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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 13, 2016


macrumors 6502a
Nov 17, 2014
I suspect the nubbin will become extremely irritating, if you're on the move a lot.

A version - if possible - that's as flush as possible (ie where the connector starts on that model) might be more usable.

Make Apple Great Again

macrumors member
Nov 5, 2016
This has already been mentioned many times on here, but I just want to post this for those who don't already know.

A company on kickstarter called snapnator designed a magsafe like device for USB-C... this looks thinner than the Breaksafe one that came out earlier this year and also seems to work just as well as an Apple USB-C charging cable directly plugged into your MBP... per this video they posted today:

They start shipping in January according to their kickstarter... and I honestly think this is the best and cheapest option to get magsafe back and also protect your computer in the long run... it's a great investment for a $2500-$4000 machine IMO.

This is their original video introducing snapnator:
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macrumors 65816
Aug 7, 2015
This has been discussed in dozens of topics, including a video you shared. Might suit better to further this discussion in those already existing topics. You may want to be careful with directly promoting and advertising other products per the forum rules.


Jun 14, 2016
wont happen. apples owns the rights to magsafe and i doubt they will let third partys make one, even if its ana dapter


macrumors newbie
Jan 13, 2017
Hi, does anyone know if this is available? I want to buy a new macbook but I am finding the need of dongles and adapters a little annoying. (I need to buy a pro just to get more than one port??????)

Anyhow, I have magsafe 2 chargers and would like to be able to keep using them - is there yet another accessory I can buy in order to do so?

Thank You!


macrumors 68000
Oct 17, 2016
People who were originally complaining about using dongles/adapters have mostly come round the the reality that it's no different than it was before since actually owning the device, just FYI. It's not that bad, switch cables and buy an adapter for when necessary.

In terms of using your old MagSafe chargers, I don't think it's possible. Like all computers you'll have to use the charger it came with, it was nice having so many years of being able to use the same chargers but it's switching over now. At least USB-C isn't proprietary so you'll be able to use aftermarket stuff as and when it becomes available, or other chargers from other computers too.


Jul 14, 2015
There may be a market for an adapter to connect a MagSafe charger to a modern MB/MBP.

But there's probably a healthy market for used MagSafe chargers as owners of older laptops will want them.

When I get around to updating from my mid-2012 to a future Mac laptop, you can be sure I will include both my MagSafe chargers if I ever sell the 2012 model. I'm sure the new owner will appreciate them.


macrumors 65816
Aug 7, 2015
My 2016 MBP accessory pipe dream: I for one would love to see a "MagSafe to USB-C adapter". My day is spent periodically switching between thunderbolt displays and cinema displays depending on where I am and have grown tired of crawling under desks to plug in my power brick. Would love to be able to adapt the displays native MagSafe to USB-C to charge up my 2016. Might also solve a lot of people's desire to keep MagSafe around. You could theoritically use older generation power bricks with such an adapter. Of course, not sure how many people out there would even want such a thing or if it's even technically possible. Just day dreaming!

For the record: I don't mind USB-C charging at all.
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macrumors 65816
Aug 7, 2015
There have been attempts, and there are threads on it.

Thanks, I'll dig around, didn't find anything at first look. Mostly chatter of people wanting a USB-C MagSafe solution instead of just adapting existing magsafe.


macrumors 604
Nov 3, 2011
SF Bay Area
Thanks, I'll dig around, didn't find anything at first look. Mostly chatter of people wanting a USB-C MagSafe solution instead of just adapting existing magsafe.

Ok. I misunderstood. I don't think anyone has mentioned a solution for using the old magsafe connected to power the new systems

A quick question though. Why not just buy an extra USB-C charger and leave one at each monitor location?
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Jul 14, 2015
OP, good idea. I'd be totally satisfied with using my existing MagSafe adapters to power a new MB/MBP. The only drawback would be whenever I get around to selling my older MBP. I'd need to include the MagSafe adapter in the sale.

I realized that having a magnetically-attached data connection is a disaster waiting to happen, so the idea of a magnetic USBC-to-everything should be DOA. USBC-to-power is fine, though.


macrumors 65816
Aug 7, 2015
OP, good idea. I'd be totally satisfied with using my existing MagSafe adapters to power a new MB/MBP. The only drawback would be whenever I get around to selling my older MBP. I'd need to include the MagSafe adapter in the sale.

I realized that having a magnetically-attached data connection is a disaster waiting to happen, so the idea of a magnetic USBC-to-everything should be DOA. USBC-to-power is fine, though.

It would certainly be great for using the older apple displays, which I still love and are everywhere for me both at home and work...

Doubtful Apple would ever make an official solution since they left the display business, but other third parties could see some small success with it.


Jul 14, 2015
It would certainly be great for using the older apple displays, which I still love and are everywhere for me both at home and work...

Doubtful Apple would ever make an official solution since they left the display business, but other third parties could see some small success with it.
Just to go further on this tangent --

Having the power get disconnected by accident is no problem whatsoever. MagSafe was especially useful because power cables often end up on the floor (as both my and my wife's laptops are right now; and everyone in my coding class last year, too) and are easy to trip over. If the cable got tugged — and they did — no work was interrupted, no data was lost.

Magnetic breakaway cables for connecting displays, though? Or external hard drives, printers, music keyboards, etc? Totally unnecessary, I believe, because the other devices are on the same table or desk, or at least on a neighboring table. They're not creating a trip hazard. Pop off a cable to an external drive in the middle of a copy operation or backup and you've got corrupted data.

Interruption in power? Meh. Resetting a data connection? No thanks -- I want that cable plugged snug and tight in that socket.
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macrumors 65816
Aug 7, 2015
Just to go further on this tangent --

Magnetic breakaway cables for connecting displays, though? Or external hard drives, printers, music keyboards, etc? Totally unnecessary, I believe, because the other devices are on the same table or desk, or at least on a neighboring table. They're not creating a trip hazard. Pop off a cable to an external drive in the middle of a copy operation or backup and you've got corrupted data.

Interruption in power? Meh. Resetting a data connection? No thanks -- I want that cable plugged snug and tight in that socket.


I think you've completely misunderstood my original post. I'm talking about MagSafe power attached to the 24", 27" LED Cinema Display and the 27" Thunderbolt Display. My "dream" I mentioned was to convert MagSafe to USB-C power so I can continue charging my laptops with these trusty old displays. Then I wouldn't need to crawl around the floor looking for power at the various desks I visit. This proposed adapter does not need to transmit data...

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Jul 14, 2015

I think you've completely misunderstood my original post. I'm talking about MagSafe power attached to the 24", 27" LED Cinema Display and the 27" Thunderbolt Display. My "dream" I mentioned was to convert MagSafe to USB-C power so I can continue charging my laptops with these trusty old displays. Then I wouldn't need to crawl around the floor looking for power at the various desks I visit. This proposed adapter does not need to transmit data...
Gotcha (the pic helps me understand what you're saying a lot better), and I think it's a pretty narrow use case.

It does transmit data to run the display (and any peripherals attached to the display; it has other ports in the back, doesn't it?), so you're not going to want the thunderbolt connection to pop loose. But, yeah, a little adapter piece between the existing MagSafe cable in your pic and the USB-C port on the laptop would be good.

On the other hand, though, Apple has an adapter to go from the USBC/Thunderbolt3 port to Thunderbolt 2 -- but it doesn't supply power from a Thunderbolt display to the MBP. Plus, that doesn't go with the DisplayPort and MiniDisplayPort connectors on the older displays, and I don't know if daisy-chaining adapters to do USBC-to-HDMI-to-DisplayPort would work.

I think your idea is one for Belkin or Griffin to take up and get into production. It'd only have to work with either MagSafe or MagSafe2 (those were the only two plug sizes, I think) and would fit into all the newer Mac laptops.
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macrumors 6502a
Oct 14, 2011
So it looks like there are two front runners out there; the Griffin which doesn't have a great review history on Amazon, and the Snapnator :)

So have you guys found any drawback's to the Snapnator?

Thank you
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macrumors 6502
Jun 12, 2013
In my case, I used to have a 15 inch 2015 MBP, and purchased a second Magsafe 2 adapter, just to keep it at home, so I don't have to commute every day with the heavy adapter in my bag pack. Whatever I can save in terms of weight will make my shoulders happier.

Anyway, I received my 2016 MBP with TB a few days ago, and now have a perfectly working 85W Magsafe adapter which I can't use anymore. I know that the idea with USB-C is to use only one cable to transmit data, and power the computer, but since I'm already using the factory adapter with the long USB-C (although USB 2.0 speed) cable, just for power, why can't I just get a small adapter to use my former charger, which is just shy of the power needs of my new MBP by 2 Watts? It just doesn't make any sense.

Is there any possible way of finding such an adapter, or even building one? It just infuriates me having to spend almost 80$ for a new adapter, which doesn't comes with a cable or even the wall plug extension.


macrumors 6502
Dec 29, 2016
The Netherlands
Is there any possible way of finding such an adapter, or even building one?

There is no such adapter as far as I know. As for building -- well, how good are your electronics skills?

It just infuriates me having to spend almost 80$ for a new adapter, which doesn't comes with a cable or even the wall plug extension.

Just sell the old one. You'll get enough money to buy two new ones from a 3rd party. The beauty of the USB-C port is that it's a standard. Sure, you can use Apple's big fat heavy 87W charger. However, I get through the day with a 45W charger. Here are two very well tested ones: (Anker) (iVoler)

In a pinch, I've charged my MBP with a 40W Nintendo Switch charger!
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