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I gave my Kindle2 to my mother because I never used it after I got my iPad. If you do a lot of reading as I do than it's worth it. It's great with comics and magazines and illustrated novels. I watch Netflix and NFB (movies, shorts, etc out of Canada) all the time on it and most news sites have streams for it, NPR is my favorite. The only time I notice flash is at newspapers that use them for adverts, who cares. I keep over 200 apps on my pad with everything from cooking to games.

Great stuff I purchased: On the Grill, Grays Anatony, WebMD, ABC player & News, BBC news,, NPR, Urbanspoon,,, Tree to Go, Sketchbook Pro, Star Walk, Pages, Informant HD, World Atlas, Early Edition, AppAdvice, Newspapers, Stumble Upon, Zinio, Bebot, Pandora, Slacker, iElectribe, Etrade, Dragon Dictation and about 50 games and 10 readers. Free stuff used most Netflix ($9 monthly fee), IMdb, ebay, Dropbox.
Depends on what you do. For web browsing and email it is far more convient than anything in the notebook or netbook form factors. I always take my notebook with me everywhere I go but since I got my iPad the notebook usually ends up staying in the trunk and the iPad comes with me.
If you know you don't need it, then why buy it? Then why post here to try to justify that you don't need it, and see if other people actually need theirs. We have already determined that half the people here don't need it, what should we do about it?

Exactly... If you need it, buy it. If you don't need it, but want it, buy it. If you don't need it, bought it and now don't want it, well get over it by selling it, or giving it to some one who may need it. Either way no-one here cares really.

I mean come on do I have to find a forum to post every frickin purchase I've wanted, desired or needed I'd have no time to enjoy the stuff I bought and at the end of the day no one would still give a damn.

These threads are utterly void of anything useful. Period...
Exactly... If you need it, buy it. If you don't need it, but want it, buy it. If you don't need it, bought it and now don't want it, well get over it by selling it, or giving it to some one who may need it. Either way no-one here cares really.

I mean come on do I have to find a forum to post every frickin purchase I've wanted, desired or needed I'd have no time to enjoy the stuff I bought and at the end of the day no one would still give a damn.

These threads are utterly void of anything useful. Period...

You are totally wrong. If some of us are not sure how an iPad will fit into our daily lives, why is it wrong to discuss it here in the hopes of leveraging other's experience? Is that bothering you in some way? Seriously?

Maybe you should just stick to your "I love it so much" threads and let us discuss the pros and cons rationally.

Why are you even here? We are trying to use other's experience to make a decision. If you don't want to add value to that....just leave us alone.
Bless.. At 49 posts your record for involvement in this site really warrants the audacity to question my contribution to this site over the last 5 years :rolleyes:

Oh and a thread just about how someone loves their iPad with as little information from the OP would be just as redundant and worthless as this one.

My issue is the fact that the OP has contributed so little to their own thread that it serves little purpose other than acting as troll bate. The opening post gave no valid discussion or point.

Continuing to prove that the OP later suggests that it's because it lacks flash and that's half of the Internet? And then later tells everyone that they are full of it for pointing out his overstatement. Basically the entire thread from opener to subsequent posts by the OP are utterly Troll fodder designed to provoke argument, not discussion.

Whilst I agree discussions in regards to the effective usefulness in everyday circumstances may be useful and you may be attempting to salvage this thread by finding this info, if the OP can't be bothered to contribute more to their thread I don't see why you are bothering.

The fact remains no-one cares that the OP is bored with their iPad. Do you? If so why?
Bless.. At 49 posts your record for involvement in this site really warrants the audacity to question my contribution to this site over the last 5 years :rolleyes:

I love this argument. Because I'm fairly new to Apple I have nothing to contribute and everything you do is valuable. I was discussing the merits of this type of tread the the piling on and nasty attitude that follows. I wasn't criticizing you until you defended the folks who said "gtfo" etc... I have seen it in a number of threads here and elsewhere (frankly a lot). Just because you don't see value in a topic doesn't mean others feel the same way.

Oh and a thread just about how someone loves their iPad with as little information from the OP would be just as redundant and worthless as this one.

My issue is the fact that the OP has contributed so little to their own thread that it serves little purpose other than acting as troll bate. The opening post gave no valid discussion or point.

Agreed. I would like a better discussion and the OP could help there. I have seen better discussions in other threads. BUT does that justify the venom from forum fanboys? Or maybe we can have a conversation without being ridiculed and asked to leave?

Continuing to prove that the OP later suggests that it's because it lacks flash and that's half of the Internet? And then later tells everyone that they are full of it for pointing out his overstatement. Basically the entire thread from opener to subsequent posts by the OP are utterly Troll fodder designed to provoke argument, not discussion.

Apparently some people go to a lot of sites with Flash. I use click to flash on my MBP and I do have to click to use some sites. Half? Uh, not even close. But I know some people frequent very different sites than I. If it is that big of a deal for him, it is valid to say so. Should he have know beforehand? Probably. But have you ever made a purchase thinking the lack of a feature wouldn't be a big deal and then found out later is was more important than you thought? I have. So maybe it turned out to be more of a big deal than he thought. I will give people the benefit of the doubt and not call them names. Seems a little more mature.

Whilst I agree discussions in regards to the effective usefulness in everyday circumstances may be useful and you may be attempting to salvage this thread by finding this info, if the OP can't be bothered to contribute more to their thread I don't see why you are bothering.

Agreed again. I would like to see a better discussion. What I am doing now is defending the privilege to discuss a topic in an open forum w/o being mugged. That is all.

The fact remains no-one cares that the OP is bored with their iPad. Do you? If so why?

Because I am not sure if I will fall into the "use it all the time" or "it just doesn't fit" groups. Why someone is in one group or another is reasonably valuable to me and many others.

If it is no value to you, why do you want to shut down discussion? There are lots of other threads for you to police.
I wasn't criticizing you until you defended the folks who said "gtfo" etc...

Or maybe we can have a conversation without being ridiculed and asked to leave?

I have never asked anyone to leave or condoned the usage of GTFO from anyone here ;)

Ironically we actually agree on most aspects of what your saying, I just think you would probably have been better served starting your own thread and contributing to it as you seem articulate enough and have already posted more in this thread than the OP :)

There are lots of other threads for you to police.

And I do look good in a uniform too :p
I have never asked anyone to leave or condoned the usage of GTFO from anyone here ;)

Ironically we actually agree on most aspects of what your saying, I just think you would probably have been better served starting your own thread and contributing to it as you seem articulate enough and have already posted more in this thread than the OP :)

And I do look good in a uniform too :p

Ok. I just didn't get the sense that anyone was open to a real discussion since you'all said "why would you care what the OP thinks" and such.

I haven't started my own thread because there are a number of threads on the topic and I was just browsing through them. I just took exception to the nasty responses people post sometimes. It is just rude and unnecessary.

I was pummeled for complaining about the way Apple handled my hacked iTunes account in a thread a while back and it ticked me off. Obnoxious behavior is certainly not limited to this site but sometimes I get really tired of it.

I'm not sure I want to touch the uniform comment ;)
I know how you feel. I have a MB and an IP4 and I just bought my iPad. It will be going back to Apple as I just can't seem to justify having something solely based on its coolness factor.

I can wait till Rev. 2 comes out.

Exactly how I feel...may try the rumored android tablet.
Screen (Even time I put down my IP4 and look at the iPad screen, its like a blow below the belt.

Blow below the belt? That's being a little dramatic don't ya think? After using both devices I will never understand these sorts of comments. Yes the resolution is lower, but the screen size on an iPad is just so much more useful. I have an addition problem that at my midlife age, makes seeing things bigger quite a bit better. The screen on the iPhone 4 is nice. But it's too damn small for these eyes. The iPad I have no problem with at all.
a silly discussion....

Bless.. At 49 posts your record for involvement in this site really warrants the audacity to question my contribution to this site over the last 5 years :rolleyes:

Oh and a thread just about how someone loves their iPad with as little information from the OP would be just as redundant and worthless as this one.

My issue is the fact that the OP has contributed so little to their own thread that it serves little purpose other than acting as troll bate. The opening post gave no valid discussion or point.

Continuing to prove that the OP later suggests that it's because it lacks flash and that's half of the Internet? And then later tells everyone that they are full of it for pointing out his overstatement. Basically the entire thread from opener to subsequent posts by the OP are utterly Troll fodder designed to provoke argument, not discussion.

Whilst I agree discussions in regards to the effective usefulness in everyday circumstances may be useful and you may be attempting to salvage this thread by finding this info, if the OP can't be bothered to contribute more to their thread I don't see why you are bothering.

The fact remains no-one cares that the OP is bored with their iPad. Do you? If so why?

Ditto. Either the post is flame-bait, or perhaps he just is spoiled... so much so that he whined and wheedled until he got one as a gift (because it was the "cool" thing to have, with no idea of what to do with it after it was attained). If... however someone gave him the gift and he has no use for it he should just get rid of it, like an extra blender (instead of starting vague useless threads). Try Ebay... it is the height of coolness for disposing of unwanted things, lol.

For what it is worth... yeah... I really MISS flash. It just isn't the same without my browser locking up with the little beachballs until I force quit. The ABC app shows me that video without flash works just fine. Also, since I got my iPad I have barely picked up my MacBook... and when I have used it, it was because one of my family members stole the iPad away (and both of my children have their own macbooks).

in the future...

I love this argument....I have seen better discussions in other threads. BUT does that justify the venom from forum fanboys? ......Or maybe we can have a conversation without being ridiculed and asked to leave? ......If it is no value to you, why do you want to shut down discussion? There are lots of other threads for you to police.

just put the little "fanboy" part in the beginning... so we can just ignore the post and move on. I agree in that I question whether there is a real discussion going on... it has nothing to do with policing discussions, or listening to a real difference of opinion. As far as asking folks to leave, sometimes the troll baiters deserve a little ridicule for their views (real or imagined). If they are "real" it usually comes out along the way, usually by their posting history, or lack thereof, or their phrasing (ironically, stuff like "fanboy", lol).

There are plenty of places folks can go to endlessly bash, or whine about all things Apple. Do we really want that to happen here as well? There are no real controls on the postings here, beyond a persistent plea for moderation. This used to be a "safe place" to discuss real issues that users faced, and lately it has been a lot less so. Pick your product, iPad, iMac, iPhone, Pro... it doesn't matter... the tone and tenor in the forums is the same all over. Yet the FACTS are mostly different, and Apple is at the top of the heap in customer satisfaction & service. Perhaps the other companies should spend less money and effort spreading disinformation, and more time producing, good, innovative products. Just an observation...
Ditto. Either the post is flame-bait, or perhaps he just is spoiled... so much so that he whined and wheedled until he got one as a gift (because it was the "cool" thing to have, with no idea of what to do with it after it was attained). If... however someone gave him the gift and he has no use for it he should just get rid of it, like an extra blender (instead of starting vague useless threads). Try Ebay... it is the height of coolness for disposing of unwanted things, lol.

For what it is worth... yeah... I really MISS flash. It just isn't the same without my browser locking up with the little beachballs until I force quit. The ABC app shows me that video without flash works just fine. Also, since I got my iPad I have barely picked up my MacBook... and when I have used it, it was because one of my family members stole the iPad away (and both of my children have their own macbooks).


Great post.

BTW, you from Joisy, I'm from Joisy. :)
If you know you don't need it, then why buy it? Then why post here to try to justify that you don't need it, and see if other people actually need theirs. We have already determined that half the people here don't need it, what should we do about it?

The OP did not actually buy it. He got it as a gift. Does it make his "moaning" a legitimate one in your opinion?
Dear OP:

Don't want/need the iPad you got as a gift? Don't complain uselessly on the internet about your situation. Put it on eBay/Craigslist. Someone will buy it from you quite quickly. You can then move on with your life.

Dang... didn't know I would ignite such a fire. People are so angry. I was just wondering what others thought about my thoughts. lol. Although people saying flash is a non-issue bugged me. Other than that I think some people need to take a chill p.

This might piss everyone off, but because of this thread I am now thinking about keeping the iPad(and jailbreaking for flash) and selling my MBP. So in my mind the thread was useful. So thanks guys!
I got an iPhone 4 on launch day (had a 3GS before), and the high-resolution screen blew me away. Fantastic for text and photos. I use(d) my iPhone all the time even around the house (I have my MacBook Pro set up in the office with an external monitor for "work") for just about everything.

A month after, I then got my iPad (32GB WiFi), and initially was disappointed with the screen (text looked blurry/pixelated by comparison, and photos lacked detail), BUT after using it for just 1-2 days I now use it almost exclusively. No, the screen isn't as good as the iPhone 4's, but it's much bigger, much more usable and I find I do different things on it than I did on my iPhone (reading books, magazines, multi-player games, etc.). I use the iCab browser which does a good job with tabbed browsing.

I also have a VNC client that works very well for accessing my MacBook either from another part of the house/garden or remotely, and if the connection is good it's not far off sitting in front of my Mac. So with the reduced size/weight (I have a 15" MBP) it's also great to take around with me.

I'm looking forward to iOS4 for iPad (hopefully this will take advantage of the device better rather than just porting over from the iPhone iOS4; e.g. split-screen multitasking, apps updated to better take advantage of the screen size) and also some good new apps.

Overall, I use my iPad all the time now, and only use my iPhone for calling/txting or the odd email/browsing/music when I'm out and about without my iPad. I've upgraded my iPhone every year since the original, and due to the iPad I'm now unlikely to upgrade next year. Yes I wish the screen was higher resolution as it is noticeable when comparing with iPhone 4, but as other's have said this is a long way off, realistically.

Whether the iPad suits you will depend on your personal circumstances and expectations, but for my situation and my usage, it's almost perfect.
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