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Originally posted by filipp
Is there a way to buy iLife online?
Like "download now" option.

Ummm, no.

iLife 2004 comes on a DVD, and makes good use of the space (lots of loops, all the iDVD goodness ...)

You won't be downloading 4GB of data from Apple's web site any time soon!
IPhoto's Speed

Originally posted by geerlingguy
After you finish playing with GB (perhaps in about three hours), then could you see if iPhoto's performance is what it's cracked up to be... ;)

I've only got +/- 2,000 photo's but IPhoto-4 is alot faster than the orig. version. GB is a hoot, too!
Originally posted by Foxer
Yeah. I do this, too. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. Sometimes they leave things without anyone there, sometimes they don't.

Example: Twenty dollar software from apple - they left with neighbor. 23-inch cinema display from apple - I had to go pick it up from FedEx. PowerMac from Apple (in regular retail box) - left on my front porch.

Well, my iLife is on a truck - hopefully it'll be there when I get home.

For the record: Anything "of value" (>$100 was the estimate I got, but I got the feeling there is no "official" value limit, just an off-the-cuff guesstimate) is not allowed to be left on your doorstep, no matter if you have a written/signed note, a standing FedEx order to leave everything in a certain place, or whatever. They are also not supposed to leave such boxes with neighbors. While the "value" of a box may be hard to determine, if it says "Computer" on it anywhere, or weighs more than 50lbs, or is ungainly to handle, it will generally be placed in the "of value" pile.

Also, note that Fed Ex has "regular delivery" and "home delivery". The difference is that "home delivery" is T-Sat while "regular" is M-F. They often have different sorting/distribution stations, and often one or the other will not allow you to pick up your package in your area. This is mostly a concern around the holidays, when FedEx gets a little "free" with which packages go to which distribution centers, based on the overall load of those distribution centers. This particular fact caused my G5 to take almost a week to get across town (it was at the home delivery station at 3:00AM the day after Apple shipped it; they "lost" it for three frantic days before finally getting it back on a home delivery truck and delivered ... had we not been home we wouldn't have been able to pick it up from the distribution center as the home delivery center here has no customer pickup facilities ... all of which caused us to swear off of FedEx whenever possible).

I don't mean to post links and this isn't spam.

My friend and I both use macs. We've been using macs for over 10 years.
We run this site at

The whole idea is to make music and share it with eachother.

We will post your link next to your song and we will also ad your song to our streaming radio station. We make no money doing this..
Since we use Soundtrack and now Garageband we want to get more mac users to join out site. it's free! Just write a song and mail it to us.
thanks and sorry for this unrelated post.. lol I usually post things that relate to the article.
Re: Not Suitable For Any Living Thing

Originally posted by mstecker
...Especially all of that jesus stuff tacked onto the end of "The Rock".

Actually "all that Jesus Stuff" was right throughout the song. If his levels were better it would have been clearer.

And although I try to be Christian, I did find it offensive that he'd take that opportunity to preach. We were there to hear how GB sounded, not be preached to.
iLife 04 CD error?

By mistake I stuck in the iLife 04 CDrom rather than the DVD, but since the computer I was installing it on doesn't have a SuperDrive and I wasn't going to put GarageBand on this one anyway I decided to continue with the instalation (everything I was installing was on the CD). However after it ran its checks it said I could not install because I have a DVD drive, why should that stop me from using the CD... Steve is gonna be pissed if all the CDs are crap, looks like some one will get fired today at Apple

TI PowerBook 500 with DVD/CD drive (read only)


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Originally posted by mxpiazza
they're not trying to hide anything... as you said, go to the dedicated section of the site for iTunes, there is a download link. if you're in a subdirectory of the iLife section of the site, why would there be a 'download now' button, when you are browsing a part of iLife? iLife is not downloadable. this isn't like Real, which is just a shortened version of 'RealConfusing'. Apple isn't being shady, they are preventing confusion by not labeling ANY part of iLife '04 as downloadable.

i swear... people can never be happy.

I think you misunderstood what I was saying. I was just saying that for people who don't understand or know that iTunes is still free it could be confusing. I personally picked up my copy and am just waiting to get home from school to install it.
Re: Re: iPhoto, anyone???

Originally posted by mxpiazza
i have about 2200 images on my 1ghz 12" powerbook, and the new iphoto screams. worth the $29 edu cost of ilife alone, if you ask me.

Just returned from the Apple Store (West County - Des Peres STL)... Installing from the DVD now... :cool:
Re: iLife 04 CD error?

Originally posted by Bob Knob
By mistake I stuck in the iLife 04 CDrom rather than the DVD, but since the computer I was installing it on doesn't have a SuperDrive and I wasn't going to put GarageBand on this one anyway I decided to continue with the instalation (everything I was installing was on the CD). However after it ran its checks it said I could not install because I have a DVD drive, why should that stop me from using the CD... Steve is gonna be pissed if all the CDs are crap, looks like some one will get fired today at Apple

TI PowerBook 500 with DVD/CD drive (read only)

Yeah, but the DVD works fine... You can pick and choose what installers you want to run from the DVD. What the CD is saying is: "You have DVD capability, so please use the DVD." Don't ask me why Apple chose to do it this way... :rolleyes:

Anyway, on my iBook 933, the DVD works fine (even without me having a SuperDrive, btw), so it should work for your PowerBook - when the installer comes up, you can choose to only install what programs you want.
after installing iLife and messing around with GarageBand for a few minutes i am a wee bit upset that it only imports aiff and mp3 files. i guess the crap load of samples i have in wav format will need to be converted. anyone know of a batch audio converter? i suppose i could just write a perl app using sox but if anyone knows of something already available?
Re: Re: Not Suitable For Any Living Thing

Originally posted by ChrisH3677
Actually "all that Jesus Stuff" was right throughout the song. If his levels were better it would have been clearer.

And although I try to be Christian, I did find it offensive that he'd take that opportunity to preach. We were there to hear how GB sounded, not be preached to.

Give me a break! If he wants to sing about what's important to him, that's his prerogative, and it's your prerogative to turn it off if you don't like it. Personally, I find it offensive that people feel free to use their songs to promote sex out of marriage, illicit drugs, and a myriad of other destructive behaviors. But I'm not going to cry foul and tell them they have no right to do so -- I'll just turn it off, walk away, etc. Saying you don't like what you're hearing is all fine and good. When you start telling someone they have no right to speak, you're crossing the line.

It's amazing to me that freedom of speech seems to apply to everyone except Christians.

And if you're going to complain I'm off topic, I'm not the one who brought it up . . .
A few hours later....I'm impressed! GB is gonna be a hit.

Just another reason to confirm that my switch over 18 mths ago was the right decision.
Re: Re: iLife 04 CD error?

Originally posted by geerlingguy
snip - Anyway, on my iBook 933, the DVD works fine (even without me having a SuperDrive, btw), so it should work for your PowerBook - when the installer comes up, you can choose to only install what programs you want.

That's what I wound up doing, no big deal really, it just seems so odd that you can't use the CD version if you have a DVD drive. A little overkill programing on the installer I guess.
Originally posted by ExoticFish
yeah i was just playing with iPhoto and it is a heck of a lot faster. way to go Apple you rock!

in all fairness, it's about damn time

i'm looking forward to picking up ilife tomorrow at an apple store. has anyone gone to a retail store and been told they had sold out?? just don't want to get hosed is all.

Originally posted by ExoticFish
after installing iLife and messing around with GarageBand for a few minutes i am a wee bit upset that it only imports aiff and mp3 files. i guess the crap load of samples i have in wav format will need to be converted. anyone know of a batch audio converter? i suppose i could just write a perl app using sox but if anyone knows of something already available?

Actually, you can just use iTunes to do this batch conversion!

Make a new playlist for the WAV files, copy all of them into the playlist, then make sure that all the check boxes are checked by the filenames. Open "Preferences", click on the "Importing" tab, then choose the AIFF converter. Click OK. Now, Click on the "Advanced" menu, then select "Convert selection to AIFF".

Awesome, huh? :)
Originally posted by ExoticFish
after installing iLife and messing around with GarageBand for a few minutes i am a wee bit upset that it only imports aiff and mp3 files. i guess the crap load of samples i have in wav format will need to be converted. anyone know of a batch audio converter? i suppose i could just write a perl app using sox but if anyone knows of something already available?

Anybody know of a good batch converter for OSX?
Originally posted by geerlingguy
Actually, you can just use iTunes to do this batch conversion!

Make a new playlist for the WAV files, copy all of them into the playlist, then make sure that all the check boxes are checked by the filenames. Open "Preferences", click on the "Importing" tab, then choose the AIFF converter. Click OK. Now, Click on the "Advanced" menu, then select "Convert selection to AIFF".

Awesome, huh? :)

that is awesome! much easier than my solution ;) thanks for the tip!
Originally posted by boros
Anybody know of a good batch converter for OSX?

Like I said above: use iTunes.

Also, I've played around with iPhoto - HOLY COW! (I don't cuss ;) ) - This is revved up!

Old startup time - 10-15 secs
New startup time - 5-8 secs

Old quit time - 15-20 secs
New quit time - 2-5 secs

Old scroll time - FOREVER
New scroll time - like I'm using Safari

Old Rotate time - about 5 secs
New Rotate time - ~.25 secs

Everything is much improved. I would pay the $30 JUST for iPhoto!!! Plus, I get GB and updates for the other apps. I am one happy camper! :D
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