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Neoweo said:
Yes, I have the 2.33 with the 7600gt and 2gb RAM. Here are my WoW settings:
1920x1200, 60Hz, 24-bit color 1x multisample (I tried 4x too with same results)
All "world appearance" sliders set to max, "Level of detail" checked.
All shader checkboxes checked.
Trilinear Filtering Checked.
Vertical Sync not checked.

Is any of this wrong? I'm watching my FPS by using Ctrl-R.

Thanks for any tips.

I was playing in OS X...

I'll check my settings and post them (just re-installed hehe)
Neoweo said:
WTH? I've got the maxed out 24" iMac (except for the hard drive).

I just installed WoW and cranked all the settings like you spelled out, and I get 30-50 fps. This is nowhere in the vacinity of 150 fps...what gives???

Did you get the latest patch? Maybe you are running in Rosetta?
nagromme said:
Did you get the latest patch? Maybe you are running in Rosetta?

Nah, I'm definately running the universal binary.

I'm getting around 29-45 fps....ugh. What could I be doing wrong?

24" iMac/2.33/7600gt/2gb/250gb HDD
another 24inch iMac owner

I have the EXACT same setup, only I'm not getting near 100 FPS in WOW. I wonder why not?
Josephkyles said:
I have the EXACT same setup, only I'm not getting near 100 FPS in WOW. I wonder why not?

I'll get some screenshots posted when I finish the installs again...
I just peaked 100 with my window minimized, but I had to leave IF. Fullscreen I'm running between 20-60 FPS. Could the server we're on have to do with FPS? I'm on Eradar.

Edit: If I set all of my settings to low I can get over 220 FPS
ya, I was loving my 24" 2GB upgraded video card 2.33GHz... That is untill 2 days after having it the power supply blew out. And, they can't help me till monday at the apple store... Damn it, if it wasn't for OSX.....anyway.
Where all all these crazy triple digits fps coming from? The machine in my sig has not even hit 100, let alone 200.
patseguin said:
Where all all these crazy triple digits fps coming from? The machine in my sig has not even hit 100, let alone 200.

In your case I think it has to do with the fact you have an ATI card. In most cases ATI cards are not even half as fast in OpenGL as their are in Direct3D. This is a known problem in the Windows/Linux world, and since the OSX drivers are based on the ATI proprietary drivers the same problem could be expected on this platform.

Maybe I wasn't clear enough. The advertised performance of graphic cards are in most cases measured by Direct3D applications, in Direct3D the ATI X1900 is much faster than the 7600GT. But due to the poor OpenGL implementation on ATI cards the 7600GT can probably be expected to have better performance in OpenGL applications. nVidia cards does not suffer from this "OpenGL problem".
MacProGuy said:
I'll try your link when I re-install windows tomorrow. Been playing with various configs of bootcamp etc :) haha

Just loaded Unreal Tournament 2004 for OS X...


200, 300, 400 FPS at 1900x1200 with ALL SETTINGS ON HIGH...

Average seems to be in the 150-250FPS range...

:eek: GOD I love this machine :)

MacWorld gets much lower results:

They report low 80s, at only 1024x768. That's not overly alarming: they simply may have used a more complex map with more bots than you did. And maybe your higher res didn't hurt that much compared to 1024x768.

Anyway, still not half bad, but possibly people should not expect the kinds of high numbers you have seen. Any more tests you do would be welcome though :) Want to load up, say 16 bots in Torlan and see what you get at full res/quality?

ALSO, FWIW, MacWorld reports very little difference between the bottom and top 24" iMacs (upgrading CPU and GPU both made little difference in UT 2004):

2.16 with 7300 : 84 fps

2.33 with 7600 : 79 fps

Now, those are both at 1024x768, and probably testing the CPU (bots are CPU-intensive) more than the GPU. I'm guessing that at full 1920x1200, the higher GPU would hold its own while the lower GPU would see a bigger speed drop.
nagromme said:
MacWorld gets much lower results:

They report low 80s, at only 1024x768. That's not overly alarming: they simply may have used a more complex map with more bots than you did. And maybe your higher res didn't hurt that much compared to 1024x768.

Anyway, still not half bad, but possibly people should not expect the kinds of high numbers you have seen. Any more tests you do would be welcome though :) Want to load up, say 16 bots in Torlan and see what you get at full res/quality?

ALSO, FWIW, MacWorld reports very little difference between the bottom and top 24" iMacs (upgrading CPU and GPU both made little difference in UT 2004):

2.16 with 7300 : 84 fps

2.33 with 7600 : 79 fps

Now, those are both at 1024x768, and probably testing the CPU (bots are CPU-intensive) more than the GPU. I'm guessing that at full 1920x1200, the higher GPU would hold its own while the lower GPU would see a bigger speed drop.

You might have something there... this was, honestly, with me just wandering around inside the city by myself... haven't actually played the game at all... just wandering around! :)

I'm about to re-install and post screen shots ;)
I'm on Dragonblight and FPS is the least of my worries. My guild has to juggle our raid schedule every month to avoid as much server lag as possible. We can finally farm BWL and are going to start Naxx this week.

I only wish that running top notch hardware would solve our lag times when doing 40 man raids. I can't even remember a Vael fight that remained green server connection for the duration.

However, removing your game platform as a potential source of the problem is certainly comforting. Solo farming with my 7600GT graphics card and 2GB of RAM is smooth as glass.
MacProGuy said:
Averaged Handbrake Performance is (From DISC, not from Hard Drive) between 30 and 31 fps... Is that good?

Just an update...

With default handbrake settings, the 30 and 31 fps is really being hampered by the sloooow (but thin... tradeoffs are everywhere) built in SuperDrive (DVD/RW)...

As I'm seeing as high as 75-78FPS when encoding directly from the RAID0 FW800 Boot Drive and avoiding the DVD Speed altogether.

XyliX said:
This review states that their iMac 24" with a 7600GT only got 24 FPS (1024x768 and medium quality). This is absoluteley horrible. Can someone please confirm this. (I am interested in OSX numbers),1895,2018044,00.asp

Click the link at the bottom.
There has been some discussion of that article on various forums, and I have yet to see a conclusive explanation, but it seems VERY likely that PC Magazine screwed up. They probably installed the PowerPC-only version of Doom 3, and never patched it to the current version! The current version is Universal, and without that, the game would be running in Rosetta emulation at a HUGE penalty, which would explain their result. Oops! (A shame, since PC Mag readers will now incorrectly think that OS X somehow massively slows down a speedy 7600 GPU.)

I wouldn't worry: Bare Feats ran many tests, with different games and different configs, and their results are consistent: the iMac 24"/7600 is quite fast for Doom 3, Quake 4, UT2004, and Halo.... at HIGH detail settings, and full 1920x1200 resolution! They tested Doom 3 at 50 fps in that extreme high-quality situation. Informal user reports have been similar. So you can bet that with detail reduced to Medium and res reduced to 1024x768, the game would run much faster than 50... and MUCH faster than 24! (Unless there's some weird bug slowing down non-native resolutions.)
Those are all OS X tests, and all very good: almost as good as a Mac Pro with X1900.

So PC Mag's one result stands alone among a lot of really good test results from other sources. I'd guess that PC Mag will correct the article, or post a follow-up note, when they catch their mistake.
I'm really excited to her the performance of the 7600GT is so awesome. I'm putting a similar card into the Core 2 Duo 2.4GHz PC I'm building and I plan on getting back into WoW. Thanks for the numbers!
Chrispy said:
I'm really excited to her the performance of the 7600GT is so awesome. I'm putting a similar card into the Core 2 Duo 2.4GHz PC I'm building and I plan on getting back into WoW. Thanks for the numbers!
Well, it's not that awesome. Besides the OP who else is getting those numbers? Look up one. Heck, even us Mac Pro folks are barely getting those numbers with our setups that blow away the iMac.

Don't get me wrong, I'm sure performance is great. Just don't unbox your iMac, turn everything to max and expect to get 200fps. You won't.
Abulia said:
Well, it's not that awesome. Besides the OP who else is getting those numbers? Look up one. Heck, even us Mac Pro folks are barely getting those numbers with our setups that blow away the iMac.
The OP made clear that 200 fps was what he saw in a specific case, and not a rigorous benchmark for all situations.

But a LOT of tests (like BareFeats') HAVE shown the new iMac/7600 to be an excellent performer with the latest games at high detail/high res. 200 fps? No--but smooth nonetheless.
MacProGuy said:
I get 60fps...

Of course, I have *faster but rougher display* checked... and I have disabled the *cap at 30* setting...

i have an X1600 (2.0Ghz C2D) 17" in full screen without "faster but rougher" turned on im getting an average of 62fps

edit: realised your refering to the huge 24" mac...ill get my coat.
24" iMac Early 2006 Edition

Posted this on the WoW forums too, but having video issue playing WoW - Wrath of the Lich King (WOTLK). Strange lines begin to appear on the video, etc. Never had a problem until the large patch for WOTLK came out. Can't find any answers as it if it's poor video card (NVIDA GeForce 730 GT) or an issue with Blizzards programing?

I'm ruling overheating out for two reasons. 1) It's in my basement where it's now a cold 50 degrees thanks to old man winter and 2) I have yet to find a pattern for when it starts. Some days it soon after boot-up, other days it's after severl hour of play. So far it's only been in the WoW screen. Other programs are not affected.

Specks are below. I will try turning down the resolution, but I do find it funny that these issue on WoW did not start until the WOTLK patch. I am assuming there was some major software rewrites?

Assuming it's a poor video card, anyone know if this iMac model video card is upgradable?

Imac (6.1)
Intel Core 2 Duo
2.16 GHz
Processors 1
Cores 2
L2 Cache 4MB
Memory 3 GB
Bus Speed: 667 MHz
Boot ROM Version: IM61.0093.B07
SMC Version 1.10f2

Mac OS X 10.4.11 (852167)
Darwin 8.11.1

NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GT
PCEi Lane Width x16
Vendor: NVIDA (0x10de)
Device ID: 0x0395
Revision ID: 0x00a1
Rom Version: 3021

Display Type: LCD
Resolution 1920x1200 (will adjust down to 1280x1024 and see what happens)
Deph: 32-bit color
Built-in: yes
Core Image: Hardware Accelerated
Main Display: yes
Mirror: Off
Online: Yes
Quarz Extreme: Supported
Some of you may know me as a guy that switched from Windows to a Mac Pro... and returned it because it just wasn't worth the money and the Windows performance was So pathetic I couldn't stand it.

Well, I JUST GOT my 24" iMac (thought I'd try that one out)... and... my only reservation was the 1920x1200 resolution in Games... would it be enough of a video card.

Well, 3 things sold me on the iMac.

#1)... Upgradeable Video Card Potential

Wait a minute here. Since when is the video card in the iMac upgradable? Did a new iMac come out and I missed it? :confused:

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