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It's NOT the jailbreak. Again, I'm not jailbroken but I have the battery % hack. That has to be it.

do you have it turned on through a leftover jailbreak or through apple and the usage thing?
Leftover jailbreak.

I've been running the stock firmware for a few hours and my battery has last pretty damn long through extended use and Beejive push enabled.

It's either something with the jailbreak components that get left over in a backup or the damn battery % thing.
Yup, my battery life is ***** as well. I'm not 100% sure that it is OS 3.0 or jailbreaking thats causing it.

Think I'm going to do a full restore as I'm beginning to realise that there is nothing available via JB that I will actually use.:rolleyes:

My 3g is not jailbroken and I have noticed a drop in bat life. Think it may be 3.0...???
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7A341 Safari/528.16)

Well it must have been sbsettings because I removed it and applied the hack here

and my battery is back to normal.
Hi, I mentioned my battery was running low fast - it's really bad and I am thinking to reverting back to 2.1...
My battery indicator is not % so that can't be the issue why it's draining quickly?
Would you recommend for me to go back to 2.1 until we can really identify a fix or another version of pwnage that would solve it?

Appreciate any feedback

Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7A341 Safari/528.16)

Soory about the link that's the iPhones copy and paste messing up. It's the thread about adding the toggle switch into settings by changing a plist file. Also I've niticed how much of a drain safari is now. I'm sat watching it steadly fall and it's now on 77% from around 95% charge : (
I had Super Preferences (whatever its called), then removed it. Had Winterboard, then removed it and re-installed it. And now I am back to normal as far as the battery is concerned. I have 53 apps on my phone, not including WB, Cydia, etc. I also sync it with my radio in the car, and after using it in the car for about an hour today, the battery life is fine. I agree about the problem being caused by the battery %.
1. Applied the above hack to enable the battery gauge under iPhone Settings.
2. Disabled the numeric battery under SBSettings.
3. Enabled the numeric battery switch under the regular iPhone settings that is now present with the hack.
4. Numeric battery is working fine.

Battery is now back to normal while still running Winterboard and SBSettings on a jailbroken 2G.
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7A341 Safari/528.16)

It's definatly safari that's now the only battery killer for me, in 3 hours with minor web browsing I'm down to 44%. Everything else is fine though.
This thread is hilarious.

  • "It's the battery % in SBSettings for sure."
  • "Safari is the battery killer for me."
  • "I have not noticed any change in battery usage."
  • "It's 3.0 that causes the battery to drain faster, I'm going back to 2.21."

All we need is TheSpaz whining about lag to make this thread complete.
I will add a little more to the humour, noticed something is constantly running.
If I stick this phone near a speaker (serious here)... it makes that interference noise (you know the noise when you know a call/text is coming through) but constant… all the time – whatever that is it is draining the battery and fast.
If I stick this phone near a speaker (serious here)... it makes that interference noise (you know the noise when you know a call/text is coming through) but constant… all the time – whatever that is it is draining the battery and fast.

Interesting. I am running 3.0 on a 3G and am jb'd. I've installed BiteSMS, Intelliscreen and SBSettings and don't hear the noise nor have I noticed any different battery drain.
My battery was also draining very quickly and it was before I installed SBSettings. I recently turned off DATA ROAMING, and it seems like my battery is back to normal but its been only an hour so I dont know for sure. It's been stuck on 37% for awhile now. Is everyone elses on/off? Im on tmobile
Im getting a new issue now! After JB'ng my iPhone, I didnt have issues with the battery, but everytime I turned my camera on to take a pic, I saw dead people. Its the weirdest thing. :p
Spent all day on the official 3.0 firmware and absolutely ZERO issues with battery life.

It's either the jailbreak, or the % meter. And IMO, it's not the jailbreak. Maybe a memory leak from Cydia? I didn't think to check.

Anyone complaining about it on 3.0 must have restored a backup of their settings and so forth.

A 100%, clean 3.0 firmware, Push enabled all day, Wifi on when I need it, music listening, and about a 5 min. phone call and I'm still not past 85% (one section of the battery icon missing).

So, do whatever you'd like, but I'm staying unjailbroken for now until QuickPWN comes out.
Spent all day on the official 3.0 firmware and absolutely ZERO issues with battery life.

It's either the jailbreak, or the % meter. And IMO, it's not the jailbreak. Maybe a memory leak from Cydia? I didn't think to check.

Anyone complaining about it on 3.0 must have restored a backup of their settings and so forth.

A 100%, clean 3.0 firmware, Push enabled all day, Wifi on when I need it, music listening, and about a 5 min. phone call and I'm still not past 85% (one section of the battery icon missing).

So, do whatever you'd like, but I'm staying unjailbroken for now until QuickPWN comes out.

They have already stated redsn0w is the new quickpwn so you are going to be waiting for a very long time my friend :)
ok, 1 thing that i dont understand , PLEAAAASEEE someone explain me!

Im not sure if i have a batt problem, i havent use that much the phone today. On Standby it seems to hold the battery pretty well, but when i start doing anything it goes down i think faster that ussually but not crazy fast, again i havent used it that much, so im not sure.

ANYWAYS what i want to know is what are you guys talking about the % battery, and numeric battery, and the % batt. hack!?

what are those things, i just JB mine on 3.0 and it shows the batt % like this:

but something weird is that my dad buy a 3G 8GB and the guy at AT&T upgrade his phone to the 3.0 OS and he doesnt have the % meter.

OH BTW: my phone didnt show the % till i sync with itunes...
Last night i decided to do a fresh restore, restored to 3.0 through iTunes and then used redsn0w (instead of Pwnage) to JB/Unlock - installed Cydia /Icy (not that I use it) and everything seems perfect.

Battery at 100% so far....
ok, 1 thing that i dont understand , PLEAAAASEEE someone explain me!

Im not sure if i have a batt problem, i havent use that much the phone today. On Standby it seems to hold the battery pretty well, but when i start doing anything it goes down i think faster that ussually but not crazy fast, again i havent used it that much, so im not sure.

ANYWAYS what i want to know is what are you guys talking about the % battery, and numeric battery, and the % batt. hack!?

what are those things, i just JB mine on 3.0 and it shows the batt % like this:

but something weird is that my dad buy a 3G 8GB and the guy at AT&T upgrade his phone to the 3.0 OS and he doesnt have the % meter.

OH BTW: my phone didnt show the % till i sync with itunes...

The battery percentage hack was synced when you restored from a backup. I have always setup the phone as new after a firmware upgrade and then re-synced everything. This to me is the best policy to avoid unwanted old jailbreak info to be restored to the phone.
i switched off battery % in sbsettings yesterday (and also uninstalled dock) and my battery went through all day just fine was at about 75% at the end of the day - 12 or 14 hrs standby, listened to music for about 1.5-2 hrs commuting to/from work, played bejeweled and spore for .5 hr + occasional txt/email. I couldnt see actual usage because it resetted itself in the settings to '-'

The day when I had my battery issues - after 12hrs on standby and 2-3 usage, my battery was at 15% and needed recharge... also while recharging battery charge was going all over the place (showing charged, then at 20%, 30%,15% and charged again, to 20% lol)
so i'm guessing sbsettings battery % is the major offender
its the app PUSH for me, i charged my phone over night, just got back an hour ago and didnt even have the time to use it to do anything being at school and its already down to freaking 41 % it was at 49 % like 5 minutes ago ... so much for "apps running in the background sucking the battery" if push is no better
I have my 2G running unlocked + jailbroken on T-Mobile prepaid (aka no edge data). I have NOTHING on it except for SSH and BossPrefs - no media, no mail accounts, no apps. It runs on WiFi, getting quite warm and the battery lasts 10 hours - in sleep mode! If I try using it I can kill it in half an hour.
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