Thats fair enough, but i hear this a lot now about RAM on ipads. What realistically can you do differently with an Air 4 with 4GB RAM and a
Ipad Pro with 6GB+ RAM? Have more Tabs on safari open, more layers on photo editors? Good to have but not essential in terms of core functionality. A lot of people talk about future proofing by having more RAM on ipads, but at the end of the day Apple are developing ipad OS to perform well on the lowest common denominator, which is the entry level ipad. This may hold back the Pro ipads technical potential, but what sells more and is in most people hands... the entry level and ipad airs. The only realistic way to take full advantage of the performance potential of the M1 IPad Pro’s and all its RAM, is to release a separate forked version of Ipad OS or have Mac OS on them.