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Typically don't chime in on these things, but honestly, people need to do RESEARCH before they buy or ask for a product. If your typical internet usage is Flash intensive, then clearly the iPad is not the product for you. Why did you not even consider such a simple fact before purchase/asking for it as a gift?

/end rant
You people that claim you don't notice the lack of flash are full of it.

And if you have a laptop and an iPhone, guess what? Your iPad is overkill. If you just think it's cool, that's another story. But stop trying to act like the lack of flash isn't a big deal. Just about every car, boat, retail, and media site uses it.
You people that claim you don't notice the lack of flash are full of it.

And if you have a laptop and an iPhone, guess what? Your iPad is overkill. If you just think it's cool, that's another story. But stop trying to act like the lack of flash isn't a big deal. Just about every car, boat, retail, and media site uses it.

As I said, Flash isn't a big deal for me. I use my iPad primarily for university, and almost all websites I need for that do not use Flash - my lectures are all available as PDFs, and all of the Journals I access through services such as JSTOR etc. offer articles as either PDFs or HTML. Most other websites that I access tend to be text based as well. So again, Flash isn't a big deal for me and I'm sure that I am not alone.

The only time I miss Flash is when it comes to Kongregate, but as has been mentioned before, Flash, and therefore Flash based games, are not configured for touch-interface devices, so it would be pretty useless even if the iPad had Flash. But this is the failing of Adobe, not Apple.

As for your last sentence - Fiat, Porsche, Audi and Mercedes Benz don't use much if any flash - heck Mercedes Benz even has an iPhone specific website that looks really good on an iPad. Seat, VW and BMW do use more, but it only comprises some elements of the websites. The absence of Flash actually makes the websites load faster, but it also doesn't stop me from getting all the information I need from the websites (pictures and text still load fine, just not the promotional videos). Additinally, my experience with media websites is that Flash is not that prevalent - only a few videos don't work on many of the websites, but this is of little concern as often these videos are accompanied by text. Additionally, many outlets offer iPad specific apps (e.g. BBC, Die Welt, WSJ etc) which are often better than using the web because you can just download content in the morning before leaving home.

Taking this into account I would therefore, in your position, refrain from using general statements such as "Just about every" as it infers that most websites fail to function without Flash, and this is obviously just not true. If you had instead used the term "many", then I wouldn't feel the need to point out the errors in your opinion.

Please do remember that the world is full of unique individuals who do not necessarily share your view of the world, so telling someone that they are "full of it" because they beg to differ is far from constructive. Additionally, your evaluation of the importance of Flash in the average internet experience is a fallacy of defective induction, unless you have some statistics to present that support your claims. This also goes for your claim that concurrant ownership of both a laptop and an iPhone make the iPad redundant.
I know this is a "cool story bro," but I just don't seem to have much use for my 32gb 3G iPad. I wanted one so bad until I eventually got one as a gift. It just seems to sit. I have a MacBook pro and an iPhone 4. Am I weird because I don't use it? I feel like it's such an awesome device, I just don't need it. I wish it had flash.

Anyone have any comments or similar stories?

I gotta say, if i didn't need my iPad for school, i would have no use for it. But as a student, it saves me from ever having to carry books again. And that's worth $500 to me.
Funny you should mention your 17" MacBook Pro...

The PPI is identical to the iPad, at 132 pixels per inch. That 17" Pro must be driving you nuts-- soon they'll have Photoshop on the iPhone 4 "retina" display and all will be right in the universe! :)

Also, while we're at it, the 13" Pro has 113 pixels per inch.

Thanks Wikipedia!

LOL. Owned. People don't get that its not possible to have a retina quality screen at 10 inches for a reasonable price just yet. technology isn't there yet, give it 2 years maybe.
You people that claim you don't notice the lack of flash are full of it.

And if you have a laptop and an iPhone, guess what? Your iPad is overkill. If you just think it's cool, that's another story. But stop trying to act like the lack of flash isn't a big deal. Just about every car, boat, retail, and media site uses it.

Funny coming from a guy who dropped $700 on a device that you didn't know whether you needed or not? Sounds like you need to think your decisions through a little better.

I go to auto/boat/classic trader publications all the time on my iPad, and notice no need for flash. I go to all of the top retail sites (i.e. Best Buy, Home Depot, Lowes, Walmart, Ebay, Amazon, etc.), not to mention Youtube, FB, CNN, NYT, USA Today, Bank of America, Yahoo, etc. etc. etc. Where again does Flash matter??
You people that claim you don't notice the lack of flash are full of it.

And if you have a laptop and an iPhone, guess what? Your iPad is overkill. If you just think it's cool, that's another story. But stop trying to act like the lack of flash isn't a big deal. Just about every car, boat, retail, and media site uses it.

Erm, whatever :rolleyes:

I have noticed the lack of flash a couple of times. The only thing I do that requires flash is watching videos, and even then most of the sites i go to have ipad html5 versions. I don't look at car or boat sites, all the retail ones i go to are plain HTML, and as i say most media ones I actually visit are fine.

As it happens i have a laptop, iphone and iPad. My excuse is it's for software development, but really it's a toy. Still, I like it a lot, and now my laptop has become a tool for serious work, while all my web browsing goes on the iPad.
I know this is a "cool story bro," but I just don't seem to have much use for my 32gb 3G iPad. I wanted one so bad until I eventually got one as a gift. It just seems to sit. I have a MacBook pro and an iPhone 4. Am I weird because I don't use it? I feel like it's such an awesome device, I just don't need it. I wish it had flash.

Anyone have any comments or similar stories?

Can't say that I have had the same experience. My iPad fills a real niche for me. I use my iPhone all day long and as much as I truly love it, I get tired of looking at a little screen after a whole day. My MB Pro and other computers are in my studio at home and I don't always want to go up there to use them. My iPad goes around with me at home from room to room and I very often just grab it to take a quick look at my e-mail or look something up on the web or a dozen other things and I don't have to go all the way up to the studio to do this. If I'm looking at something on the web that's cool and I want to show it to someone I just hand it to them and say " look at this" and they hand it back. In short, I use it for what it was intended for. Quick access, portable, easy to operate and great to use. Not too big, not too small. I don't pretend it's something it's not.

I don't give a crap about flash.
Funny you should mention your 17" MacBook Pro...

The PPI is identical to the iPad, at 132 pixels per inch. That 17" Pro must be driving you nuts-- soon they'll have Photoshop on the iPhone 4 "retina" display and all will be right in the universe! :)

Also, while we're at it, the 13" Pro has 113 pixels per inch.

Thanks Wikipedia!

i use my MBP in more distance than my iPad, that makes it difference. if i look at my MBP close enough like i usually use my iPad, yes, the pixels are like starring at me, but if i use the mbp normally, on the desk and i sit on my chair, i couldn't see any pixels.
I got my iPad knowing that it didn't support flash and didn't think it would be a big deal. I didn't realize how many web sites I went to that used flash either. I've tried to view restaurant menus, movie theater listings, links to youtube videos on facebook, and several other websites as well really...I notice it at least 3 to 4 times a week where I will be using my iPad then come across something in flash and then go to my computer and have to wait a minute for it to boot up so I can view is a major pain but I still prefer the form factor of the iPad and there are no other major devices of the same form factor that support flash in the market right now so it is something I have learned to accept.

And also I find it funny that you guys are just saying that he believes the anti apple hype about half the internet being in flash...I know plenty of people who will not buy an iPad just due to lack of flash because most of the websites they visit are yea to them half or more than half the internet they are planning on accessing is flash so it isn't necessarily about media hype. Everyone's internet usage is different so just because you are 100% happy with not having flash doesn't mean everyone else is.
LOL. Owned. People don't get that its not possible to have a retina quality screen at 10 inches for a reasonable price just yet. technology isn't there yet, give it 2 years maybe.

LOL. Owned!

people don't use the 1900x1200 17" MBP so close to their eyes like the iPad. they sit on the chair and the MBP is set on the desk to give them a distance so they can't see pixels, just give it a try on the apple store if you don't own 1900x1200 17" MBP. iPad screen is good if i put it in the distance just like my setup of MBP.

and i do understand when you're going to put retina display on the iPad, no current technology like a small chip of display adapter that could power it without making the iPad much bigger like the MacPro and have a big heat sink and a big fan on that thing..

ps. i don't give a crap about flash either. life is much better without flash, it's driving your computer and battery life to craptastic level.
You people that claim you don't notice the lack of flash are full of it.

And if you have a laptop and an iPhone, guess what? Your iPad is overkill. If you just think it's cool, that's another story. But stop trying to act like the lack of flash isn't a big deal. Just about every car, boat, retail, and media site uses it.

Why would I ever go to any of those sites? Honestly, I use zero sites that utilize flash. Flash is for sites that are giant ads for car and sneaker companies. I'm a consumer, I want to learn about products or buy them, not look at giant rotating pictures of them.
I know this is a "cool story bro," but I just don't seem to have much use for my 32gb 3G iPad. I wanted one so bad until I eventually got one as a gift. It just seems to sit. I have a MacBook pro and an iPhone 4. Am I weird because I don't use it? I feel like it's such an awesome device, I just don't need it. I wish it had flash.

Anyone have any comments or similar stories?

Exactly where have you been living not to know that the iPad and for that matter, the iPhone nor the iPod have Flash capabilities? Surely you can't be seriously finding this out now. BTW there are about a glabillion similar threads about the same boring topic. The search feature is your best friend.
You people that claim you don't notice the lack of flash are full of it.

And if you have a laptop and an iPhone, guess what? Your iPad is overkill. If you just think it's cool, that's another story. But stop trying to act like the lack of flash isn't a big deal. Just about every car, boat, retail, and media site uses it.

Really? Ever here of Click2Flash? It disables Flash in Safari and I have it running all the time. Since using C2F, I do not have Safari crashes or wild fan speeds caused by the crap that Flash is. Get a clue.
Don't wait for g2 wait for g3, but then you should just wait for g4. Very little of what I go to has flash so I do not miss it. For me I have the opposite I use my MBP a lot less. I just need to pry it away from my daughter.
I use my iPad more than my iMac desktop now.

gtfo with your moaning and groaning
I don't even use flash on my MacBook. It makes it heat up and the fans go crazy. Plus, it kills my battery life. I have had click2flash installed for the last few years so when I got my iPad, The web browsing experience was exactly the same.

Flash 10.1 makes it a bit more tolerable with GPU support, but it's too little too late. They finally improve flash performance just as the technology is becoming obsolete.
You people that claim you don't notice the lack of flash are full of it.

And if you have a laptop and an iPhone, guess what? Your iPad is overkill. If you just think it's cool, that's another story. But stop trying to act like the lack of flash isn't a big deal. Just about every car, boat, retail, and media site uses it.

Okay, why the need to lash out just because people disagree with you?

I've got an iPad and it has totally and completely replaced my laptop and desktop for 99% of what I use a computer for at home. Work, no that's a different matter, but at home the only things I use a desktop OS for now are financial transactions with my bank and full-scale photo-editing. The rest of the time it's basically file storage and an air video server, that's it.

Without a word of a lie I've never found the lack of flash to be a problem. I just don't visit sites that use it (not through choice, just haven't come across any problems) and virtually every video I come across these days is HTML5 compatible. I don't play flash games and the relatively few sites that still rely on flash usually have a non-flash version available. Can the iPad do everything my laptop can? No. Do I NEED it to? Nope. When you get right down to it virtually all of my home use of a computer is internet, e-mail, games and writing and the iPad offers me a better experience (and frankly a more enjoyable one) than any other device I've ever used.

But here's my question: you knew that Flash was not an option on the iPad. This has been well documented and you hang out on a mac forum so there's no way you missed that particular fact. If you know in advance that you visit web sites with a lot of flash content and that this is an important part of your browsing then why buy the iPad? That just makes no sense whatsoever.

But let's suppose that the iPad DID support flash... it's still a terrible solution if you value that support so highly as are ALL touchscreen-only tablets. Why? Because as we're now starting to see on the latest Android phones there are serious useability issues when you try and run flash pages designed for keyboard and mouse inputs on a touchscreen. Will these be sorted out? Yes, without a doubt although whether the sites involved release a new flash version or just shift to something based on HTML5 is yet to be seen. Either way buying a tablet now (or in the near future when decent Android products emerge) is a bad bad idea if you value Flash so highly. Right now a laptop will be a far better solution for you and, frankly, that should have been obvious to you especially as you already have an iPhone 4 and therefore knew what the browsing experience was going to be like.
I know this is a "cool story bro," but I just don't seem to have much use for my 32gb 3G iPad. I wanted one so bad until I eventually got one as a gift. It just seems to sit. I have a MacBook pro and an iPhone 4. Am I weird because I don't use it? I feel like it's such an awesome device, I just don't need it. I wish it had flash.

Anyone have any comments or similar stories?

If you want Flash, jailbreak and install it, there are tutorials on how to do so all over the web.

Or, alternatively, send your iPad my way, I'd be more than happy to take it off your hands for you ;)
I know this is a "cool story bro," but I just don't seem to have much use for my 32gb 3G iPad. I wanted one so bad until I eventually got one as a gift. It just seems to sit. I have a MacBook pro and an iPhone 4. Am I weird because I don't use it? I feel like it's such an awesome device, I just don't need it. I wish it had flash.

Anyone have any comments or similar stories?

I actually needed an iPad for real reasons, not because it was cool or I had to have it so that it would make me cool.

Why did you buy it if you didn't need it? I don't think at any time I needed flash for any site I had to go to. Still, I have spent over $100 in apps..


gtfo with your moaning and groaning

Wow. That is rude. Why do you feel the need to be such a jerk? And it is not just you, I could have picked any number of fanboy hate posts form this or similar threads.

The fact is one of the big questions about the iPad from the start was "is there a need? With a smart phone and a laptop already is there room for another device?" And it is a valid question.

There are a lot of people like me, who are interested in an iPad and know others with them, but are not sure if we would use it. I have and love my iPhone 4 and MBP already. Would I really use one?

Treads discussing how people are either finding them valuable or sitting on a shelf are very helpful.

Sorry if we can't all swallow the Apple seed and find a use for everything Apple makes like you can.
Wow. That is rude. Why do you feel the need to be such a jerk? And it is not just you, I could have picked any number of fanboy hate posts form this or similar threads.

The fact is one of the big questions about the iPad from the start was "is there a need? With a smart phone and a laptop already is there room for another device?" And it is a valid question.

There are a lot of people like me, who are interested in an iPad and know others with them, but are not sure if we would use it. I have and love my iPhone 4 and MBP already. Would I really use one?

Treads discussing how people are either finding them valuable or sitting on a shelf are very helpful.

Sorry if we can't all swallow the Apple seed and find a use for everything Apple makes like you can.

If you know you don't need it, then why buy it? Then why post here to try to justify that you don't need it, and see if other people actually need theirs. We have already determined that half the people here don't need it, what should we do about it?
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