Maybe he doesn't like a certain idea from a department, or is just tired of the same ol canteen grub, and thinks it might be better elsewhere.. But personally, you sometimes need to step in, age 65 and say, thanks...
My dad told me of the day he retired, they held a small party in the rec room, then at 5pm, 2 security came and asked my dad to vacate as his access card had been terminated, before coming the rec room, his computer was wiped, his log in deleted, and at 5pm, as he drove out of the parking, was stopped and the sticker removed from the car..
He drove home, knowing that whatever happens, he has no responsibility, that he can relax for the 1st time since his teens. He said they way they did it, was absolutely perfect, that chapter of his life was closed, he came home, and wiped all the work numbers, work apps from his phone, deleted all the emails, done with the job.. Free to do what he wanted, no one from work to contact him, and no one did...
As long as he is in the top job, Newey or anyone of that age, they are preventing growth, they are harming not helping.. It seems insane to throw away talent, but sometimes you need to do this, to start over, with new rules, as the industry of F1 is about to do.. Young bright talent will think fast, think smart, have the chance to shine...It is better to do it like I suggest than for somone to have a medical crisis and then... How sad that would be..