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I was just reading through this thread since I've been jonesing for any info on Garageband when up the driveway comes the FedEx guy. So I got to go. Go install Garageband. Woot!
Originally posted by Sabenth
I am looking foward to this i really iam. Gives me a reall exscuse to buy a new Mac. As for audio and processing and g3 issues yep its dam right true. Try doing anything with mor than say 6 tracks and your going to be struggling its all based around the speed at which the procesor can work blah blah blah . Your gona want a new system anyways for all the great addons to iLife. its 79 dollars australian by the way so nothing to complain about for 50. Oh and Reason 2.5 has the same size loop libary and its over 300 dollars USD i belive. so nothing to complain about at all..

Whats with the vocals been on one chanel as well on the demos

True about reason being more expensive with same amont of loops, but any serious musician creates his own loops and reason is vastly superior in terms of what you can do.

A poster before was talking about loop triggers and how you can't edit these in GB, reason you can, and you also get a very advanced and completely customizeable sampler, and two highly editable synths.

edit: and another thing, I was very dissapointed with those string sounds on the samples. DO you think he just chose bad sounds or are they the best strings sound GB can do? My old yamaha keyboard I had when I was a kid sounded better than that, those were awful! I was pleaseantly suprised by the sounds used in the keynote, but these just suck.
Might be a little late for some of you but... I know a lot of us are at work when FedEx stops by... when Panther made the rounds I just left a note taped to my front door that told the FedEx guy to leave the package at the door and I signed the note... when I came home Panther was at the front door and the note was gone... might save you some hassle if you trust your front door.

Granted most fedex places will let you picked up missed packages after 5pm but the closest fedex to me is 30min-45min away...
Originally posted by SilentPanda
Might be a little late for some of you but... I know a lot of us are at work when FedEx stops by... when Panther made the rounds I just left a note taped to my front door that told the FedEx guy to leave the package at the door and I signed the note... when I came home Panther was at the front door and the note was gone... might save you some hassle if you trust your front door.

Yeah. I do this, too. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. Sometimes they leave things without anyone there, sometimes they don't.

Example: Twenty dollar software from apple - they left with neighbor. 23-inch cinema display from apple - I had to go pick it up from FedEx. PowerMac from Apple (in regular retail box) - left on my front porch.

Well, my iLife is on a truck - hopefully it'll be there when I get home.
iPhoto, anyone???

Has anyone tried iPhoto on a non-G5 Mac yet? I have an 800 MHz G4 iMac & a 933 MHz iBook, both with around 2000 pictures, and I would like to know if it would be worth me buying this update (is the speed difference that good). I am going to buy, but I want to know because my mom might also purchase if iPhoto improvements are good enough. :D
And people voted this negative on the main page because... because they're stupid? Seriously, WTF?

Now onto the other irksome thing, people, stop thinking this is a pro app, it's close, it's great, and it's $50, heck, $12.50 if you divide the iLife Suite. You pay for what you get and for $12.50 this is GREAT!!! It's not supposed to be Cakewalk or Reason so posters complaing about limited filters or maybe a lack of some high end feature need to get a major grip on reality.
GarageBand and edu market

I wonder if GarageBand is also a marketing tactic to re-assert Macs into the classroom. Seems like a tremendous creative tool that elementary, middle and high schools could use for their students -- at no additional charge when they buy new computers.

Sure it's not the only reason for GarageBand, but including it with iLife promises to make the Mac an easier sale for educators/students/parents/grandparents...
Originally posted by Foxer
Yeah. I do this, too. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. Sometimes they leave things without anyone there, sometimes they don't.

Example: Twenty dollar software from apple - they left with neighbor. 23-inch cinema display from apple - I had to go pick it up from FedEx. PowerMac from Apple (in regular retail box) - left on my front porch.

Well, my iLife is on a truck - hopefully it'll be there when I get home.

That's why I haven't given FedEx a blanket "leave things on my front porch" note... knowing my luck they woulda left my iMac or my iBook sitting on the front porch... but for my $30 iLife suite (Edu)... if somebody runs off with it... well... I suppose I'll go buy a new one...
Re: iPhoto, anyone???

Originally posted by geerlingguy
Has anyone tried iPhoto on a non-G5 Mac yet? I have an 800 MHz G4 iMac & a 933 MHz iBook, both with around 2000 pictures, and I would like to know if it would be worth me buying this update (is the speed difference that good). I am going to buy, but I want to know because my mom might also purchase if iPhoto improvements are good enough. :D

My friend is using Powerbook 550Mhz with 512 MB ram. He told me even with 3,000 photos, iPhoto 4 keep RUNNING VERY FAST :D
There's a reason he's a journalist and not a musician. ;)

Originally posted by alset
Ugh.... If nothing else makes me shell out for iLife, it'll be to get GB to determine whether the limitations were the software of the composer.
FedEx man has arrived. Installing now! :D

Apple included the full retail box unlike what they did with Panther and only shipped the disc and inserts.
The FedEx lady showed up with my iLife package a little before about early delivery! Too bad I can't check it out though till tonight after work. :(
Originally posted by ExoticFish
??? everyone i know who had panther shipped (myself included) got the retail box. did you buy it from Apple or some random place??

Direct from Apple. But I should clarify that it was a free copy b/c I had just bought my new AlBook 1.25 at the time.
First Impressions,,

Lets go,,
let us know whats going on,, for those of us in Canada whos orders have been pushed back until the 21 :-(

Guitars plugged in?
Fill us in
Originally posted by geerlingguy
After you finish playing with GB (perhaps in about three hours), then could you see if iPhoto's performance is what it's cracked up to be... ;)

Checked out iPhoto first. Very noticeable difference in speed on my machine (AlBook 1.25 512K). Scrolling is much faster! And resizing is instant.

They also darkened the font under the photo name.

Now on to GB.
Originally posted by PuterSaurus
Checked out iPhoto first. Very noticeable difference in speed on my machine (AlBook 1.25 512K). Scrolling is much faster! And resizing is instant.

They also darkened the font under the photo name.

Now on to GB.

Thanks! I think that from these few reviews, I'll be able to convince my mom to get the family pack so my dad, mom, and I all get the programs... What a deal! $79 for a 5-user license!!! :D :D :D
Are they shipping the software on multiple cd's ?? Or is it shipping on one DVD?
Just interested!
Also does iMovie still crash with G5 systems??
Wow, this is great! Good going Apple! Apple is in the right track. This will be the year of Apple. I can't wait to see bigger market shares soon.
Originally posted by Rick Friele
Just waiting for the FedEx truck to show up :)

Same here! I hope the fedex site is delayed, because mine is supposedly still a state away.
Originally posted by ExoticFish
??? everyone i know who had panther shipped (myself included) got the retail box. did you buy it from Apple or some random place??

Yeah, those of us in the Up-to-Date program only got a plain brown envelope with the discs and manuals. That's the price we have to pay for not having to pay the price.
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