The actual financials aren't public, nor are the overheads. What is known is how little innovation Apple has over the years compared to everyone else. There are a number of excuses for this, such as 'you can't see what goes on behind the scenes', 'can't improve on perfection', 'its all intangible and in the feel' etc etc, yet you can't really argue with facts.
Apple's releases are buggy, their big bets like Maps, Siri are not even in the same league as the competition, the basic UI of iOS/OSX hasn't changed at all, the biggest changes have been features copied from Android/WP.
There's no backwards compatibility, Apple has built in obsolescence to force you to upgrade. People like to say Android phones don't get updates which is true, but what good is an iOS update if it runs like crap on any device >1 gen old, if it purposely blocks features from older hardware?
Android/WP releases breathe new life into older devices, they are faster and more optimized. New versions of iOS are fat, bloated and lag on anything but the newest version.
And yet Apple has by far the highest profit margin and least open/responsive product. Maybe some believe they are that good, but you'd be a fool to deny the impact of their marketing machine and lobbyists.