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Re: Re: Re: Not Suitable For Any Living Thing

Originally posted by splashman
Personally, I find it offensive that people feel free to use their songs to promote sex out of marriage, illicit drugs, and a myriad of other destructive behavior

personally I find it offensive that you call my lifestyle choices destructive :p

It seems the flood of people's GB creations has already started. Time to check some out.
Re: Re: size of GB files

Originally posted by Poff
I guess you´re using soft-synths (stores as midi-files) and the loops may also just be stored as information as to what loops should be used, and where they should be.

I guess you didn't read the post. :p He'd recorded 11.4 mb of aif live recording in there and it still only came to 3.1mb, anyone have any ideas on how this works?
Re: Re: Re: size of GB files

Originally posted by amnesiac1984
I guess you didn't read the post. :p He'd recorded 11.4 mb of aif live recording in there and it still only came to 3.1mb, anyone have any ideas on how this works?

same as how you can record 30GB of video in iMovie, but the clips you record only show up as a meg or 2 in finder. bring those captured QT files to windows and they show up as the mega-GB filesizes. (yes, dont say anything, i didnt get a superdrive cause i already have 7 PC DVD burners for work)

i've only used a mac for about a year, but i'd sure like to know why finder doesnt give accurate measures of filesizes...
Re: Re: Re: Re: size of GB files

Originally posted by Engagebot
same as how you can record 30GB of video in iMovie, but the clips you record only show up as a meg or 2 in finder. bring those captured QT files to windows and they show up as the mega-GB filesizes. (yes, dont say anything, i didnt get a superdrive cause i already have 7 PC DVD burners for work)

i've only used a mac for about a year, but i'd sure like to know why finder doesnt give accurate measures of filesizes...

As far as I can tell it does, but I guess not for iMovie or GB files. Are you sure they are actually the movie files and not some links to the files being stored elsewhere? That is really odd, whats going on? I don't really use iMovie for more that some pics and some mpg stuff as I don't have a DV camcorder just a digicam with motion jpeg mode.
Re: Re: Re: size of GB files

Originally posted by amnesiac1984
I guess you didn't read the post. :p He'd recorded 11.4 mb of aif live recording in there and it still only came to 3.1mb, anyone have any ideas on how this works?

The exported aif file was 11.4 mb. jacobslateralus we need your input on this one to get what you meant right.
Originally posted by balconycollapse
I am using factory 256 RAM on a flat panel iMac. It craps out occasionally with too many soft synths but if you are just recording actual tracks with a drum beat as a backer its great. I suspect a 150 dollar investment in ram would remedy all of the overload.


I'm not sure what your cpu is, but with my 450 mHz G4 and 1.5 Gb's of ram, GarageBand dies even with the Demo-songs....Bummer......

I'm glad I ordered an Encore 1.4!!!!!

Good luck!!!

Otherwise this program rocks!!!


bad news

well i've been laying down my first GB song today, and i have to say, this isnt going to as useful as i thought.

im using 3 recorded guitars tracks, 2 tracks to record bass, and one vocal track, and GB is giving all kind of errors.

for starters, it locks down and tells me my 'disk is too slow', then another that i've run out of space on my disk, and then one where it just locks down and the audio drivers fail, causing me to shut down GB, then quit and restart my USB interface. i thought the software instruments are the ones that are so tough on the processor. My pc can do at least this much no problem. 64 tracks looks entirely too optimistic right now...

i'm sorry for all you G3 people too. its safe to say if you're got a G3 ibook or something, you're gonna be dissappointed.

i've got a 1Ghz Powerbook with 768MB of RAM and 40gigs free space.
oh yeah, and that software keyboard lags so bad when other audio tracks are playing, its not even funny. i cant even get 1 snare hit on each downbeat. the snare may not even hit until a beat or 1 1/2 beats later...

i was going to buy a USB keyboard, but if it lags anything like the software keyboard, i'll just be wasting my money.
Oh, man. That sucks. I was hoping you'd say you had a 350 MHz iMac or something. Well your machine is better than mine (1 GHz iMac, 256 MB RAM). I guess I'll be disappointed.

Re: Re: Re: Re: size of GB files

Originally posted by Poff
The exported aif file was 11.4 mb. jacobslateralus we need your input on this one to get what you meant right.

sorry it took me so long to respond to this. i've been so busy recording that I just now got a chance to check out the responses to my question.

so here's the deal: I was only using live recordings (no loops or software instruments) and I am 100% positive that the garageband project file is not just refrencing files hidden somewhere else on my hard drive because if the fact that I sent only the project file to my friend over ichat and the song played fine on his computer. i can only guess the the finder is giving the correct files sizes due to the speedy ichat transfer time.

the only thing I can possibly think of that might cause this is that maybe I used copy and paste a lot more than I thought I did. it stills seems like a rather large difference in file sizes even if this is true.

on a side note: I've got a rev. a 12" powerbook (867 mhz) with 640 mgs of ram and i've had no problems what-so-ever with GB hanging up or lagging. last night, in fact, I was surfing the web, downloading a 34 meg file, and running ichat and quicktime, all while a friend of mine was playing a midi keyboard through GB ( on top of 3 or 4 tracks of recorded audio) and changing sounds every 30 seconds or so. still no problems. I did defrag my hard drive 2 days ago. maybe that might help some of you with slow drive messages.
Re: p.s.

I did defrag my hard drive 2 days ago. maybe that might help some of you with slow drive messages.

I have always been told that with OS X, you don't ever need to defrag. It is supposed to do that automatically. I wonder if anyone with a notebook has tried recording with a firewire drive. That would probably help a lot.
well defrag would make some sense, but this powerbook is only a few weeks old. havent uninstalled/deleted anything more significant than some word and acrobat documents on this machine yet.
Re: Re: p.s.

Originally posted by raptorhigh
I wonder if anyone with a notebook has tried recording with a firewire drive. That would probably help a lot.

well i have a USB2.0 hard drive. i know these laptop drives are 5400rpm, but what kind of transfer speeds to they really do with the bus system as it is? is a USB2.0 or firewire drive gonna have any more juice?

i know this USB2 drive is pretty fast, as in i capture 3 hours of DV straight to it for work each weak, but its still not as fast as my PC's internal drives.

i'll try it and see. i'll let you guys know. i was REALLY wanting GB to be awesome. and if it isnt, i'm gonna catch so much crap from all my friends who got tired of me talking about it all last week.
well, using GB for a day i have got to say that Apple has some work to do with improving the speed of this app. although i have not recieved any error messages (which is good) the program is still just really slow. but i see a lot of promise. so far every 1.0 release that Apple puts out seems to be way too slow until the updates start rolling in. i suspect that with future updates we'll see significant speed increases. i mean just look what they did for iPhoto! i'm not as impressed with GB as i thought i would be but maybe that will change once they speed it up a little and i get a midi interface so i can hook up my synth.
Quick non-buyer review

Since I'm not getting GB until I get a new PowerBook in a few weeks, I decided to head over to the Apple Store in Palo Alto to try it out. I got a good hour-plus in, and I have to say that so far, with the small amount of time I've worked with it, I'm really impressed. The station I used had lots of instruments and loops, so I wasn't sure if this setup had Jam Pack. I called the store up later to verify, and the girl I spoke to seemed to think Jam Pack was not installed.

It's not so much that it's doing anything really new. The important thing here is that like the other iApps, Apple has kept a KISS philosophy in designing the interface for GB, and it makes it both inviting and intuitive. I've worked with more pro apps (I go all the way back to MasterTracks Pro on my Apple IIgs!), and the simplification of the interface definitely goes a long way towards shortening the required learning curve.

Loops and software instruments are within easy reach, though the details are hidden unless you choose to expose them. The G5 machine I used was hooked up to an Edirol MIDI controller/keyboard. There was no detectable keyboard latency. I first played with the instruments. I was looking for a Hammond B3, and I choose Classic Rock organ because it sounded closest. Maybe the Rock organ would be better. Then I put in some piano. The grand isn't bad. I like the electric pianos more. The software guitars are like most other software guitars - not very impressive, but what are you gonna do?

Didn't have much time to play around with the drum kits, so I went with loops. They're pretty good, but I didn't quite find the one I wanted among the Modern Rock and Vintage Rock loops. No matter, I used one that worked in a pinch, and when I buy this, I'll get to work the drum kits. There were tons of other percussion, which is a huge plus. The classifications are a nice try, but probably unnecessary.

I had an idea for a song that I came up with on Friday, and other than lyrics and a basic chord progression that I worked out from home, I had not recorded it. So I figured it'd be a good test. I was able to construct much of the song in about a half-hour, including drum fills and extra stuff, like "vinyl scratch". It had me floored.

The only thing missing was a true audio input device and a mic or line-in to plug in a guitar. If the audio works as I think it should, I probably would've had a decent demo finished within a couple hours, which would be a record for me. That's what excites me about GB. I'm no pro, believe me, but I like to think I have some ability. GB will allow me to break down the barrier somewhat between having an idea and realizing it. For me it will be a scratchpad, and soon I'll be able to tote around a a slick portable rig with a PowerBook, an M-Audio Duo, Oxygen8, a condensor mic, and a guitar if I want. It'll be one tough month before I get my PowerBook.
I was in the market for a notebook computer but based on what I've been reading regarding GarageBand, the thought of getting a G5 has popped into my head. Thanks, br0wnbuffer, for the in-depth reporting.

Laptops vs. Desktops

Originally posted by Squire
I was in the market for a notebook computer but based on what I've been reading regarding GarageBand, the thought of getting a G5 has popped into my head. Thanks, br0wnbuffer, for the in-depth reporting.


There are pros and cons no matter which way you go. Having the ability to "take it with you" is a huge asset. But performance in cutting-edge apps is definitely a problem with laptops. The need for power efficiency dictates much slower hard drives, a slower bus, slower RAM -- slower everything, pretty much. For those primarily using mainstream business apps, even an iBook is plenty fast. But then there's the rest of us . . .

I resolved the quandary by getting both, but it's an expensive solution.
well i've been recording on my USB2.0 hard drive, and it seems i've had no more problems. (yeah!)

I know i was saying how much garageband sucked on my powerbook, but i've messed with it enough to clear up a lot of my problems, and it actually works great now.

A couple of other hints to make Garageband work great on a powerbook:

1. In your Energy Saver window make sure your processer speed is set to 'Highest' instead of 'Automatic' when you're plugged in. I assumed that 'Automatic' meant highest when plugged in, and reduced when on battery, but i guess thats not the case.

2. If you have 'disk too slow' or 'disk full' errors, try recording on an external drive. I dont think anybody else got this but me, but whatever. (just for reference, I have a 5400 RPM 60GB drive in this machine. if you're ona desktop of any kind, you shouldnt have this problem in the first place)

3. In the garageband preferences, i had set the buffer size for G3 or slower systems, thinking it would help aleviate my problems. well, i had more problems on the low setting than i do with the G4/G5 setting.

4. If garageband is running, do not let your computer go to sleep. When it wakes up, it doesnt re-init the audio drivers correctly, and that seems to cause my problems too. If GB is running and I close the lid, I'll have problems. (I have the m-audio USB interface, so i'm just speaking from experience with that)
Originally posted by Engagebot

A couple of other hints to make Garageband work great on a powerbook:

1. In your Energy Saver window make sure your processer speed is set to 'Highest' instead of 'Automatic' when you're plugged in. I assumed that 'Automatic' meant highest when plugged in, and reduced when on battery, but i guess thats not the case.

i ran some tests with XBench with the 'Automatic' VS 'Highest' settings and the 'Highest' setting outperformed the Automatic setting every time in the CPU benchmark so make sure that you ahve your settings correct!
What's the verdict for low-end users?

I have an older machine and have been trying to figure out if iLife is worth the price.

I'm on a 350MHz Blue & White (G3) with 512MB of RAM and a plain old CD-ROM drive. I know, I know... dark ages for an OS X user. Used to have an iBook 600, but the motherboard wigged out 6 months ago. My B&W was just to get me off a PC and back onto a Mac... but, on to the question.

From what I've been reading, I won't be able to use any of the programs except for iPhoto. While I love the older iPhoto in theory, I can't stand to use the thing. The organization of photos wasn't very intuitive to me (well, I got it, but just didn't like it,) and it was horribly slow (even on my iBook 600.)

Since I already use Photoshop CS for editing the photos (runs great, even on 350MHz!) I wouldnt really find much use for the minor tweaking abilities within iPhoto. With all that in mind, would iPhoto, all by itself, worth the $50 price of iLife?
Re: What's the verdict for low-end users?

Originally posted by cnladd
With all that in mind, would iPhoto, all by itself, worth the $50 price of iLife?

Hmmm. Well, if you love iPhoto, and you use it a lot, I'd say it probably would be worth it. '04 is a lot faster, and it's got some slick new features.

But if you're not actually married to iPhoto, and you'd rather do something else with $50, maybe check out iPhotoBuddy

I don't use it myself, but I've got a friend who loves it, and it's free. There's probably other options, too.
trouble with pro tools

I've actually had fun playing with Garage band. I've mixed a couple of songs; just guitar and vocals using a Russian condenser mike. It's great for me as i can send a rough (but much nicer than ever before) copy to my producer who then has a workable piece to start with. I just updated to pro tools 6.2 so I could use my mbox with garage band, but now when I go to my pro tools folder a blackened screen falls down and tells me to restart my computer by holding down the power button. I never saw it before in my two plus years with this ibook 600. Does pro tools mean what it says about needing a g4? I was using the mbox as an interface, but couldn't use the headphones in the mbox jack, though they worked fine plugged in to my ibook. Any thoughts from those who can ascertain these things?
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