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Just got my iLife package at work. Paid the State & Local Government rate ($24.50) and got a full box and documentation! Usually gov't stuff comes in an envelope with no packaging, this was a nice surprise. My shipping was upgraded to overnight for free.

I only had a chance to play with iPhoto before the boss caught me goofing off! iPhoto is a LOT faster in just about everything it does. Resizing is smooth and quick. Scrolling through 1,000 photos is pleasant now (used to get a beachball before). The only thing that doesn't seem to have been sped up is using the right/left arrow keys to flip between pics. There was a bit of a lag in the old iPhoto and the new one still has it. Maybe they'll improve upon this in a 4.x.x update. I would like the pic to pop up instantly as I hit the right/left keys.

The slideshow rating thing is really cool and I particularly like the mosaic flip. Slideshow also comes up faster than it used to; I used to get an agonizing delay.

I'm very anxious to get home and try it on my iMac G4 which has close to 5,000 pics on it. Based on my 12" PowerBook's speed gains, I'm betting that there will be a substantial improvement.

FedEx just delivered it and it's finishing the install now. Can't wait to play with garage band. May even dig my old guitar out of the closet... Perfect to get it at the beginning of a 4-day weekend. ooopps time to go play.

Originally posted by i_wolf
Are they shipping the software on multiple cd's ?? Or is it shipping on one DVD?
Just interested!
Also does iMovie still crash with G5 systems??

iLife = one DVD that has all five apps + one CD that has iPhoto, iTunes, and iMovie.
Originally posted by i_wolf
Are they shipping the software on multiple cd's ?? Or is it shipping on one DVD?
Just interested!
Also does iMovie still crash with G5 systems??

One DVD with iTunes 4.2, iPhoto 4, iMovie 4, iDVD4 & GB
One CD without iDVD & GB. Just the other 3.
Re: iPhoto, anyone???

Originally posted by geerlingguy
Has anyone tried iPhoto on a non-G5 Mac yet? I have an 800 MHz G4 iMac & a 933 MHz iBook, both with around 2000 pictures, and I would like to know if it would be worth me buying this update (is the speed difference that good). I am going to buy, but I want to know because my mom might also purchase if iPhoto improvements are good enough. :D
i have about 2200 images on my 1ghz 12" powerbook, and the new iphoto screams. worth the $29 edu cost of ilife alone, if you ask me.
Originally posted by i_wolf
Are they shipping the software on multiple cd's ?? Or is it shipping on one DVD?
Just interested!
Also does iMovie still crash with G5 systems??
there are 2 discs included:

CD: iTunes 4.2, iMovie 4, iPhoto 4

DVD: iTunes 4.2, iMovie 4, iPhoto 4, iDVD 4, GarageBand
there ya go :)
Re: Another Review

Originally posted by wordmunger
David Pogue has reviewed GarageBand for the New York Times--he loves it!

Here's the Google Link.

Thanks a lot for this review man! I think I too shall take the plunge for the software. How can it be beat for the $29 education discount?
Any body notice that Apple has taken a page from Real's book by not openly showing that iTunes is still a free download on the iLife/iTunes product page. All there is is the "Buy Now" button. iLife/iTunes Page

If you got to the iPod + iTunes age there is the download button (for iTunes only of course). iPod + iTunes

Not that big of a deal, but still a bit shady.
Originally posted by thatguy_youknow
Any body notice that Apple has taken a page from Real's book by not openly showing that iTunes is still a free download on the iLife/iTunes product page. All there is is the "Buy Now" button. iLife/iTunes Page

If you got to the iPod + iTunes age there is the download button (for iTunes only of course). iPod + iTunes

Not that big of a deal, but still a bit shady.
they're not trying to hide anything... as you said, go to the dedicated section of the site for iTunes, there is a download link. if you're in a subdirectory of the iLife section of the site, why would there be a 'download now' button, when you are browsing a part of iLife? iLife is not downloadable. this isn't like Real, which is just a shortened version of 'RealConfusing'. Apple isn't being shady, they are preventing confusion by not labeling ANY part of iLife '04 as downloadable.

i swear... people can never be happy.
Re: Re: Re: GB review

Originally posted by wilco
Okay, we get it already. You've got more sophisticated music tastes than the "masses". How many times do you need to post it?

Easy, pardner. First, I admitted to being a curmudgeon. Second, I allowed as to how it will definitely be fun to play with. 3rd, I don't believe I have more sophisticated musical taste than anyone else. I merely pointed out the obvious -- GB will lead to a lot of mediocre music, which I'm sure you'll agree with.

I do apologize for posting a similar comment twice. After all, that never happens in these forums, right? ;)
Iphoto library manager

Is anyone using iphoto library manager. And if you are do you know an easy way to recombine your photo librarys. I am really nervious and don't want to lose years of memories.
Welp according to the FedEx lady, they don't know where my package is. It could simply be delayed due to weather, or lost for good. It's not that big of a deal, but of course it's on the day where I have NOTHING else to do.
iPhoto on 600mhz G3 iBook

Just installed iLife '04 on my 600mhz G3 iBook.

I've got about 6,700 photos, and while the response isn't instant, it's a HUGE improvement. Definitely worth the $50 just for this improvement alone. The new transitions and the playlist feature are slick, too.

Next, I'll install on my dualie and check out GB. Woohoo!
Not Suitable For Any Living Thing

The Mercury News should put a warning on those audio files:

"Not Suitable For Any Living Thing".

(apologies to Mr. Show).

Man, those are bad. Especially all of that jesus stuff tacked onto the end of "The Rock".
minimum schminimum

My life is largely centered around playing music, and i really wanna play with garage band. however, my computer does not meet the minimum requirements for the software; i have a 500mHz imac with no dvd reading capabilities whatsoever. i was wondering if anyone thinks it possible to put the GB application minus all the loop and instrument files onto a single cd. all i wanna do is record myself, probably using a max of about 6 tracks, so i'm hoping the processor thing won't be too much of an issue either.
failing this, i would like one of you mac guys to go and buy a new g5 when they get speed bumped and trade your old g5 for my imac.
come on! it's blue dalmation...
i consider myself a musician, i am eclectic, and i think i have a
pretty good ear. i just ask everyone to keep in mind that like artwork, music is a creative and expressive art form that has different meanings to different people. one person's trash is another treasure -- let's not make a hobby out of trashing other people's work just because we think it 'sucks' or we don't like it. maybe some of the stuff that's out already isn't indicitave of what can be done with the garageband software, but people, it came out this morning! we wouldn't come on the forums and bash other people's religion or skin color or taste in food just because we don't like it or don't agree with it, so lets not make bashing people's hard work a thing of continuing occurance and acceptance, no matter what one may think of the work in question.
Originally posted by mxpiazza
...we wouldn't come on the forums and bash other people's religion or skin color or taste in food, so lets not make bashing people's hard work a thing of continuing occurance and acceptance, no matter what one may think of the work in question

This is a classic example of the logic of "False Analogy". The previous poster suggests that we "wouldn't" come into this forum to bash "people's religion or skin color" (which is likely to be a largely true statement), but then suggests that we wouldn't "bash" people's "taste in food", as if this were somehow deduced from the former, and that the logical extrapolation of this "deduction" is that we shouldn't "bash" people's taste in music.

I have no problem in (again, the word "bash" is loaded) being critical of someone else's taste in food, or their taste in music, or of particular foods, or of particular songs. These are totally different than the "race and religion" categories which the poster tries to lump together in his false anology.

I would take no offense to someone bashing my taste in music or my taste in food. In fact, I'd expect that the majority of the population would have serious issues with my taste in music. My wife openly dislikes my taste in music. She does not think I'm a bad person.

In the instant case, I suggested that the songs produced by the reviewer are terrible. It goes without saying that this is my opinion, and others may disagree.

Does it upset you when Roger Ebert pans a lousy movie? Do you feel that's inappropriate? Is his criticism of a poor film a personal attack on the people that made it? Is he suggesting that they're bad people?

I stand by my assessment. Garageband may be a great product. I'm dying to get home and start playing with the copy that arrived on my doorstep today. When I do, I'll submit a link to the mp3s back here. If you don't like them, I welcome your opinion.

Moreover, aside from my opinion, I would suggest that an objective poll would find very few people who disagree with my opinion on these particular mp3s. This statement is pure speculation, and you're free to disagree with it. My personal opionion is, however, fact - and is therefore indisputable.
i was making a general comment that i thought would be for the good of the forum, i didn't call you out nor intend on starting any sort of back and forth with you. everyone is entitled to their own opinions, you're absolutely right, there is just a time, place and way to say things, and some people don't understand that in general. sometimes words hurt. person a may not be as talented as person b, but it dosen't mean their drive, will or intentions are inferior.

i meant to diffuse a potentially harmful situation, not start a new one. get your last word in if you so please, but i was just trying to help, and wasn't trying to offend anyone, and certainly didn't call you out.
GarageBand + G5 Dual 2

so i just installed iLife. :) everything is great.... but.... garageband crashed upon "initializing"

does anyone elese experience this? Im runing a Dual 2 G5 with OS10.3.2.

whats the deal...
Can't access link

Am I the only one who can not access the Mercury News website? Everytime I try the link (even attempting direct and through a google search) I can't access the server. I find it hard to believe that there are that many people interested in GarageBand that it would take the site down?
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