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my 3gS is losing battery really fast. I just have 5 dock and backgrounder on- but I'm not running anything in the background.
This is weird!

The battery on my iPhone 3G seems to get stuck on 100%, if i go to usage it sais

"Time since last full charge"
USAGE = 2 Hours, 24 Minutes
STANDBY= 1Day, 20 Hours

and the battery is at 100%

THAT! is impossible!, i will continue using it to see what happens!

I even download a app from the appstore that shows the battery (it sucks, HHEHEHEHEHEH) and it shows 100% too...
This is weird!

The battery on my iPhone 3G seems to get stuck on 100%, if i go to usage it sais

"Time since last full charge"
USAGE = 2 Hours, 24 Minutes
STANDBY= 1Day, 20 Hours

and the battery is at 100%

THAT! is impossible!, i will continue using it to see what happens!

I even download a app from the appstore that shows the battery (it sucks, HHEHEHEHEHEH) and it shows 100% too...

Reboot your phone, it will correct itself. Same thing happens to my phone every now and then.
HA! it died! lol!!

and now i cant get it to charge, this always happens to me, when the phone gets to 15% or less its F!! hard to make it re-charge, it starts to charge and then it stops charging and displays the conected symbol but not charging, it sucks, i've always think my iphone haves a bad battery because Vs my Bro's iPhone mine always consume more battery...
There had to be an issue with mobilesubstrate.

Early on with a jailbreak, I had issues with battery life. Thought it was the meter, was almost POSITIVE of it... then realized it was SBSettings. Installed winterboard and avoided sbsettings and started having issues with battery life again.

Hope it gets sorted out soon. There's no rhyme or reason to it... but it's certainly a problem with mobilesubstrate. Seems like it keeps the phone as being "used" even while it is locked and the screen off.

And without mobilesubstrate, there's no real point to jailbreak IMO. :rolleyes:
You guys may not be far off with the suggestions of problems with the battery percentage meter. I had both the SBSettings battery percentage hack and the plist hack installed. When I disabled the SBSettings hack, the battery percentage jumped from 87% to 92% immediately, without respring (the toggle in the Settings app was turned to on). So it looks like those who turned on the percentage via SBSettings are reporting a lower battery percentage than those who turned it on with the plist edit. It may be that the SBSettings hack is pulling the value from another area than the plist hack, making it look like the battery is draining faster than it really is. Something to look into.
Wondering is everyone's using redsnow?

I just jailbroke mine on a completely restored 3.0 with no back up so it's a fresh phone. With nothing installed except for cydia of course, the battery is horrible. On standby there's a significant decrease and while using it, I can see the meter go down. Maybe something wrong with the jb.

Also after jb it I've notice the phone signals make my pc speakers go crazy
You guys may not be far off with the suggestions of problems with the battery percentage meter. I had both the SBSettings battery percentage hack and the plist hack installed. When I disabled the SBSettings hack, the battery percentage jumped from 87% to 92% immediately, without respring (the toggle in the Settings app was turned to on). So it looks like those who turned on the percentage via SBSettings are reporting a lower battery percentage than those who turned it on with the plist edit. It may be that the SBSettings hack is pulling the value from another area than the plist hack, making it look like the battery is draining faster than it really is. Something to look into.

Very possible. I restored and did the iPhone settings (under Usage for my 3GS) to set the battery as a % instead of through SBSettings and now everything is working great.
i noticed it too, started uninstalling apps and such...

i removed Winterboard, backgrounder and the themes, lockscreens, some ringtones i wasnt using and my battery has been ALOT better.

Another thing, drain your battery as much as you can and then charge it overnight with the phone powered off.

I didnt think it would help, but it really does...give it a try.
i was having lots of problems with battery iphone would barely make it a day of light use. this was jailbroken 3.0 with sbsettings installed.

i restored to 3.0, then jailbroke to 3.0 but did not install sbsettings. my battery is better than ever now. started the day around 11 (took my phone off the charger.) i ended the day at 2 am with 60% battery. this was after 30 min of phone, an hour of 3g internet surfing, an hour of edge internet, and a LOT of texting.


I did not resotored, I reinstall sbsettings, ultrasn0w, and my battery is better than ever....
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