I dig the tape idea for a "quick" fix. But if anyone is still looking at this in 2021. You've moved on to AirPod Pro's. If you're like me. You haven't upgraded because the original Pods sound better than the pros in my opinion. The pros sound dull to me and have a different sound profile. It's more of a "Downhill" shape profile on the sound. Anyway, I dig the V shape sound profile the original AirPods provide. With just enough bass and just enough treble. Anyway! If you take an old pair of headphones that have rubber tips. Just flip them inside out and cut the thick part off and about half of the center piece. It should leave you with a solid O shape to slip right over your pods. They will lock in nice and tight. Improve sound quality by keeping sound in and not leaking out due to poor fitting. Experiment with different tips. I find the largest tips available work perfectly to slip over the Pod and with just enough *give" they snap onto the plastic and aren't stretched out either.