As a kid I remember I used to stare up at the sky when I saw jet trails and wonder where they were coming from and going to. That is so very cool that I can actually know that now, thanks for the recommendation!To give all you folks something more to do, if you install Flightradar24 on your iPhone, not only can you track your flight, similar to other apps, but you can also point your iPhone to a plane in the sky and see its flight info, and also its track. Sometimes when I'm sitting in the backyard with my dog, I'll track planes on approach to Las Vegas.
I downloaded the app and am in the trial. Lots of very nice features. I may very well let the $35 annual subscription stay in place past the trial period. This will be fun to use for a couple upcoming flights I'm on later in the year. (As well as tracking the much-anticipated new iPhone 😁)