in other words you think apple customers will in the near future have to pay more for the products and apple care ,
because of apples incompetence in quality control
That wasn't what I was getting at; although, now that you mention it, I agree with that also.
What I mean is that I've read on this forum of some customers returning as many as five or six iMacs; now, I'm not one of the customers in question, and I suppose it's possible that a person could be so unfortunate as to receive five or six defective computers in a row... but it's so, so, so unlikely. It's like winning the sh*t-sandwich lottery.
I believe, as has been suggested by others, that there's (for
some people, not all...) a degree of preciousness going on here. I think
some people are returning products that are functioning within reasonable limits. And I forget who it was who made the point earlier, but it's an excellent one so I'll repeat it; if you need to run a contrived technical diagostic to discover that there's something wrong with your screen then, for all practical purposes, there isn't anything wrong with it.
Because Apple pride themselves on being so customer-considerate, these people are being told, "certainly sir! Return it, and we'll give you a new one". I'd like it if Apple said, "certainly sir! Return it, and we'll have a look at it. If we can confirm the error, we'll give you a new one... but if we can't, you'll have to pay the P&P in both directions, or a restocking fee if you want a refund".
Otherwise, it's money out of Apple's pockets. And Apple is a business. It'll recover that money through another avenue; the most obvious of which is by putting up prices. Might only be £5 on every new Mac, or 50p on Apple Care, but it's still
more. And we all pay plenty for our Apple products and services, as it is.
EDIT: By the way... if you're someone who
has had five or six extremely, blatantly, unmistakably yellow and/or flickery screens, I feel for you and absolutely support your right to demand better from Apple. You're not one of the people I'm talking about, so please don't fly off the handle at me. The people I'm talking about will know who they are.