I find this an interesting discussion- well, not the name calling part, etc, - but the usefulness part of the conversation. I have an old G4 Titanium Powerbook that's getting long in the tooth and I'm trying to decide what to replace it with when the time comes. I'm going to evaluate the iPad as part of that thought process with an eye towards the next generation. (more due to the likelihood of there being more memory and not the feature issue).
I do have an iPhone, so the whole Flash/No Flash discussion is one I'm familiar with. For me, lack of flash is not a big deal- even on my laptop there are sites where flash is a dog and I think that html 5 is going to be used on more and more sites as more slate, iPad-like devices come into existence.
So I am interested in reading about actual user experience, why it works/doesn't work for people, and what they use theirs for. I hope conversations like these will generate a bit more light and a bit less heat, but I do enjoy reading what advocates and critics alike have to say. So thanks to those of you who have given me things to consider!