The GPU provides around 80% of GTX 1070 performance at 50% cost with around 60% power consumption.
And it is 10% slower than GTX 980 Ti. On stock PCB, and cooler the GPU is not able to exceed 1400 MHz. There will be 1600 MHz versions for up to 299% with around 150-180W power consumption.
Add another 25% of performance due to much higher clocks on VRAM.
Yep we are in faster than GTX 1070 ranges.
P.S. Compare this benchmarks with the BS that Kyle from HardOCP tried to sell. Does it, with this empirical evidence, has anything to do with reality?
Remember, this GPU is supposed to compete with GTX 1060. And already is competing with GTX 1070. Expect similar gap in performance between Vega 10 and GP104 GPUs. Vega 10 will compete with GP102 GPUs.