Don't worry, I'm not taking it harshly.Don't take this too harshly please...
A lot of the arguments for why I should be using Lightroom sound like the arguments for why I should be using Windows instead of Mac.
"Everyone's doing it. Have you seen their market share? There's a reason for that."
"You know its going to be around for a long time because it is the major focus of the company."
"Sure they are an evil, soul sucking, menace, and they have crappy licensing that is a headache when you have to deal with them, but you can get software that works with them from Wal-Mart."
My point is that many people have moved off of Aperture for reason, LR is providing some great tools. If you're happy with Aperture, or Photos, then go for it. All I'm suggesting is that Lightroom is a tool that brings together a lot of advantages. Aperture had many of those same advantages, had apple continue to improve that products I'd still be using AP.
I personally find the best tool that meets my needs, and that's LR. Your needs may be different, all I can offer is my opinion