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Keep in mind that when apple started to really outdo microsoft in the marketplace, I started to see a coordinated attempt to place negative stories about Apple in the press. I think the "iPad is just a big iPod touch" meme was one of those stories that took off. When you have nothing to compete against the iPad, you place ideas in the market designed to reduce demand for the iPad.

For what it's worth, I've yet to hear an iPad owner think it's nothing more than a big iPod touch. We know better. As I said here a month ago (and then later saw it being used in the tech media), the iPad is like an iPhone the way a swimming pool is like a bathtub. They both hold water so that you can immerse your body, but there are many things that you can do in a pool that you just can't do in a tub.

Couldn't have said that better! And you are probably right, but it's unfortunate it caught on, all my friends except for me are convinced its useless.
Couldn't have said that better! And you are probably right, but it's unfortunate it caught on, all my friends except for me are convinced its useless.

I like the quote about a swimming pool being a big bath tub & the thing about would you rather clear your driveway with a snow blower or a shovel. :)

I always throw those at the people who say its just a big iPod, or its useless..
I like the quote about a swimming pool being a big bath tub & the thing about would you rather clear your driveway with a snow blower or a shovel. :)

I always throw those at the people who say its just a big iPod, or its useless..

Same, but now I have new material :)
If it supported a mouse when I wanted to do serious work then it would be a 10, but since it doesn't i am not going to pretend it isn't an issue, i give the device a 7 because 500+ bucks should get you more in my opinion.

Your finger is the mouse... I'm not sure what exactly you can't do with your finger that you could with a mouse. yes, there is some functionality missing from the OS and the apps, but it's not because of the lack of a mouse, it's just because the software is different.

It does take some re-learning to realize this, but once you really "get" the concept, it just doesn't matter.
Your finger is the mouse... I'm not sure what exactly you can't do with your finger that you could with a mouse. yes, there is some functionality missing from the OS and the apps, but it's not because of the lack of a mouse, it's just because the software is different.

It does take some re-learning to realize this, but once you really "get" the concept, it just doesn't matter.

I saw someone using a netbook the other day, and I watched as she wanted to scroll the screen. You have to scroll a lot on a netbook since their screens are so tiny. Anyway she had to reach for her mouse, click the window she wanted to scroll, position the mouse on the lower part of the scroll bar, and then click.

Me? I just pull the window up with my finger. It's so much more natural than the abstraction of a mouse click. It's one example of where the touch OS is far better.
I used to bring my MacbookPro to work 2 days a week. I have started to bring my iPad to work every day instead. Before I used my iphone to access my mail and surf the net but now I just use it as a phone and GPS. I have not touched my Kindle 2 since my iPad.
Had surgery last week, havnt sleep well in last couple days, ipad has been so easy to use. Used it last night to read, downloaded the free edgar rice burrows mars series for free, great easy read, working my way thur book two of the series.

Email, skype, movies etc
I saw someone using a netbook the other day, and I watched as she wanted to scroll the screen. You have to scroll a lot on a netbook since their screens are so tiny. Anyway she had to reach for her mouse, click the window she wanted to scroll, position the mouse on the lower part of the scroll bar, and then click.

Me? I just pull the window up with my finger. It's so much more natural than the abstraction of a mouse click. It's one example of where the touch OS is far better.

I think this comparison is inaccurate. First, netbook screens are not smaller than iPad's one. The screen sizes for netbooks go from 7" to 12.1" with the majority of them being 10.1" (i.e. bigger than iPad). Second, you do not have to use the mouse for scrolling. Page Up/Down buttons will work just fine. And if you really want touchscreen, you can buy a netbook with touchscreen (like this HP Mini 5102). Third, having multiple windows on the screen of the netbook is an option not a requirement (unlike the iPad case). Just maximize the working window and you will not have "problems" switching between the windows.

In addition, in many(all?) applications you can always scroll by clicking middle mouse button (I know it's a foreign concept for Mac users ;)) anywhere in the window and dragging the mouse. Or. simply use the scrolling wheel. Of all the real and imaginable issues with netbooks scrolling definitely is not one of them.
I think this comparison is inaccurate. First, netbook screens are not smaller than iPad's one. The screen sizes for netbooks go from 7" to 12.1" with the majority of them being 10.1" (i.e. bigger than iPad). Second, you do not have to use the mouse for scrolling. Page Up/Down buttons will work just fine. And if you really want touchscreen, you can buy a netbook with touchscreen (like this HP Mini 5102). Third, having multiple windows on the screen of the netbook is an option not a requirement (unlike the iPad case). Just maximize the working window and you will not have "problems" switching between the windows.

In addition, in many(all?) applications you can always scroll by clicking middle mouse button (I know it's a foreign concept for Mac users ;)) anywhere in the window and dragging the mouse. Or. simply use the scrolling wheel. Of all the real and imaginable issues with netbooks scrolling definitely is not one of them.

Good point, and I thought of the Page Down key, but even here she would have had to return focus to the browser from whatever she had been doing. And the screen size was tiny. I can see a lot more of a screen window on my iPad than she could see on her netbook.

Mice are useful tools that we have gotten used to, but I will gladly use my finger to scroll from now on. It just makes more sense.
In addition, in many(all?) applications you can always scroll by clicking middle mouse button (I know it's a foreign concept for Mac users ;)) anywhere in the window and dragging the mouse. Or. simply use the scrolling wheel. Of all the real and imaginable issues with netbooks scrolling definitely is not one of them.

This is not a foreign concept for mac users. The standard mouse actually has a 360 scroll button... so you can not only scroll up/down, but left/right too. Magic mouse has the same capability, but via touch... and I don't even have a mac.

Anyway, the point remains that on the iPad, your finger is the mouse - you can do all the scrolling, pointing, clicking, moving the cursor around, etc... just by touching the screen. Most of us aren't used to working this way, and if we want to go somewhere else on the screen, we look for the mouse, or arrow keys, or scroll wheels, or page up/down keys... with the iPad, you don't need any of that clutter... just touch it. (that said, the keyboard dock does have arrow keys that work).
Good point, and I thought of the Page Down key, but even here she would have had to return focus to the browser from whatever she had been doing. And the screen size was tiny. I can see a lot more of a screen window on my iPad than she could see on her netbook.

Mice are useful tools that we have gotten used to, but I will gladly use my finger to scroll from now on. It just makes more sense.

I think screen size on iPad might be perceived to be bigger (and be actually more useful in certain situations) because one can rotate it. So, if the web page is better viewed in portrait mode, one can do this.
I think screen size on iPad might be perceived to be bigger (and be actually more useful in certain situations) because one can rotate it. So, if the web page is better viewed in portrait mode, one can do this.

Plus you can effortlessly make the window size bigger or smaller as needed, and yes, with your fingers.
I like the quote about a swimming pool being a big bath tub & the thing about would you rather clear your driveway with a snow blower or a shovel. :)

I always throw those at the people who say its just a big iPod, or its useless..

Funny story, I am a teacher and was checking my email when a first grade girl comes up to me and tells me, "I think ipad's are a joke." After I let her play a game for 30 seconds, I grabbed it from her. She protested. I said, "Oh you thought I was going to let you play? It was just a joke?!" I think the media did a great job of leading the masses, even first graders have an opinion!
Funny story, I am a teacher and was checking my email when a first grade girl comes up to me and tells me, "I think ipad's are a joke." After I let her play a game for 30 seconds, I grabbed it from her. She protested. I said, "Oh you thought I was going to let you play? It was just a joke?!" I think the media did a great job of leading the masses, even first graders have an opinion!

Yeah, sounds as if her parents have that opinion, and you effectively proved her parents wrong by allowing her to realize it for herself.
I think screen size on iPad might be perceived to be bigger (and be actually more useful in certain situations) because one can rotate it. So, if the web page is better viewed in portrait mode, one can do this.

In portrait, the screen is absolutely taller, 1024 pixels, than most netbooks. Not only that, in portrait, the page is often shrunk slightly so that it fits the width, but still readable, so that you see even more of the page. Together, that means on iPad, objectively you scroll less; subjectively, scrolling with your finger is also better.
In portrait, the screen is absolutely taller, 1024 pixels, than most netbooks. Not only that, in portrait, the page is often shrunk slightly so that it fits the width, but still readable, so that you see even more of the page. Together, that means on iPad, objectively you scroll less; subjectively, scrolling with your finger is also better.

I've been very pleased with the screen.

What else have you decided about your iPad after weeks of usage?
Another week goes by, and I simply enjoy web surfing on this device more than any other I've ever owned.
What i know after a month of use:

1. My kids use it more than I do
2. I still read with my Kindle when i want to read a book, but my kids read using the iPad
3. It is a pleasant way to casually browse the web
4. Battery life is awesome
5. It doesn't sync with old Apple wireless keyboards, only the new one
6. I never use my new bluetooth keyboard with it, why .... see #7
7. Not having any mouse or cursor support makes real word processing useless.
8. Typing sucks no matter what anyone says. I type 70 words a minute with a keyboard and probably around 20 words a minute with the iPad.

If it supported a mouse when I wanted to do serious work then it would be a 10, but since it doesn't i am not going to pretend it isn't an issue, i give the device a 7 because 500+ bucks should get you more in my opinion.

The only reason Apple doesn't provide for ways to do serious computer work is because they feel they are better served having it be an in-between device, not an iphone, but not a laptop. They want you to buy all three.

That type of crap pushed on the consumer really pisses me off.

That type of crap pushed on the consumer pisses you off? Are you kidding? It's YOUR CHOICE to buy an iPad. Why the he'll would apple want to put a device out there that can do as much in everyday use as a MBP or MB and still be cheaper? Apple dissent make money by making tons of products that directly compete with one another. Seems to me apple is flexing a good business practice to me. It's hardly pushed on you. Don't like it, don't buy it. Don't blame apple for "pushing it on you." God forbid if your a business owner.
Carry a small, say 6 inch square piece of Microfiber cut from a larger piece and carry it with you wherever you go. Works wonders :)

Oh, BTW, I have had my 64 GB Wifi + 3G for a little over a week and I can vouch for losing sleep with it. Truly "magical" IMHO. Daily I am finding out how very powerful the iPad can be. There is now even an iPad specific app that will bring essentially bring your desktop computer with you!!!


The ONLY problem i have with it, are the dirty fingers on it everytime :( it really pisses me off some times :)
... I love it. It is now my primary web surfing device, book reader, game player, video watcher. I check my RSS feeds on it instead of my Mac Book Pro.

When I want multiple windows open and visible at once, then I use my 17" Mac Book Pro. When I want to type for an extended period of time, then I still lean on my physical keyboard.

But after a month of using my iPad I have come to understand why Steve Jobs called it a magical device. That is the best word. I never want to give this device up. I cannot imagine going back to a pre-iPad world. I love it.

What do you know about your iPad in the time you've owned one?

(Written on my iPad by touch typing on the horizontal keyboard)

Ouch, You spent that much on a 512gb ssd and you couldn't pull a 3G iPad?
I love it, and it's just gonna get better when apps are tweaked more and more for it. For example, web surfing with safari is kinda tedious, BUT Atomic browser with tabs, control festers, no, wrong suggestion there, gestures!' numerous tweaks is a wonderful example of what more can be done. puts Safari to shame.
Plus I'm a slow typist with clunky fingers, and I almost speed type on this thing.
Also - anyone go the accessibility settings and switch everything to black???
The keyboard looks like a Macbook pro I think but all pix and images are reversed color but I think it improves battery.
I call it piddy or sometimes ippy..
I have checked out the pad three times now, once with my neighbor's, twice at the Apple store. I really like it, typing seems easy. Want one but I just don't think I really need it as I am trying to cut down quite a bit on web time, never read books on a device, only in a book ( never will, some things are sacred ), never game, have a 13" Mac Book Pro with a ripping SSD and a 3G iPhone.

But, I do photography for a living and think it might be good down the road, especially for selling high end stock photos while traveling which I can already do on my iPhone.

So once and awhile, I check in to see how things are going with people using them. It's tough to gauge though because most of the people on these forums are super gear oriented, not in my line of work / lifestyle in being more active, professional outdoor types.

The thing is super slick and fast though, I would gladly take one if given to me, but I just don't think I really need it as much as want it.

Time will tell…..
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