... I love it. It is now my primary web surfing device, book reader, game player, video watcher. I check my RSS feeds on it instead of my Mac Book Pro.
When I want multiple windows open and visible at once, then I use my 17" Mac Book Pro. When I want to type for an extended period of time, then I still lean on my physical keyboard.
But after a month of using my iPad I have come to understand why Steve Jobs called it a magical device. That is the best word. I never want to give this device up. I cannot imagine going back to a pre-iPad world. I love it.
What do you know about your iPad in the time you've owned one?
(Written on my iPad by touch typing on the horizontal keyboard)
When I want multiple windows open and visible at once, then I use my 17" Mac Book Pro. When I want to type for an extended period of time, then I still lean on my physical keyboard.
But after a month of using my iPad I have come to understand why Steve Jobs called it a magical device. That is the best word. I never want to give this device up. I cannot imagine going back to a pre-iPad world. I love it.
What do you know about your iPad in the time you've owned one?
(Written on my iPad by touch typing on the horizontal keyboard)