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battery life is alright for me

I read this thread and I'm in the minority apparently, because the 3.0 Jailbreak on the 16GB 3G does not seem to be effecting my battery life. I also am using the % battery life left sbsetting option, and everything seems to be working fine.

I SSHed into the phone, and ran top (you would need to install this from Cydia) to see the processes and nothing seemed like it was taking more CPU cycles or usage than I would expect. I've installed SBsettings, SSH, Terminal, Cycorder, and a couple of others.

I used redsn0w to perform the jailbreak, after I had done a complete restore (shift + Restore) in iTunes with the 3.0 firmware.
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I've removed everything including the % so I only have cydia left and I lost 25% of my battery in an hour doing nothing at all!
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7A341 Safari/528.16)

I've removed everything including the % so I only have cydia left and I lost 25% of my battery in an hour doing nothing at all!

Does your phone get warm to the touch when it is just sitting there? I'd be curious to have someone that is seeing these huge battery problems SSH into the phone and run "top", and see if there is some process taking up a considerable amount of CPU.
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It's no more hotter than before the jailbreak. When I get home I'll look into the ssh thing.
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7A341 Safari/528.16)

It's no more hotter than before the jailbreak. When I get home I'll look into the ssh thing.

you don't need to go home
go to cydia, install top from administrative folder
open mobileterminal, type top -o -rsize
and you will see all the processes
I have an original iphone 2g,running on tmobile usa,Updated to 3.0 with itunes 8.2,and unlocked and jailbroken with redsn0w.

I had this same battery issue and also the heating/warming issue when idle/asleep. I upgraded mobile substrate(via cydia) and all is well now.
(this is an essential upgrade,and I highly recommend you instal it,battery/heat issue or not)

Also I have push notifications turned off as its not working for jb 2g users and effects the heat/battery life...
I have an original iphone 2g,running on tmobile usa,Updated to 3.0 with itunes 8.2,and unlocked and jailbroken with redsn0w.

I had this same battery issue and also the heating/warming issue when idle/asleep. I upgraded my mobile substrate(via cydia) and all is well now.
(this is an essential upgrade,and I highly recommend you instal it,battery/heat issue or not)

Also I have push notifications turned off as its not working for jb 2g users and effects the heat/battery life...

When you say 'essential upgrade' do you mean it is one of the upgrades that Cydia performs on the second launch, or just that it is essential that people do the upgrade? (I hope I have made the disctinction clear - apols if not, I'm a JB noob)
When you say 'essential upgrade' do you mean it is one of the upgrades that Cydia performs on the second launch, or just that it is essential that people do the upgrade? (I hope I have made the disctinction clear - apols if not, I'm a JB noob)

Id say both. Its is an update cydia will ask you to take. But its also very important for jb users if they want to use apps from cydia.And for me it fixed the battery drain and heating/warming issue.

EDIT* It (mostly) fixed the battery/warming issue. Turning the non functional push notifications off helped too (for 2g jailbreak users its not working,everyone else is ok I think)
Springboard was the highest with 6.0 cpu hardly a power hungry monster!

However I'm still affected, within a couple of hours the iPhone was nearly dead from around 75% charge

Edit: I'm restoring the jb firmware now and will test tonight.
post when you reinstall

i'm only running 3.0 jb since yesterday but i definitely noticed battery life decrease
after upgrade to original 3.0 battery life improved for me, and i was doing 2-3 days (yes, days) on standby and 5-7 hrs of usage, mostly music though
after jb and and charge this morning my battery is now at 61% with 1.45 hr of usage and 7 hrs of standby.. i did use remote desktop for maybe 20mins and cydia for a while which seems to eat my battery... so i will continue to observe and let you know
It was def the % battery thingy that was doing my battery in. Removed it went back to stock then rejailbroke. Now its back to normal.

The battery % on a 3g really drains it for some reason.

This is exactly what I'm thinking it is.

It's not drastically worse... but it IS effecting my battery drain negatively.

Stinks too, because I really like it.
post when you reinstall

i'm only running 3.0 jb since yesterday but i definitely noticed battery life decrease
after upgrade to original 3.0 battery life improved for me, and i was doing 2-3 days (yes, days) on standby and 5-7 hrs of usage, mostly music though
after jb and and charge this morning my battery is now at 61% with 1.45 hr of usage and 7 hrs of standby.. i did use remote desktop for maybe 20mins and cydia for a while which seems to eat my battery... so i will continue to observe and let you know

Im testing with sbsettings with battery % count on, cycorder and openssh (basically the bare minimal of apps i would use. Ive turned everything off except 3G and set auto lock to five minutes. I plan tomorrow to run my normal day of about 1:30 hour of music and casual browsing on 3G and see how it goes. If i cant make it throughout the day like i used to with half battery left before jailbreak i may go back.
Does everyone w/ battery problems haves sbsettings? I JB last night, slept with the phone off the charger and woke up yo ~96% battery...just installed sbsettings and took it off the charger and seemed to lose 2% in 5 minutes :confused:
Does everyone w/ battery problems haves sbsettings? I JB last night, slept with the phone off the charger and woke up yo ~96% battery...just installed sbsettings and took it off the charger and seemed to lose 2% in 5 minutes :confused:

I completely uninstalled all the base applications from Cydia but I left the % meter and battery meter on.

I backed up my phone.

I restored to the official firmware and restored my backup.

Battery % meter is on, nothing else jailbreak related is on. Still losing my battery faster than the official 3.0 firmware.

I am going back to a CLEAN 3.0 firmware tonight. It's quite obvious it is the battery % meter draining my battery more than normal.

It's not anything ridiculous like 10% in 10 minutes... I've just used my phone with light usage today like I always did with the GM... and I hit 85% by 2 pm. I don't ever hit that until 5 PM doing the same tasks I always do.

Back to the original firmware for me, with no restore this time and the hack removed! No, I don't have push enabled. Same thing I always have enabled.
Well, checking my sb settings looks like I had wi-fi turned on all this time, which may have been the contributor to battery drain as there are some spotty networks around work and my phone might have tried to connect here and there

I have a bunch of apps installed so I'm really curious how much I can get out of the battery, I will start my regular day tomorrow, with a 1.5-2hr of music and sporadic email/texting, running 3g

the apps I have running are sbsettings (ssh off, 3g on), 20lockscreen, winterboard with lockscreen theme updating weather, statusnotifier, voipover3g, dock and categories lol
I will run it with battery % and off and compare the damage.
Let you know if a day or two haha :)
The % meter is defiantly my main suspect for killing the battery I'm losing on average 20% every hour :eek: back to apple firmware for me if i don't get better results with it turned off. Damn and it looked so pretty :rolleyes:
just checked cydia, sbsettings is updated to version 3 now from 2.99
this may fix the possible battery drainage - i will upadate and see what my phone is doing the next day or 2
just checked cydia, sbsettings is updated to version 3 now from 2.99
this may fix the possible battery drainage - i will upadate and see what my phone is doing the next day or 2

I'm currently using 3.0-1, so no luck there. Since the effects of the % where obvious in the short time ive had it running tonight i'm going to test the next day without it running and hope it improves because i really want to keep cycorder :D
Anyone ever had the meter for the battery that didnt have the percentage, but just a number, starting at 100 when fully charged? I remember just touching the battery, and it would switch from the icon to the number, w/out the % symbol. Thats what I had when I JB 2.2, and I never had a problem with it, and Ill like to find it again.
is battery % strickly jailbroken firmware?
my 1st try will be disabling sbsettings before i decide to go back to original firmware. I really want to stay with jb :) and keep my phone tweaked
original firmware is gay (not that there's anything wrong with that)

updated stuff in cydia, removed a couple of themes - maybe 10 minutes of usage, my battery went from 51 to 40... wtf
Are you sure that it's the battery % that is causing the issue? Like I mentioned, I have the battery % on my JB 3G with 3.0 firmware, SBSettings, and the battery life is fine.

I did not install status notifier, though. Perhaps there is a conflict with it and the % battery?
I've had the % off for a while but my battery is still noticeably dropping (although much less than before), i might take off sbsettings and only reinstall it when i need to turn ssh on to get my vids from cycorder. Apart from that i only have cycorder and openssh on? Could it be the custom firmware?
It's NOT the jailbreak. Again, I'm not jailbroken but I have the battery % hack. That has to be it.
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