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Usage: 4hrs 30min
Standby: 22hrs 48min
11% remaining.

I have had wifi on since the last full charge. I recently took my iphone to the apple store cause wifi was broken and battery drainage and got a new iphone3g. So far it seems like its alot better with battery. I have PUSH off and email fetching hourly.

Jailbroken/unlocked with ultrasn0w
Usage: 48 minutes
Standby: 3:26 hours
Battery %: 91%

3G, Bluetooth and GPS off, Push Notifications and Fetch Mail (hourly) on. Sporadic usage of Wi-Fi for APMobile, Tweetie, Beejive 3.0, Cydia, Mail, Safari, App Store.

Jailbroken today from a clean restore of 3.0. No ultrasn0w or SBsettings, just Cycorder, iFile, OpenSSH and Netatalk.

From the data that I have until now, it's running absolutely normal (for 3.0 and I saw a battery increase with it).

Usage: 2:17 hours
Standby: 19:19 hours
Battery %: 70%

So it's already 10AM here and I left the iPhone as described in my other post (quoted up there) during the night. When I went to sleep (~1AM) it was at 78%. For me it seems to be doing fine (~1%/hour).

Once again, push notifications on (APMobile,Beejive and Tap Tap) and fetch mail (1 hour - gmail account).

It seems to me, from my tests yesterday that the battery drains faster when using cydia, but again, in what for me is a normal rate.

If we can use this data to "see the future", I can get about 48 hours and battery at 20%.
Looking at data from top, the App Store can get pretty CPU intensive, reaching about 50% when doing stuff (searching, loading, etc...). And when dowloading apps itunesstor reaches 40%.

When idle it's top itself that uses about 9%.
Yesterday I restored my phone to 3.0, restored from backup, then jailbroke and added the % battery hack and here are my stats so far.

This is with wifi on at the house, 3G, push email and push notifications on.

Usage: 42 minutes
Standby 16 hours, 9 minutes

Similar on iPod touch 1st gen

So i charged it before sleeping, turned off WIFI (but did not put it in airplane mode) and sure enough i woke up in the middle of the night, decided to check my phone and 50% gone. So i put the phone in airplane mode but WITH WIFI. When i woke up it was still at nearly 50%. current conclusion, yet i'm still really confused is that it has something to do with the unlock and the signal. The weird thing is i have full bars/signal on my provider here so it's not like its actively searching for a signal all the time...and i had the same SIM card with 2.x for 6 months with no problems.

I have a similar behaviour on a iPod touch 1st Gen. The battery is draining quite fast (more than 10% per hour) when I have WiFi turned off, screen locked. When WiFi is on and screen is locked, the battery barely change in an hour. I have no push notification, no automatic e-mail check, no app running.

My iPod is jailbroken, FW 3.0, SBSettings, autolock after 2 minutes.
i was having lots of problems with battery iphone would barely make it a day of light use. this was jailbroken 3.0 with sbsettings installed.

i restored to 3.0, then jailbroke to 3.0 but did not install sbsettings. my battery is better than ever now. started the day around 11 (took my phone off the charger.) i ended the day at 2 am with 60% battery. this was after 30 min of phone, an hour of 3g internet surfing, an hour of edge internet, and a LOT of texting.

or.... you could uninstall sbsettings.

I have a similar behaviour on a iPod touch 1st Gen. The battery is draining quite fast (more than 10% per hour) when I have WiFi turned off, screen locked. When WiFi is on and screen is locked, the battery barely change in an hour. I have no push notification, no automatic e-mail check, no app running.

My iPod is jailbroken, FW 3.0, SBSettings, autolock after 2 minutes.

Made some tests... When I turn off location services (from the Settings pannel, General), the battery does not drain anymore regardless of the status of WiFi (on or off). Thus, turning off the location services solved my problem. I still have SBSettings though...
I find my new gs creates a temporal vortex (rather expensive app) allowing me to time travel
back 6 hours to when it was fully charged. Then I leap back to the present with a FULL charge.
You can also extend your Applecare coverage this way.
Yeah it's location services for me as well. With that turned off it's back the way it was on 2.0.
Yeah it's location services for me as well. With that turned off it's back the way it was on 2.0.

It seems that this fix worked only once! I switched wifi on after my last test, then turned it off and my battery began to empty again. Now I removed SBSettings (only uninstalled it in Cydia). So far, the battery seems to behave correctly. Location services are still off.
It seems that this fix worked only once! I switched wifi on after my last test, then turned it off and my battery began to empty again. Now I removed SBSettings (only uninstalled it in Cydia). So far, the battery seems to behave correctly. Location services are still off.

people keep blaming SBSettings but personally i've never installed it and have tons of issues. The only thing that fixes it for me is putting the phone in airplane mode, which makes it an mp3 player not a phone.
I was about to post this as well.
I just jailbroke my 3G.

I installed

- SBsettings
- Mobile substrate
- Voipover3g
- Bitesms

and the battery is definitely way worse. It's decreasing at a rate of 1% every 2-3 minutes!!!

I really hope the developers work hard to improve battery life :(

I was actually loving how much better my battery life was with 3.0..

+1 I've had this before.

The battery sucks for me anyhow.
I was using 3.0 for a couple of weeks or so before JB and i had my regular 2 days battery life, since JB i usually get a day, and then a full night before it needs charging - bit problematic. Ever since ive had my 3g, ive always had, 3G, Push for MobileMe, Fetch 15 mins on my other accounts, Wifi and location services on, All the time.

what i did find yesterday though (and the reason for coming to post) was that, i had my 3G on charge all day yesterday in the dock, took it out once or twice for txt messages, then put it back in, 8pm i took it out, checked facebook, received a 30 second call, then later on about 10:30 received another call about 7mins long. When i went ot bed i noticed my battery life was nearly half gone, and my usage was 4 and a half hours! i rebooted my phone put it in my dock and went to bed. Now im assuming that ive got a leak here and something is staying open, although i cant see facebook doing it as i exited the app and the phone was on lock for the rest of the time.

the only thing i have installed from JB in ultrasn0w, but it wasnt like i was using a different sim, its still 02 from my contract.

any ideas?
i may do a clean restore on mine and red snow it again

"Setup as a new iphone"

im afraid that even uninstalling sbsettings may have left some files or settings that may be the culprit

I think thia may well be the case .... I think when i get a chance .... I'm going to do a DFU restore and re-Jailbreak .... will let you guys know once its done.
Because of 3G, you'll kill batteries faster, but you're also downloading much faster, so can get more browsing done in a set amount of time. What's the math on the total number of web page refreshes vs. the old one? Secondly, no one yet is checking on the battery life while playing a high-end 3D-game like Monkey Ball or Motionx-poker; these games are not only running the GPU and CPU full bore, but the screen too.

Gaming is probably the most intense activity you can do. Just wait for the multiplayer gaming to start and see what happens. Thirdly, because the apps give new functionality to the iPhone, you're going to be using it a lot more often than before. Especially in the first few days.
Well, after a DFU restore, re-jailbreak and a full charge last night, i have to say I have seen a considerable increase in battery performance.

So far i have listened to about 1.5hours of music at the gym today, made a couple of calls (short 5mins), checked and sent a couple of emails and sent some IM's on Beejiive. Battery is now at 85% ..... before it probably would have been down in the high 30 or low 40 percentile. I of course didn't install SBSettings as I believe that this was the cause of the problem.

The only JB apps I have installed are:
- Cycorder
- 5 Icon Dock (with MobileStubstrate)
- OpenSSH
- Toggle SSH
- MakeItMine
- Winterboard
- PDANet
- Terminal

So far i have found a general improvement with battery life, but still I'm not getting some of the amazing battery life you guys are getting? I keep 3G on, Edge on, bluetooth off, Loc Services off, wifi off, push email on, push notifications on ..... any ideas? Recommendations?


:apple: KrayzieKray :apple:
I've changed nothing, and turned my phone from airplane mode back to "normal". ..and my battery life is back to normal (at least for now). I have absolutely no idea whats going on, as it seems like no one does. There are discussions about this EVERYWHERE, with no real answers. Even people with the 3GS and no jailbreak are complaining on apple's forums. It's truly baffling for now.
I think it might be the actual cellular signal.

All the jailbroken apps i have on my 3g are
5 icon dock
open ssh

i decided to leave it uncharged over night and see how much battery is being used. almost every time it lost between 7-9% which isnt bad i guess? because some of you guys are losing 85% overnight which is pretty ridiculous

keep in mind though that my 3g doesnt have a sim card in it because thats in my new phone which leads me to believe that maybe the cellular signal is causing battery life problems (not ultrasnow because i have that even though i dont have a sim card currently in the phone.)
Well without SBSettings, I'm onto my second day with the battery still at 61%. Guys, strongly recommend you to dfu restore and not install SBSetting if your battery life is really bad.

Usage: 3 hours 6 mins
Standby: 1 Day 6 hours

61% Remaining

:apple: KrayzieKray :apple:
I was on 2.1 jailbreak and went to 3.0 jailbreak, my battery improved significantly.

Bluetooth On
Wifi On
3G On

Usage: 1 hour 14 minutes
Standby: 4 hours 55 minutes

92% Remaining

.. nothign else really.

2 days standby, with 3 hours of usage and about 45% left.

EDGE on (TMobile), fetch every 15 minutes, location off, bluetooth off, wifi off (unless I am at home i'll turn it on, when using it, otherwise it's off when not in use).

much better then 2.2.1, at least for me.
I've said it before...

...and I'll say it again. There must be something IN CONJUNCTION WITH SBSettings that is causing battery life problems for many of you. I have a 3G iPhone with 3.0 JB, with SBSettings, and a few other Cydia apps, and my battery life is fine.

I did a complete restore (by holding down the shift key and clicking restore) on the 3.0 firmware in iTunes before I did anything. I did not back any of my settings up or try to restore any settings.

After I had a completely virgin 3.0 firmware on my iPhone 3G, I used redsn0w to complete the JB process, install cydia, then install SB settings. I may have read somewhere that putting your phone into airplane mode, then switching out of it, can help with this problem.

I performed the above steps on 2 different iphone 3G's, and both had SBsettings with good battery life. I noticed that SBSettings rolled out an update recently, so maybe there was something identified regarding the battery issue. All I know is that it is possible to have SBSettings on the 3G with good battery life.

Good luck!
I didn't do as much research as you guys, but I feel part of mine is related to push. I used to use aim before, and it didn't really kill my battery as bad as aim/jive does now.
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