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Pared said:
They have already stated redsn0w is the new quickpwn so you are going to be waiting for a very long time my friend :)

At least I'll have the battery life to wait. :p

If your waiting for quickpwn, then you're never going to JB 3.0, so your battery will be good but your posting in this thread is poinless. Find somewhere else to play
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7A341 Safari/528.16)

MikePA said:
This thread is hilarious.

  • "It's the battery % in SBSettings for sure."
  • "Safari is the battery killer for me."
  • "I have not noticed any change in battery usage."
  • "It's 3.0 that causes the battery to drain faster, I'm going back to 2.21."

All we need is TheSpaz whining about lag to make this thread complete.

Solution for ya, stop posting while looking in the mirror, things may stop being so hilarious.
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7A341 Safari/528.16)

pb1300 said:
Im getting a new issue now! After JB'ng my iPhone, I didnt have issues with the battery, but everytime I turned my camera on to take a pic, I saw dead people. Its the weirdest thing. :p

Either you don't know how to use your camera or you loaded a family potrait
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7A341 Safari/528.16)

Solution for ya, stop posting while looking in the mirror, things may stop being so hilarious.

Tee hee. Must have made all the boys laugh at your lunch table. 'bout time for your nap. Nighty, night.
Seems the threadstarter is upset.

Ignore the other posts I've made and focus on the one I've made in jest. Ah, that's the smart thing to do.

Last night i decided to do a fresh restore, restored to 3.0 through iTunes and then used redsn0w (instead of Pwnage) to JB/Unlock - installed Cydia /Icy (not that I use it) and everything seems perfect.

Battery at 100% so far....

How is it lasting now?
Spent all day on the official 3.0 firmware and absolutely ZERO issues with battery life.

It's either the jailbreak, or the % meter. And IMO, it's not the jailbreak. Maybe a memory leak from Cydia? I didn't think to check.

Anyone complaining about it on 3.0 must have restored a backup of their settings and so forth.

A 100%, clean 3.0 firmware, Push enabled all day, Wifi on when I need it, music listening, and about a 5 min. phone call and I'm still not past 85% (one section of the battery icon missing).

So, do whatever you'd like, but I'm staying unjailbroken for now until QuickPWN comes out.

The battery percentage hack was synced when you restored from a backup. I have always setup the phone as new after a firmware upgrade and then re-synced everything. This to me is the best policy to avoid unwanted old jailbreak info to be restored to the phone.

So if you 'set up as new iPhone' how do you get all your contatcs/texts/notes/calender details back? :confused:
How is it lasting now?

Much, MUCH better. I have done the same thing and it's infinitely better than the custom firmware solution with the PWNage tool.

So if you 'set up as new iPhone' how do you get all your contatcs/texts/notes/calender details back? :confused:

Everything gets synced to your Mac/PC aside from your SMS text logs.

That and your personal application settings are lost every time you do it this way.

I am willing to make the trade off, but I understand others are not.
another day at the office.

since redsn0w ive had suspect battery consumption...
installed was;
push was on
fetch was off
i do not use %
doing a fair amount a work in cydia, on wifi and 3g. pretty heavy usage, battery was toast in about 3-4 hours from full charge.

today unplugged my phone at around 6am, it hit 20% by 9pm.
stats "6 hours of usage, 14 hours of standby"
I spent a significant amount of time talking on edge
Some wifi browsing, light checking in cydia
fair amount of 3g browsing
Installed rotation inhibitor
turned push off
I UNinstalled weathericon

i think today was pretty typical to battery usage under 2.2.1

I think a lot of us are simply messing around with our phones more since the new update hence were burning through more battery.

I also think, reading from other threads, that there is merit to Non-updated apps eating battery.

i feel more comfortable with redsn0w now, and im confident i wont revert to stock after today. i think once the dust settles we'll see our batteries back to normal...

just my two cents after a day in the field.
Much, MUCH better. I have done the same thing and it's infinitely better than the custom firmware solution with the PWNage tool.

Everything gets synced to your Mac/PC aside from your SMS text logs.

That and your personal application settings are lost every time you do it this way.

I am willing to make the trade off, but I understand others are not.

Could you go into abit more detail how I would achive that? So if I set up as new iPhone, I would just lose application settings(saved game data???) and lose all my texts?
I had the same problem with extremely poor batt life on my wife's 2G + redsn0w
as some had mentioned, did a complete restore, reran redsn0w and decided to hold off on installing anything from cydia and so far it seems the batt life is back to normal
My battery on a original iPhone and a 3G both die over night. I charged it and didn't touch it again, 30 mins later it was noticably down, i have to switch to percentage to see the exact numbers.

Whatever they are though they are TERRIBLE!
I jailbroke my iPhone 3G last night and the only thing I installed from cydia was openssh.. I used that to edit the M68AP.plist to get the battery % sign and that's all I did. I went to bed with the battery at 100% and I woke up 5 hours later to the battery at 66%, that's an intense chunk, right? Do you think it's because I had push enabled?
Last night i decided to do a fresh restore, restored to 3.0 through iTunes and then used redsn0w (instead of Pwnage) to JB/Unlock - installed Cydia /Icy (not that I use it) and everything seems perfect.

Battery at 100% so far....

Just to confirm it is a lot better, I wouldn't go as far to say that the battery was as good as 2.1 (couple of days with 2.1) but it is lasting a full day.

redsn0w has definitely done the trick although I still think something is not quite right with the battery life - perhaps this is just 3.0.

I might change the email setting to push/fetch every hour and see if that helps

Currently my battery can last up to 4-5days, ok the phone gets turned off each night and some days have very limited use, i hope it does not affect me to much

I had the same problem with extremely poor batt life on my wife's 2G + redsn0w
as some had mentioned, did a complete restore, reran redsn0w and decided to hold off on installing anything from cydia and so far it seems the batt life is back to normal

spoke too soon. it still sucks, she can't even make it through half a day on standby. nothing from cydia installed, push notification etc. all turned off. whatever it causing this I hope they fix it soon :mad:
So does anyone know what is causing the battery drain, and when it will be ironed out? I really miss my JB iPhone, but this is battery drain is putting me off alot as 3.0 on my 3G has improves my battery quite alot on stock.
So does anyone know what is causing the battery drain, and when it will be ironed out? I really miss my JB iPhone, but this is battery drain is putting me off alot as 3.0 on my 3G has improves my battery quite alot on stock.

When I installed the latest versions of SBSettings and Cydia, my battery usage went back to what it was under a non-jb 2.2.1.

Edit: I am using the SBSettings battery %.
So does anyone know what is causing the battery drain, and when it will be ironed out? I really miss my JB iPhone, but this is battery drain is putting me off alot as 3.0 on my 3G has improves my battery quite alot on stock.

jimmy - try the jb. I have done so and unlocked, running SBsettings (not with batt % enabled though) and seen no appreciable reduction in battery life. It seems to be a bit of a lottery.

You can always roll back if there is a problem
Hmmm, seems to be either you have a good battery or not. Strange. Mine was ok on 2.2.1 and 2.2.1 JB, but now on 3.0 is has defo improved
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