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Now waiting for my 3rd iMac to be delivered, first had yellow patch and weird backlight issue (faint dim lines), second ones yellowing is so bad it makes greys look almost brown, and it's gouging the hell out of my discs, and where the bottom of the glass meets the aluminium, the glass is sticking out like it wasn't inserted properly. Iv had 2 iPhones too as first had dead pixels and second (one I'm using now) has the glass sunken in on the right side, sharp enough to pull a bit of my nail off, I think apples quality control is non existent

geez dude, you didn't even mention your toyota with the stuck accelerator or the small plane that hit your house last week. Good luck on the new job in the fireworks factory.
Back to the topic at hand, I've bought two iMacs, a MacBook, and an iPhone, and have never had a problem with any of them. All were perfect out of the box and work like a champ. OP, I'm sorry to hear that you're having problems with your iMac. If I were you, I'd send it back and ask for another one.

People are SOOOOOOOOOOOOO anal over this issue. I realize that in some cases the issue is unacceptable, but for the vast majority; it seems to be a case of being overly anal. It's a give and take with Mac products I guess. They are the most beautiful computers made, so the caveat is they make us all super anal retentive zombies. For those of you contemplating this, ENJOY YOUR IMAC'S. Even a swap won't guarantee you won't just get another so called "Defective" screen.

Just my 2 cents.

My heart truly goes out to anyone put out over it, I just think we should be enjoying our 27" iMac's in cases where the issue is very very slight.

People are SOOOOOOOOOOOOO anal over this issue. I realize that in some cases the issue is unacceptable, but for the vast majority; it seems to be a case of being overly anal. It's a give and take with Mac products I guess. They are the most beautiful computers made, so the caveat is they make us all super anal retentive zombies. For those of you contemplating this, ENJOY YOUR IMAC'S. Even a swap won't guarantee you won't just get another so called "Defective" screen.

Just my 2 cents.

My heart truly goes out to anyone put out over it, I just think we should be enjoying our 27" iMac's in cases where the issue is very very slight.


I guess the problem is that the iMac 27" is pretty much the only computer that even has this problem. Why put up with "very slight" problems for 2 grand when you practically get "perfection" for much less from other manufacturers?

It just doesn't make any sense.
I guess the problem is that the iMac 27" is pretty much the only computer that even has this problem. Why put up with "very slight" problems for 2 grand when you practically get "perfection" for much less from other manufacturers?

It just doesn't make any sense.

I think that if those "Other" manufactures had a similar loyalty and following, you would find the very same issues. A) There are only about (3) major LCD makers ALL of the manufactures use. B) Other manufactures aren't Apple and sort of expect you to think it's OK to accept a defect (Remember the old, 4-6 stuck pixels is within the threshold of normal crap?). C) You get FAR less than near perfection with other manufactures.

I'll take my Mac and be able to actually resell it in 2-3 years. How many other manufactures do you know of where the technology actually becomes a collector's item?

Many Macs have this issue, including iPhones, iTouches, and Macbook Pros. As I said, I feel bad for the folks affected by the issue, but for some of us, I don't think a real issue exists other than what's in our mind's.

Good luck to you.

I jumped on the bandwagon awhile ago, perhaps back in 2006. I've everything in my sig below...wife also has a Macbook and a 8gb Touch. My daughters both have iPods (no issues ever). I just bought a 27" issues so far. Between us both, we've not had all that many issues:

1. She spilled root beer on her Macbook. That was her fault.
2. The case on her Macbook is beginning to crack on the front edge of the 'palm rest'. She won't take it in to get fixed (even though the unit is out of warranty and they'll still cover). As long as it isn't dead or affecting her work, she doesn't care.
3. I had air bubbles in the glass of my iPhone. Apple replaced the glass (not the phone...I didn't care, as long as I had a functional phone).
4. Hard disk died in my Macbook. Apple replaced it.
5. Power cord short-circuited and burned a hole in itself. Apple replaced it.
6. My Macbook was cracking in the same place as my wife's Macbook. Apple replaced it.

About the only time I actually complained was when I had to call the Apple Store to see if it was was but they told me it wasn't. Worked that out with the store manager. One other time, I had an appointment and it still took me like almost an hour to be seen. Spoke with the manager then too...worked that out.

I'm not seeing half the issues that most people are seeing when people typically complain about Apple quality. The only time I actually was concerned was when I had to give my Macbook to them when the hard disk died...lost it for about a week. Everything else has been pretty good on the whole. I may even have yellowing on my iMac's screen...if I do, I haven't looked hard enough, and I'm just glancing at it and its fine enough. If and when I have a yellowing issue, I'll be sure to take it in to the same store I've been using for years and they'll eventually resolve it.

I'm not worried.

I'm not telling you to "don't worry, be happy." I'm just trying to understand why people are having virtual heart attacks over things that eventually get fixed. If I die tomorrow, I can't take my Apple **** with me, so I don't worry. Maybe its a inner maturity thing? Dunno. But I'm doing fine regardless.

I jumped on the bandwagon awhile ago, perhaps back in 2006. I've everything in my sig below...wife also has a Macbook and a 8gb Touch. My daughters both have iPods (no issues ever). I just bought a 27" issues so far. Between us both, we've not had all that many issues:

1. She spilled root beer on her Macbook. That was her fault.
2. The case on her Macbook is beginning to crack on the front edge of the 'palm rest'. She won't take it in to get fixed (even though the unit is out of warranty and they'll still cover). As long as it isn't dead or affecting her work, she doesn't care.
3. I had air bubbles in the glass of my iPhone. Apple replaced the glass (not the phone...I didn't care, as long as I had a functional phone).
4. Hard disk died in my Macbook. Apple replaced it.
5. Power cord short-circuited and burned a hole in itself. Apple replaced it.
6. My Macbook was cracking in the same place as my wife's Macbook. Apple replaced it.

About the only time I actually complained was when I had to call the Apple Store to see if it was was but they told me it wasn't. Worked that out with the store manager. One other time, I had an appointment and it still took me like almost an hour to be seen. Spoke with the manager then too...worked that out.

I'm not seeing half the issues that most people are seeing when people typically complain about Apple quality. The only time I actually was concerned was when I had to give my Macbook to them when the hard disk died...lost it for about a week. Everything else has been pretty good on the whole. I may even have yellowing on my iMac's screen...if I do, I haven't looked hard enough, and I'm just glancing at it and its fine enough. If and when I have a yellowing issue, I'll be sure to take it in to the same store I've been using for years and they'll eventually resolve it.

I'm not worried.

I'm not telling you to "don't worry, be happy." I'm just trying to understand why people are having virtual heart attacks over things that eventually get fixed. If I die tomorrow, I can't take my Apple **** with me, so I don't worry. Maybe its a inner maturity thing? Dunno. But I'm doing fine regardless.

It's nothing to do with "inner immaturity" just the fact that I have a **** load of uni work to hand in by next week, I don't have time to keep replacing my iMac, and to say that it's not a problem because they'll keep replacing it, it is a problem because it shouldn't have to be replaced, it's not being anal to want a good machine, I paid th apple premium I want the effing quality that I paid the premium for! id be the first to admit itif i was being anal but honest my crap old acer laptop screen didnt have a nasty coffe stain looking thing on it lol
It's nothing to do with "inner immaturity" just the fact that I have a **** load of uni work to hand in by next week, I don't have time to keep replacing my iMac, and to say that it's not a problem because they'll keep replacing it, it is a problem because it shouldn't have to be replaced, it's not being anal to want a good machine, I paid th apple premium I want the effing quality that I paid the premium for! id be the first to admit itif i was being anal but honest my crap old acer laptop screen didnt have a nasty coffe stain looking thing on it lol

Then no sweat. Finish up your uni work and return the Mac later. Any perceived screen issues will not effect your work, nor will the little bit of unevenness of the glass at the bottom of your iMac. It will all be ok. Let Apple know (so they'll document it) and then press on and get through this busy period that you're experiencing. Once your'e through it, then get it fixed to your satisfaction.

Many Macs have this issue, including iPhones, iTouches, and Macbook Pros. As I said, I feel bad for the folks affected by the issue, but for some of us, I don't think a real issue exists other than what's in our mind's.

Good luck to you.

This is very well said. Yes, there are some unacceptable screen issues out there, but the vast majority are so minor it's ridiculous. I've seen dozens of pictures where any discoloration of the screen can hardly be seen, if at all. It's almost as if people are seeing what they want to believe. Heck, I bet you can take any computer screen in the world, tell yourself there's a color deformity...stare at it for a few minutes...and then you'll start to see it (or at least perceive that you see it).

Don't get me wrong, there are definitely some bad ones out there that definitely need to be replaced. But for the vast majority of folks, there is no problem.

(this post is not directed at the OP...just the screen issue in general)

It's nothing to do with "inner immaturity" just the fact that I have a **** load of uni work to hand in by next week, I don't have time to keep replacing my iMac, and to say that it's not a problem because they'll keep replacing it, it is a problem because it shouldn't have to be replaced, it's not being anal to want a good machine, I paid th apple premium I want the effing quality that I paid the premium for! id be the first to admit itif i was being anal but honest my crap old acer laptop screen didnt have a nasty coffe stain looking thing on it lol

I too, care about what I purchase... and more-so when I pay premium...

Some people are lucky to have everything handed to them on a silver platter. I have no such luck. So for me, it's all about how hard I work for my money.

But then again, if I had money to burn, I would probably not care if what I purchased (at a premium), did or did not work properly.

Come to think of it, if I had money to burn and did not care if what I had purchased (at a premium), did or did not work properly, I surely would not be visiting this forum.
Is it really Apple's fault though? They don't make most of the parts in the iMac, certainly not the screen. But I guess you could blame them for letting all the iMac's through.

Is it really Toyota's fault though? They don't make most of the parts in the Toyotas, certainly not the throttle assembly. But I guess you could blame them for letting all the Toyotas through.

Is it really NASA's fault though? They don't make most of the parts in the space shuttle, certainly not the heat tiles. But I guess you could blame them for letting all the space shuttles through.

We could go on and on.
Of course its Apple's fault.

You seem woefully uneducated as to how buisness works. I've noticed a lot of young kids on this site, so it's understandable you're most likely in your early teens and wouldn't know any better.

Take the Toyota recall for example. Toyota didn't make the accelerator which is problematic, but they are the ones ultimately responsible for it. Not their supplier.

They're responsible [Toyota] because the mechanism that controls the accelerator was manufactured to Toyota's design specifications, and accepted by Toyota as complete. If it wasn't then it's still their fault for accepting faulty design in the first plance. Apples QC accepts the panels, when they're faulty. They're to blame.

People are SOOOOOOOOOOOOO anal over this issue. I realize that in some cases the issue is unacceptable, but for the vast majority; it seems to be a case of being overly anal. It's a give and take with Mac products I guess. They are the most beautiful computers made, so the caveat is they make us all super anal retentive zombies. For those of you contemplating this, ENJOY YOUR IMAC'S. Even a swap won't guarantee you won't just get another so called "Defective" screen.

Just my 2 cents.

My heart truly goes out to anyone put out over it, I just think we should be enjoying our 27" iMac's in cases where the issue is very very slight.


Switching from a working PC to a Yellow iMac and paying a nice £1,500 to do so entitles me to be anal. If you were in the market for a second hand iMac would you a) buy a yellow one, or b) go to the next guy who is selling one that isn't yellow?

Part of the reason I went to Mac (asides from the perceived quality) was due to the resell value I would get. Therefore I expect a perfect Mac I can sell on when I'm done. I don't think that's too much to ask for now? Especially when this is marketed as the 'perfect' screen.
Apple is simply sloppy.

It is funny, that up to now nobody (I think) mentioned, that Apple should actually specify allowed screen color (non)uniformity and try to adhere to this standard. Those things can be actually measured and would improve quality perception and weed out false claims.

I suspect they don't do it, since this lets them sell substandard screen panels to unsuspecting customers (as some said, bottom line is everything).

Lets just hope, that the next batch of screen panels from LG is of better quality.

Tom B.
Goodness, the amount of whining in these forums is deafening at times. One wonders how many perceived problems are merely the result of reading drivel like this?

I agree, the OP should find another vendor as Apple clearly isn't up to his standards. He's merely enabling Apple's perceived sub par quality as he continues to purchase their hardware despite past experience.
I agree that it would be very nice for the customers if Apple just extended the warranty for the iMacs to 3 years. And maybe they will. But you can't plan on that. Applecare is a certain solution.

Plus, if Apple is going to extend the iMac warranties, I suspect that it would only be on the display and not anything else. Applecare will provide comprehensive coverage (at a cost).

i know :( like the others too like dell.....
in the car industry you get warranties up to 7 years and on certain parts up to 10 years
i know we live in a throw away culture nowadays
but just think of it even with apple care after the 3 years are over and you get a screen failing the iMac is only good for the next landfill side
and i simply dont trust these tft/lcd screens to last longer than that
their expected lifetime is around 7 years

so warranty to 3 years and then apple care 5 years ,makes 8 years ... if apple has trust in their products .....
Goodness, the amount of whining in these forums is deafening at times. One wonders how many perceived problems are merely the result of reading drivel like this?

I agree, the OP should find another vendor as Apple clearly isn't up to his standards. He's merely enabling Apple's perceived sub par quality as he continues to purchase their hardware despite past experience.

And the problem is?...

Tom B.
id be the first to admit itif i was being anal but honest my crap old acer laptop screen didnt have a nasty coffe stain looking thing on it lol

I think the fact that you have to do a test to realize this issue implies that you're being a bit anal. Not a bad thing but just saying, you are being anal. When I returned my MacBook and got a new one because the battery compartment wasn't flush with the rest of the unit underneath, I was being anal. Good luck getting your product fixed. If it still gives you problems you may want to just give up on the iMac and buy a desktop with external display that you like.

I jumped on the bandwagon awhile ago, perhaps back in 2006. I've everything in my sig below...wife also has a Macbook and a 8gb Touch. My daughters both have iPods (no issues ever). I just bought a 27" issues so far. Between us both, we've not had all that many issues:

1. She spilled root beer on her Macbook. That was her fault.
2. The case on her Macbook is beginning to crack on the front edge of the 'palm rest'. She won't take it in to get fixed (even though the unit is out of warranty and they'll still cover). As long as it isn't dead or affecting her work, she doesn't care.
3. I had air bubbles in the glass of my iPhone. Apple replaced the glass (not the phone...I didn't care, as long as I had a functional phone).
4. Hard disk died in my Macbook. Apple replaced it.
5. Power cord short-circuited and burned a hole in itself. Apple replaced it.
6. My Macbook was cracking in the same place as my wife's Macbook. Apple replaced it.

About the only time I actually complained was when I had to call the Apple Store to see if it was was but they told me it wasn't. Worked that out with the store manager. One other time, I had an appointment and it still took me like almost an hour to be seen. Spoke with the manager then too...worked that out.

I'm not seeing half the issues that most people are seeing when people typically complain about Apple quality. The only time I actually was concerned was when I had to give my Macbook to them when the hard disk died...lost it for about a week. Everything else has been pretty good on the whole. I may even have yellowing on my iMac's screen...if I do, I haven't looked hard enough, and I'm just glancing at it and its fine enough. If and when I have a yellowing issue, I'll be sure to take it in to the same store I've been using for years and they'll eventually resolve it.

I'm not worried.

I'm not telling you to "don't worry, be happy." I'm just trying to understand why people are having virtual heart attacks over things that eventually get fixed. If I die tomorrow, I can't take my Apple **** with me, so I don't worry. Maybe its a inner maturity thing? Dunno. But I'm doing fine regardless.

lol, I love irony especially when it is so ill-judged as this.

6 separate major issues but YOU have no issue with the build quality?

I would respectfully suggest that most people have different standards to you.
I too, care about what I purchase... and more-so when I pay premium...

Some people are lucky to have everything handed to them on a silver platter. I have no such luck. So for me, it's all about how hard I work for my money.

But then again, if I had money to burn, I would probably not care if what I purchased (at a premium), did or did not work properly.

Come to think of it, if I had money to burn and did not care if what I had purchased (at a premium), did or did not work properly, I surely would not be visiting this forum.

Let's get this straight right off the bat: I didn't "have everything handed to" me and there is no silver platter. I bust my butt bigtime for the things I want and a LOT of that is fighting with the wife for what I want ("you don't need that, honey"). What makes you think I don't work hard for what I have? Because I have Apple products? And? I do with my money as I please...I earned it.

Do you mean to tell me that every one on these forums who have the yellowing issues actually have issues where they can't work on the machine? Every purchaser with issues is a graphic artist or needs this fixed immediately? Are you saying that this site is representative of the whole Mac user world? Are you saying that because you're the customer, you're entitled to open up 8 boxes of iMacs until the color is to your liking, when perception plays a big part in this? Maybe the answer is yes, but you are NOT telling me that I have stuff handed to me on a silver way in hell.

This site doesn't represent the whole of the Mac world. If there were even hundreds of users here with issues, it still wouldn't matter. And, just because YOU have an issue with your Mac hardware doesn't mean everyone is experiencing the same thing.

You guys need your eyes fixed, because you're probably seeing yellow where there is little to no yellow. Seriously. A ding or dent or crack can be perceived...its either there or it isn't. How do you define this yellowing? "It might be there?" I can't see jack in almost all the images I've seen on these forums.

And yes, a lot of this is probably a maturity issue. I can't see returning a system because of something I might be seeing, studying it to determine if its there or not. I also won't be returning items multiple times...twice max for me, then I move to another manufacturer. Every time you open a box, sniffle and complain that you're seeing yellow then send it back, another consumer is taking a frickin' hit in the pocket, for something that may not even exist. There may be several cases of legit issues, but I think this issue is now bordering on sensationalism.

I understand if you don't agree, but don't get all huffy and tell me that I throw around money or have things handed to me when you don't even know me. And, if you're using forums on the 'net, you probably should expect such criticism in the first place.
lol, I love irony especially when it is so ill-judged as this.

6 separate major issues but YOU have no issue with the build quality?

I would respectfully suggest that most people have different standards to you.

I'd like to you to define what you consider to be major. The only time I lost anything (data or time) was when the drive crashed. Beyond that, none were major and all were fixed. A crack in a case is NOT major. I did not lose any data, it did not injure me, and it did not affect my user experience to the point that I couldn't use any of those items. The shorted out cord did not injure me and I didn't lose any data. It didn't affect my work because I had a spare. The rest is so trivial that it isn't even worth discussing.

If you think I'm going to run and scream to the Genius about cosmetic issues, you thought wrong. And, I certainly didn't keep returning items because of some pipe dream that I'd find a perfect item.

I respectfully state that you should think before you post next time.
I'd like to you to define what you consider to be major. The only time I lost anything (data or time) was when the drive crashed. Beyond that, none were major and all were fixed. A crack in a case is NOT major. I did not lose any data, it did not injure me, and it did not affect my user experience to the point that I couldn't use any of those items. The shorted out cord did not injure me and I didn't lose any data. It didn't affect my work because I had a spare. The rest is so trivial that it isn't even worth discussing.

If you think I'm going to run and scream to the Genius about cosmetic issues, you thought wrong. And, I certainly didn't keep returning items because of some pipe dream that I'd find a perfect item.

I respectfully state that you should think before you post next time.

I count 'major' as being physical failures... so its 5 then, as I mis -read the root beer bit, sorry.

Apple sell a mythical image, that goes with the price, of

Best design
Just works
best user experience


truth is they use cheap plastic, same as everybody else. No wait my cheap Dell's have never broken on the palm rest.

All the problems for you were at best inconvenient and took your time to get them fixed.

I have no issues with anyone loving their machine mac or Pc. But no company tells such blatant lies or deliberately smears the competition as much as Apple do.

Its dirty, cheap and underhand.
I count 'major' as being physical failures... so its 5 then, as I mis -read the root beer bit, sorry.

I would never count cosmetic issues as 'major'. I'm an IT consultant. The word 'major' usually means one step from catastrophic. I only see one as being close to major...the hard disk failure, and I coulda fixed that on my own (and gotten more capacity/speed), but I wanted to put them to work via Applecare.

Apple sell a mythical image, that goes with the price, of

Best design
Just works
best user experience


I don't care, with the acception of "just works". I use Macs because they just work, for the most part.

truth is they use cheap plastic, same as everybody else. No wait my cheap Dell's have never broken on the palm rest.

My dells haven't broken on the palm rest but they've certainly had major issues that prevented my using them.

All the problems for you were at best inconvenient and took your time to get them fixed.


I have no issues with anyone loving their machine mac or Pc. But no company tells such blatant lies or deliberately smears the competition as much as Apple do.

I don't love my Macs or any other PC. There are few things I love to the point of evangelizing about. They are tools, just as hammers are. I could care less about Apple's 'lies' or 'smears', because I've not perceived them yet. When I do, I'm gone, but that has nothing to do with love...its about deceit. You can deceive someone you don't know and they'd be pissed.

Macs and other Apple products are intuitive, well-thought-out, and work well together, moreso than other brands I've tried. I don't consider my purchases and usage of their products love, though. 'Like', maybe.
Is it really Apple's fault though? They don't make most of the parts in the iMac, certainly not the screen. But I guess you could blame them for letting all the iMac's through.

Toyota didn't make the gas pedal either.

The "brand" is responsible for what goes inside.
Let's get this straight right off the bat: I didn't "have everything handed to" me and there is no silver platter. I bust my butt bigtime for the things I want and a LOT of that is fighting with the wife for what I want ("you don't need that, honey"). What makes you think I don't work hard for what I have? Because I have Apple products? And? I do with my money as I please...I earned it.

Do you mean to tell me that every one on these forums who have the yellowing issues actually have issues where they can't work on the machine? Every purchaser with issues is a graphic artist or needs this fixed immediately? Are you saying that this site is representative of the whole Mac user world? Are you saying that because you're the customer, you're entitled to open up 8 boxes of iMacs until the color is to your liking, when perception plays a big part in this? Maybe the answer is yes, but you are NOT telling me that I have stuff handed to me on a silver way in hell.

This site doesn't represent the whole of the Mac world. If there were even hundreds of users here with issues, it still wouldn't matter. And, just because YOU have an issue with your Mac hardware doesn't mean everyone is experiencing the same thing.

You guys need your eyes fixed, because you're probably seeing yellow where there is little to no yellow. Seriously. A ding or dent or crack can't be perceived...its either there or it isn't. How do you define this yellowing? "It might be there?" I can't see jack in almost all the images I've seen on these forums.

And yes, a lot of this is probably a maturity issue. I can't see returning a system because of something I might be seeing, studying it to determine if its there or not. I also won't be returning items multiple times...twice max for me, then I move to another manufacturer. Every time you open a box, sniffle and complain that you're seeing yellow then send it back, another consumer is taking a frickin' hit in the pocket, for something that may not even exist. There may be several cases of legit issues, but I think this issue is now bordering on sensationalism.

I understand if you don't agree, but don't get all huffy and tell me that I throw around money or have things handed to me when you don't even know me. And, if you're using forums on the 'net, you probably should expect such criticism in the first place.

"Huffy" LOL I like that.

All kidding aside.... sorry you took that so personal...

Funny you should tell me to expect such criticism...
I think you should do the same.....
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