Since 2013, I've been waiting for anybody to give a good reason why some things have to change so drastically (besides Marketing). I was so impressed with my first Apple computer in 2005 after using only Microsoft since 1990, as Apple had a great OS that was SO much better than Windows and would amazingly stick with an OS that just worked, easing in refinements as needed. It really underscored the amateurism and "lost path" of Microsoft who kowtowed to complete reinvention every couple of years, never really producing anything better but just different, and to me being a complete acknowledgment of utter failure in their prior Windows OS. Apple could get away with maintaining this path of "constancy" when they were led by a great leader with unwaveringly great design sense and while Apple was still an underdog where the consumer had no idea what was coming at them with this great new stuff that was so different than Microsoft and so better. But unfortunately, as Apple got bigger and more loud customers arrived, the unavoidable nature of humanity to start critiquing at things they once loved started getting to the amateurish management and marketing groups after 2012 or so, where they cherry picked what they listened to from customers, giving in to those with ADD who need new eye candy every few years.
As many have said, I too find the interfaces after Mavericks way too distracting to tolerate getting work done on them. Too many interface elements that should be designed for intuitive use are assigned too much over-thought fashion for the sake of change, and are just too distractively aggravating to me personally.
Amazingly, a lot of the gripes by me and many others here could be solved by merely providing at least two interfaces: one can keep the current focus on consistency of appearance to Jony's personal selfish taste, and one would reflect UI elements closer to Apple's UI philosophy before 2003 that focused on good function first. Even windows offers choices for interface appearance, for goodness sake.

The best Jony Ive can offer is Invert Colors within Accessibility functions, as if users with a certain taste/preference are handicapped (talking iOS, I know)? Just disappointing.
Ok, and what does that have to do with my post
I meant: Your opinions are allowed, even if they are bad opinions.
I mean that mostly in jest, and hope that comes across as the respectful jabbing it's meant to be. I just so no longer enjoy using my Apple items since 2013, but unfortunately I still think they are better than windows and android so I have no choice but to stick around. They are just not as good as they were before 2013.
The same way everyone adapted to Mavericks, is gonna be the same way they will adapt to the new design and once a new re-design comes everyone will complain that it's ugly and say "Hey, macOS looked so great on Yosemite/El Cap/Sierra "insert name here".
When you say adapted to Mavericks, what do you mean exactly? Any leap by Mavericks from the prior OS was not nearly as large as the redesign leaps after Mavericks. I consider Mavericks to be a refinement on top of everything prior, as opposed to everything after Mavericks which started the dumbed down appearance/function phase.
My comments, and those of many others above, are not so much focused on Looks but the bigger picture overall function, for which appearance plays an unavoidably major role.
And again, I'm waiting for someone to tell me why an OS needs a major redesign at all once a truly great system is in place, other than pressure by Marketing. When has anyone gotten tired of walking on feet and switched to walking on hands? Why haven't bricklayers switched to round bricks, for something different?

Isn't it better just to keep being offered improved shoes over time, instead of walking into the shoe store one day and seeing only options for hand-shoes? Time for me to go get some coffee, thankful that Jony Ive hasn't reinvented brown coffee beans into gray purée.