical temp of the keyboard still gets warm, as does the area above the touchbar, but seems less hot than the others.
With Zoom off, Radeon High Side bounces between 8-10W, CPU temp at 63, fans at 1.8k.
Firing up Ableton Live, Radeon High Side, temp, fans are acting similar to when I had Zoom going.
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I'll be curious if things go lower once I install TBP, though at these levels I may not need to use it as I have yet to hear the fans from my sitting distance (barely audible when I put my ear up next to it).