Had my APMs for a week and previosly owned the Bose 700NC and Sony MX4. Strictly talking about weight, it produces numerous issues and concerns, so reviewers simplifying it is very incomplete. This is why I come here to get more context.
I use it for taking meetings at home and other sedentary activities (e.g., flying, coffee shops, library, etc.) and if any movement is extremely limited, then not much of an issue up to a couple hours. However, in practice, the head turns/moves due to various activities and that's when the weight is a real concern b/c it can be felt - and it's not as natural as the Sony/Bose. The best analogy I have is wearing a bicycle vs motorcycle helmet - it is day and night when there's head movement. Shifting/adjusting it every 30m helps, but is not a long-term solution.
I'm still on the fence whether on returning it or not but I hope not bc I love almost everything else about it. If it breaks in, then I'll be happy until v2. Apple should take this as their top priority.
The clamping force is not as bad as the Bose 700NC, but it's close. The larger ear cups help.