It's NOT the jailbreak. Again, I'm not jailbroken but I have the battery % hack. That has to be it.
do you have it turned on through a leftover jailbreak or through apple and the usage thing?
It's NOT the jailbreak. Again, I'm not jailbroken but I have the battery % hack. That has to be it.
Yup, my battery life is ***** as well. I'm not 100% sure that it is OS 3.0 or jailbreaking thats causing it.
Think I'm going to do a full restore as I'm beginning to realise that there is nothing available via JB that I will actually use.![]()
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7A341 Safari/528.16)
Well it must have been sbsettings because I removed it and applied the hack here
and my battery is back to normal.
If I stick this phone near a speaker (serious here)... it makes that interference noise (you know the noise when you know a call/text is coming through) but constant all the time whatever that is it is draining the battery and fast.
Spent all day on the official 3.0 firmware and absolutely ZERO issues with battery life.
It's either the jailbreak, or the % meter. And IMO, it's not the jailbreak. Maybe a memory leak from Cydia? I didn't think to check.
Anyone complaining about it on 3.0 must have restored a backup of their settings and so forth.
A 100%, clean 3.0 firmware, Push enabled all day, Wifi on when I need it, music listening, and about a 5 min. phone call and I'm still not past 85% (one section of the battery icon missing).
So, do whatever you'd like, but I'm staying unjailbroken for now until QuickPWN comes out.
Im getting a new issue now! After JB'ng my iPhone, I didnt have issues with the battery, but everytime I turned my camera on to take a pic, I saw dead people. Its the weirdest thing.![]()
They have already stated redsn0w is the new quickpwn so you are going to be waiting for a very long time my friend![]()
ok, 1 thing that i dont understand , PLEAAAASEEE someone explain me!
Im not sure if i have a batt problem, i havent use that much the phone today. On Standby it seems to hold the battery pretty well, but when i start doing anything it goes down i think faster that ussually but not crazy fast, again i havent used it that much, so im not sure.
ANYWAYS what i want to know is what are you guys talking about the % battery, and numeric battery, and the % batt. hack!?
what are those things, i just JB mine on 3.0 and it shows the batt % like this:
but something weird is that my dad buy a 3G 8GB and the guy at AT&T upgrade his phone to the 3.0 OS and he doesnt have the % meter.
OH BTW: my phone didnt show the % till i sync with itunes...