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Half the Internet? You must be joking. If you think not having flash allows you to only look at half the Internet, you're delusional.

But, how can I read text and post on forums and watch youtube and vimeo videos if there is no flash?!?!

Oh, wait. You dont need flash for all that stuff, which I think covers more than half of the internet.
I also have a 15 inch MBP and an iPhone 4 and an iPad. The loser is the MBP. Sits on my desk most days as a desktop. I only use it when doing more intense manuscript preparation or mathematics. Otherwise it is the iPad everyday and far more often then I ever used my MBP or iPhone.
Flash never bothers me by its absence.
The Ipad shouild be easy to sell. Asking prices by third parties are often over MSRP.
Pagansoul +1

I bought my Ipad for coolness, which immediately wore off, as it always does.
So I went about the business of installing a gazillion Appas for almost everything. I am a news and music junkie, so I have lots of that. I like towrite notes at meetings..more apps.

Eventually in a matter of weeks I re-discovered its coolness. My old MBA stays in the bag unless I really need it
For this comment alone you need to return it. Clearly you don't know how little flash matters on the iPad or to most of the net.

I hear this a lot, but flash does matter to some of us. It's certainly not a deal breaker and I love my ipad, but I OFTEN will be unable to view a flash video from a gadget or news site on a daily basis. Once again not a deal breaker, but I find limitations because of not having flash on a daily basis personally. It's not a non-issue and certainly still needs to be discussed and addressed IMO.

With that said I cannot even begin to praise the virtues of having an ipad, it has freed me from the shackles of my laptop (which is a macbook air so even the lightest thinnest notebook on the market has taken a back seat to my ipad). The true utility of the ipad is in it's ability to free you from battery life, having to balance a laptop open, and waiting for it to turn on, this is why I will never go back to a laptop unless I have a very heavy word processing need, and even then I have the apple bluetooth keyboard so that argument isn't as strong to me as it once was.
this thread only exists for 2 reasons:

1. for someone to complain about the lack of Flash on iOS products

2. for a bunch of other people to brag about how many iProducts they've purchased recently.

You all need to grow up. If you have enough money to buy a mac book pro, an iphone, and an ipad, and you can't find a better use of that money, then i think it's a pretty sad thing. That you feel the need to come to the forum and backhandedly compliment yourselves on your purchases (or on the things your parents have purchased for you?) is even more sad.
I find this an interesting discussion- well, not the name calling part, etc, - but the usefulness part of the conversation. I have an old G4 Titanium Powerbook that's getting long in the tooth and I'm trying to decide what to replace it with when the time comes. I'm going to evaluate the iPad as part of that thought process with an eye towards the next generation. (more due to the likelihood of there being more memory and not the feature issue).
I do have an iPhone, so the whole Flash/No Flash discussion is one I'm familiar with. For me, lack of flash is not a big deal- even on my laptop there are sites where flash is a dog and I think that html 5 is going to be used on more and more sites as more slate, iPad-like devices come into existence.
So I am interested in reading about actual user experience, why it works/doesn't work for people, and what they use theirs for. I hope conversations like these will generate a bit more light and a bit less heat, but I do enjoy reading what advocates and critics alike have to say. So thanks to those of you who have given me things to consider!
I have a 13 inch MBP, iPhone 4, and 32Gig 3G iPad. The MBP is now a desktop for the most part. I jail broke the iPad to try Flash and it works fine but I don't use it very much. My only complaint for the iPad is that I can't upload docs to websites. For example I am currently doing job search and can't upload resumes through safari and that is a pain but for pretty much everything else I use my iPad!
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