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macaddicted said:
So for all who are hoping for a MBP or MB upgrade for tomorrow, what will you do if it isn't announced tomorrow? And, alternately, if it isn't announced next week?
I giggle. :)
Really, I'm not in a position to buy right now anyway so I personally won't care.
viccles said:
Me too. As I've said previously why would they release new models with their promotion? I seriously doubt it. They would be wanting to get out as much old stock as they possibly can with this deal. Just makes sense to me :)
Because their current promotion wouldn't affect new models?
Apple has to...

...release upgrades at around the same time everyone else does - now Apple are playoing on the same court as other computer makers they can't be seen as 'behind'

that said...BRING IT/THEM ON (preferably THEM) :p
apple wants intrest to build up on our money so we have more to spend... forget that silly merom crap, this is the real truth :rolleyes:

good thing i dont own a gun though...:rolleyes:
FFTT said:
If it isn't tomorrow, I buy a MacBook White 2.0 GHz refurb.

$1099.00 is still a great price for that machine.

Gotta love the refurb. Does it come with added memory?
iBookG4user said:
Well they have until early October because that's when I'll have the money and if it isn't updated by then, I will be disapointed but I will get the MBP I can afford even if it is yonah. Which would be VERY unfortunate because I could really use the extra juice that Merom would give.
hmm... just so you don't get disappointed again, merom doesn't give much more juice than yonah. period. not at least until santa rosa will you even see anything substantial.

of course, that is unless you are among the 1% of people who really use your current mac to 99% most of the times (ibook... IBOOK? YOU USE IBOOK AND YOU THINK YOU'LL NOTICE THE DIFFERENCE? no offend to you personally, but the stuff you can run on ibook will not make a difference on mbp yonah and mbp merom)

also, if you are really among the 1% of ppl aforementioned, you would be using mac pro (or at least powermac g5, quad) instead of imac

again, no offend, but i really cannot stand every body to think that yonah is not gonna be enough for them for some reason, or that merom is gonna do something for them that yonah cannot... c'mon people, wake up, yonah 2.16 is an overkill for most of people already.

(yup i just said that)
bearbo said:
hmm... just so you don't get disappointed again, merom doesn't give much more juice than yonah. period. not at least until santa rosa will you even see anything substantial.

of course, that is unless you are among the 1% of people who really use your current mac to 99% most of the times (ibook... IBOOK? YOU USE IBOOK AND YOU THINK YOU'LL NOTICE THE DIFFERENCE? no offend to you personally, but the stuff you can run on ibook will not make a difference on mbp yonah and mbp merom)

also, if you are really among the 1% of ppl aforementioned, you would be using mac pro (or at least powermac g5, quad) instead of imac

again, no offend, but i really cannot stand every body to think that yonah is not gonna be enough for them for some reason, or that merom is gonna do something for them that yonah cannot... c'mon people, wake up, yonah 2.16 is an overkill for most of people already.

(yup i just said that)

If the 2.16 is overkill then Apple needs to just cut the prices on the Macbooks because most of their competition is well below $1000 for the same hardware and many include a DVD burner at that price. I mean OS X is the best OS hands down but how much is it worth? Someone I know just bought a Toshiba lappy for $599 with a 1.66 Core Duo, 80 Gb, 512 Mb, 802.11g, bluetooth, DVD-R. Is OSX worth that much? To me, $500 is a pretty big gap between the Toshiba she bought and a base Macbook. If they drop them or give me a little update (GPU, Black for free, DVD Burner, or Ram) then I will pay the difference. The only thing that can be said to be an asset to the Macbook besides OS X is the 13" instead of 15" screen but budget conscious consumers don't care much about that. I want to buy a Macbook soo bad but I don't want to feel like I'm being ripped off by Apple any more than usual...
FFTT said:
It's a crap shoot.

You get what ever it was originally shipped with.
Extra RAM, larger HD or even both sometimes
or nothing, it all depends.

I know theres a 17" on the Aus Apple store that I nearly bought because it was the same price as I purchased my MBP for now with everything but I thought it is a little bit of russian roulette.
ddrueckhammer said:
If the 2.16 is overkill then Apple needs to just cut the prices on the Macbooks because most of their competition is well below $1000 for the same hardware and many include a DVD burner at that price. I mean OS X is the best OS hands down but how much is it worth? Someone I know just bought a Toshiba lappy for $599 with a 1.66 Core Duo, 80 Gb, 512 Mb, 802.11g, bluetooth, DVD-R. Is OSX worth that much? I question that at the current prices but if they drop them or give me a little update (GPU, Black for free, DVD Burner, or Ram) then I will pay the difference. The only thing that can be said to be an asset to the Macbook besides OS X is the 13" instead of 15" screen but budget conscious consumers don't care much about that. I want to buy a Macbook soo bad but I don't want to feel like I'm being ripped off by Apple any more than usual...

You also pay for Apple's award-winning industrial design. What kind of "design" does that Toshiba have?

Yeah, that's what I thought.
Demon Hunter said:
You also pay for Apple's award-winning industrial design. What kind of "design" does that Toshiba have?
Yeah, that's what I thought.

Wow, award winning design where we are getting reports of overheating Macbooks and Blackbooks peeling. This is another good reason to wait for Merom. I'm an engineering student. I'll give you three guesses as to what I think about architects and designers who take an aestetics only approach to design. Its gotta "just work" for me to pay the extra...:rolleyes: I guess the award winning design of the black paint is why people are paying extra for the blackbooks...Don't get me wrong, I love Apple products, but lately I am seriously questioning my loyalty. Whoever designed the latest Macintosh portables obviously didn't do too well in thermodynamics.
If you've been around Apple products long enough, you know that Rev "A"
is for lab rats and crash test dummies.

Brilliant engineering sometimes suffers from poor implementation or just one
bad call selecting a third party component or supplier.

These are ALL transition machines regardless of your preferred platform.

I'm buying conservative because I know with all certainty that these machines will be leap frogged rapidly, but I can't make my girls wait forever.

If you're buying a cheap Windows based machine right now without Vista, you
could be in for a rude awakening.

At least I know that Tiger is fantastic and Leopard will run FINE on anything
Apple is selling right now.
FFTT said:
If you've been around Apple products long enough, you know that Rev "A"
is for lab rats and crash test dummies....

Good points...It just seems to me that Apple's design crew could do better. I could actually see paying extra for a Blackbook if they were as durable as an IBM/Lenovo Thinkpad but I don't get that feeling at all. All Apple products are beautiful but in my experience it is really sad when you get your first scratch or ding on such a beautiful product. Some (not all) of the Windows manufacturers make decent looking hardware that is actually much more durable than that Apple is putting out. Right now, the only tangible difference besides price that I can see is OS X. I could care less about Vista. I'm sure it will have plenty of bugs and I wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole until they are worked out. XP is shaping up to be a pretty decent OS after all the patches though.
Many Mac OSX users see beyond the purchase price and consider how running Mac OSX will save them time and hassle.

Many applications written for Mac OSX also work much better than their
Windows counterparts.

What is your time worth?

Do you maintain your own system or does someone from IT handle it?

Do you have a deep and personal relationship with Geek Squad?

How secure is your data and how confident are you that you know when your
data has been compromised.

What is your privacy worth?

What is peace of mind worth?
FFTT said:
Many Mac OSX users see beyond the purchase price and consider how running Mac OSX will save them time and hassle.

Many applications written for Mac OSX also work much better than their
Windows counterparts.

What is your time worth?

Do you maintain your own system or does someone from IT handle it?

Do you have a deep and personal relationship with Geek Squad?

How secure is your data and how confident are you that you know when your
data has been compromised.

What is your privacy worth?

What is peace of mind worth?

bearbo said:
hmm... just so you don't get disappointed again, merom doesn't give much more juice than yonah. period. not at least until santa rosa will you even see anything substantial.

of course, that is unless you are among the 1% of people who really use your current mac to 99% most of the times (ibook... IBOOK? YOU USE IBOOK AND YOU THINK YOU'LL NOTICE THE DIFFERENCE? no offend to you personally, but the stuff you can run on ibook will not make a difference on mbp yonah and mbp merom)

also, if you are really among the 1% of ppl aforementioned, you would be using mac pro (or at least powermac g5, quad) instead of imac

again, no offend, but i really cannot stand every body to think that yonah is not gonna be enough for them for some reason, or that merom is gonna do something for them that yonah cannot... c'mon people, wake up, yonah 2.16 is an overkill for most of people already.

(yup i just said that)

Sorry, you are sadly mistaken. Yonah to Merom is THE big leap. From Merom to Santa Rosa? Yawn, who cares. 133Mhz in bus speed? We've seen even more substantial leaps from 533Mhz to 667Mhz.
The Santa Rosa upgrade is more about heat and energy conservation
than performance.

These guys are working towards an average battery life of 8 hours
with reduced heat while still keeping performance respectable.

I have absolutely no clue if we're talking dual core or quad core since
I think these processors will be 45 nm
generik said:
Sorry, you are sadly mistaken. Yonah to Merom is THE big leap. From Merom to Santa Rosa? Yawn, who cares. 133Mhz in bus speed? We've seen even more substantial leaps from 533Mhz to 667Mhz.

It's not a leap from Merom to Santa Rosa. Santa Rosa is simply the platform that fully uses Merom's abilities.

The problem with current Merom systems is that it's a Merom CPU in an architecture that dates back to Yonah. Personally speaking, Yonahs are stonkingly quick for what I need. At this point, an increase in raw CPU performance of even 15% simply isn't enough to make me desire a new machine. Also, without Santa Rosa, the Merom's advanced power management isn't used -- all the power saving you see over Yonah at the moment is mainly due to design and packaging changes, not because of Merom's technology. I don't know about you, but I have a problem buying into a new CPU if part of what makes it better is going to sit there unused because the rest of the system doesn't know how to use it.

I'd rather wait another 7-8 months (a whole *OMG* 32 weeks! *OMG*!) and have a 15%-20% speed increase, 8 hour battery life, increased system respose from the Robson technology, a clockspeed jump and price drop on the Merom itself (probably increasing that 15-20% figure), and all the other cool stuff Apple will wedge into a 1" thick laptop at that time.

[edit: Oh, and another thing, Merom's 64-bititude isn't even going to get fully exploited until Leopard is released. Considering Leopard's scheduled for Spring 2007 last thing I heard, that fits in nicely with Merom+Santa Rosa's availability. Buying new hardware at that point's a nice trick, since if you were planning to buy Leopard anyway, you can essentially discount $129 from the new machine's price]

Don't get me wrong, I think the Core 2 Duo is a fantastic processor, but seeing as I already own a Yonah MBP, the jump from Yonah to Merom without the benefits of the Santa Rosa platform just isn't enough to bother me.

Of course, if I were sitting with a 1.33 GHz PowerBook G4, I might be tempted by the upcoming Meroms. But, I'd probably be even more tempted to hold tight until the whole Core 2 Duo platform is available in a short while.
I'm getting quite antsy myself at the moment about what the big announcement will be.

I'm hoping it'll be a CPU upgrade for the MB/MPBs - whether it be a Merom or a speed bump - because i'm heading back to college at the end of September and I want to get the best value for money.

I don't want to have my Mac arrive and then find out that the Meroms will be shipping in a month's time...i will be enormously p.o.'d if that happens! I got stung like that with a Dell machine, had it about 2 weeks when Dell released a faster CPU model with more RAM for the same price! :mad:

I'm sure some people here might say "Serves you right for buying Dell!" :D
My father is waiting to buy my Vaio off me which will fund my MBP purchase. We are waiting for a particular client to pay their bill and when that happens I need to order the MBP, I am just hoping that the Merom is in there by then. It would be frustrating to miss it.
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