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macrumors regular
Oct 10, 2014
Its called pacing. Something I feel a lot of new video games lack.

Many of you may recall that the first few hours of Half Life aren't exactly thrilling. A long train ride showing off the skeletal animation Valve had introduced to the Quake engine, a fair amount of time exchanging pleasantries with your fellow colleagues as you blow up microwave casseroles, flipping a switch and pushing some sample into a beam to cause the end of the world and then still after that, the pace is slow with the first levels focused on crowbarring headcrabs. It isn't until we start seeing the aliens and marines things begin to take off.

And Half Life is undoubtedly an awesome game.
You are right. Now it's fun.


macrumors 65816
Apr 9, 2011
San Diego
This game is better than I expected. I'm constantly on edge... my favorite part is finding save stations... so I can take a break... LOL

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macrumors 603
Jan 24, 2012
^ not good? I thought about getting it down the road when it's cheaper (and until some of the tech issues have been adressed).

Only annoyed that my AI season pass doesn't include all the dlc :/


macrumors 65816
Dec 15, 2012
^ not good? I thought about getting it down the road when it's cheaper (and until some of the tech issues have been adressed).

Only annoyed that my AI season pass doesn't include all the dlc :/

It's not only entirely broken on the tech side, but the gameplay mechanics are terrible, and I've not even been enjoying what little story there is. Hell they blatantly lied about their use of the cinema aspect ratio as well. It's forced 16:9 with letter boxing. Even flawless widescreen is having issues trying to fox the game.

I'll just leave my little first impression here.

Think of it this way. Enjoy the game you have now, and buy Alien Isolation during the steam holiday sale. You will enjoy it just the same playing it later at a cheaper price.;)

Yes, I just finished Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition and it was a stellar game. Plus borderlands pre-sequel is launching tonight so that'll be fun.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 3, 2010
Central CA
I just wanted to give an update to my previous post, wondering if it could be playable on my 2013 MBAir:

It works! I'll play it. But I'm not by any means an aficionado or a stickler for the absolute best performance (or I would own a console or a better gaming computer).

Glad to hear! It's definitely worth trying...btw, I always liked gaming on my MBA, having the laptop screen close to my face made it more immersive (imo).


macrumors 68000
Oct 26, 2012
what are the chances of this running okay on my 2011 imac 27 inch, 3.1 ghz with a 1 gig graphics card


macrumors G3
Original poster
Aug 24, 2009
what are the chances of this running okay on my 2011 imac 27 inch, 3.1 ghz with a 1 gig graphics card

As long as you're running Windows, you shouldn't have an issue. Creative Assembly have PC optimization down to a T since all of their previous games were PC exclusives.


macrumors 65816
Apr 9, 2011
San Diego
Me and my HUGE helmet... LOL

Strange that my fps drops to 67 fps with no animation and all the black empty space in my helmet. In other parts of the game with high animation, it's usually at 90 to 120 fps. :confused:

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macrumors regular
Oct 17, 2014
beat the game two nights ago...and was exciting toward the end..won't spoil you guys...but it was fun...actually scary.
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macrumors Core
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Brought from another thread:

Undoubtedly Alien Isolation is the best of any of the games in the Alien universe. Very much in the theme & atmosphere of the original 1979 film, covering similar events in a new and creative ways. Being more about thinking than shooting, most of all same as the films vision simply surviving.

Anyone who is a fan of the first film should play Alien Isolation as your missing out on a great experience regardless of platform.

You mentioned learning from mistakes, but those mistakes result in being killed, yes? :) How many times have you died? Are there difficulty levels? If so, as you don’t have any weapons, I would imagine that might control Alien sensitivity to your presence. Maybe it’s more like learning what the games expects from you. So I imagine when you play this games, you just have to acknowledge you are alien kibble, and that in any game, getting repeatedly killed is frustrating.


macrumors G4
Brought from another thread:

You mentioned learning from mistakes, but those mistakes result in being killed, yes? :) How many times have you died? Are there difficulty levels? If so, as you don’t have any weapons, I would imagine that might control Alien sensitivity to your presence. Maybe it’s more like learning what the games expects from you. So I imagine when you play this games, you just have to acknowledge you are alien kibble, and that in any game, getting repeatedly killed is frustrating.
Many times, however you get much better at evading the Alien as the game progresses, by honing your skills. The Xenomorph can see, hear, feel you and to some extents sense you in the game world. From my understanding as the game progresses the main AI unlocks more skills for the Alien to utilise, which very much gives the impression of intelligence as the game plays through.

You can repel the Alien with the flame thrower, which I don't see as a spoiler as this is the same in the film which in many respects the game follows but with a new interwoven story. Frustrating no, as you always know it was your error and the game is fair, equally random events and all. So have to keep on your toes and bad things happen ?

It's also possible to use the Xenomorph to eliminate human NPC enemies by luring it to them ? Also inadvertently did the same with a harmless crewmember resulting in the Alien killing her pretty much the same as is depicted in the first film where Lambert meets her demise ??? Impressive to watch just what it does best, with an equally spectacular view of a gas giant in the stations windows nor a scripted event, naturally it's never wise to stay in close proximity to the beast LOL, yeah I was next...

There's an excellent article on YT, documenting the Xenomorph's AI which very impressive in action. I'll dig it out, admittedly I didn't watch to the end as I don't want to see or hear any spoilers.

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macrumors Core
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
For those following this thread, I’ve had some private conversations with @Queen6 who is a big fan of this game. I gave it a try last night and ended up backing away. Did not even get to the point where I had a motion tracker or even saw the beast. I’ve been thinking about this game for a while, then last night I had a second night of strange dreams, not nightmares, but there were some that can only be described as a category, alien monsters, something like Stephen King’s The Mist. :)

I rarely have nightmares, but much more likely are uncomfortable dreams where I tell myself enough, and wake up. Of interest I was not personally threatened in these dreams, they played out more like watching a movie.

I played through several of the Alien vs Predator games, circa 1999, Doom 3 and the like. And as a rule, I’m not bothered by post apocalyptic settings, monsters, and more recently things like large rats in Metro, which I got side tracked from, or feral fouls and death claws in Fallout 4, those are quite manageable.

And note, I used to be up for big suspense, horror games, I’ve sworn off those too, although one of my favorite games which I played recently for a third time through is Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines.
Not that it is a horror game, when you are the horror, but there is a haunted house chapter which made me jump several times and gave me shivers and...I was a vampire. ;) Instead of being in physical danger, that was just experiencing visual treats. Great atmosphere in that game. :D

Part me wants to see this story is creative how they talk Ripley’s daughter into visiting and investigating a space station where the flight recorder of the Nostromo has been found, and then get your character onto that station which is obviously in some kind of disarray and distress, kind of by accident.

But this game Alien Isolation is specifically an atmospheric suspenseful, tension, underdog being hunted in the dark, likely eaten game, and I don’t even get to be a Colonial Marine.

It’s interesting the courage you have when properly armed, which you are really not in this game. I’ve become a wimp. ;)
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macrumors G4
Alien Isolation is without any doubts one of the most atmospheric games I've ever played. It can indeed be very unnerving at times and I can see fully that for some outright terrifying. I think it's one of the better survival horror games as it builds the fear in the players mind and doesn't rely on cheap tricks.

Similar to the 1979 film the audio is spot on and really sets the scene. The graphics on newer hardware and specifically the design choice is perfect for the game and one that will age very well. First playthrough for me was extremely tense as not fully knowing how things would playout, how & where to go. Second run, far more relaxed and to some extents enjoying the challenge more.

I've always liked the horror and Sci-Fi genres and have frequently put off having a crack at Alien Isolation. Pleased that I was able to beat the game without getting into spoiler's etc. Always been a fan of the first Alien film and thought at times what it would be like to be in Ripely's shoes and that's exactly what Alien Isolation executes so very well and why it's so frightening.

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macrumors G4
Crew Expendable DLC:
Opted for Medium as am comfortable on that level, having beaten Alien Isolation with some ease. Chose to be Dallas for no other reason than to be faithful to lore of the film.

Picked up my gear, dropped down to the lower decks of Nostromo one minute in :eek: was done. After a couple more runs, closed B1 & B2 air ducts and entered the primary duct :eek: Yep dead again & again & again. Need to scratch my head and go again. No doubt is a short 20-30 minutes DLC, however the Alien is absolutely brutal being literally dialled up to eleven. Much harder than the main feature by a wide margin.

This all about stealth & tactics, especially with mod'd AI. Flamethrower is little more than a comforter LOL. This ****er is now so extremely hostile & dangerous in the game world is a very real threat, realistically so...

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macrumors Core
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Crew Expendable DLC:
Opted for Medium as am comfortable on that level, having beaten Alien Isolation with some ease. Chose to be Dallas for no other reason than to be faithful to lore of the film.

Picked up my gear, dropped down to the lower decks of Nostromo one minute in :eek: was done. After a couple more runs, closed B1 & B2 air ducts and entered the primary duct :eek: Yep dead again & again & again. Need to scratch my head and go again. No doubt is a short 20-30 minutes DLC, however the Alien is absolutely brutal being literally dialled up to eleven. Much harder than the main feature by a wide margin.

This all about stealth & tactics, especially with mod'd AI. Flamethrower is littler more than a comforter LOL. This ****er is now so extremely hostile & dangerous in the game world is a very real threat, realistically so...

Better you than me. :D
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