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Ok. I will try that. I have pretty much tried everything else without success. Running WindowsXP Prof on my PC. Do you think it is important to have an un-synched iPhone in step 1 before going to the next step?

Why would you waste the time synching? It's just going to get blown away in the next steps.

I have tried quickpwn before after downgrading from iTunes to 8 to 7.7 but always failed at the DFU screen. The black window would pop up and do its thing (hashing etc.). Then when getting to the point of putting iPhone in DFU mode, the window closes and nothing else happens. The computer and itunes recognize my iPhone as being in DFU mode. Any thoughts on that?

Make sure you uninstall that Apple Mobile Device Support before installing 7.7 too. And when the command prompt opens go to Task Manager and make sure all iTunes/iPod services are stopped (iPodService.exe, AppleMobileDeviceService.exe, iTunes.exe, iTunesHelper.exe), if they are not, click on them and end them, then continue with the command prompt instructions.

I was running an iPhone 3G on jailbroken 2.0.1 firmware and I successfully got 2.1 jailbroken using a modified version of bushido's steps.

For the record, I have a PC running 64bit Vista and iTunes 8.

I basically just skipped the whole part about downgrading iTunes. After reading through bushido's steps that part just seemed pointless so I left it out and everything worked fine. I saved a lot of time and trouble by not downgrading iTunes.

I also used AptBackup from Cydia to restore everything I had installed via Cydia.
Worked fine for me. I upgraded before using someone elses instructions but what was posted in this thread is better. PLUS BUSHIDO FIRMWARE = A+++ in my book i get five bars every where and better reception and 3g is super fast now thanks!
02.08 is the previous baseband, 02.11 is the current, and according to (BigBoss' blog) it's the best yet.

So here's what I did.
1. In iTunes 8, I restored my phone to regular 2.1 (no jailbreak). When the screen said "iPhone is Activated" I didn't go any further in iTunes 8. (I didn't restore my backup or sync anything).
2. Uninstalled iTunes 8 and Apple Mobile Device Support from Add/Remove Programs
3. Did not reboot PC when iTunes 8 Uninstall asked me to.
4. Once uninstall was complete, I installed iTunes 7.7.043
5. Used quickpwn with 2.1 bundle found here:
6. Ran Quickpwn, checked Cydia and Installer. Unchecked Custom logo.
7. Selected the iPhone1,2_2.1_5F136_Restore.ipsw file (2.1 3G Firmware)
8. I followed the directions to get it into DFU mode, yadda yadda......and it jailbroke my phone. Took a few minutes with just a spinning loading circle on a black screen (I thought for a minute I killed my phone lol).
9. Once the phone rebooted, Cydia and Installer weren't visible, this is normal.
10. Reinstalled iTunes 8.
11. Opened iTunes 8 and Shift+Restore and selected bushido's Custom firmware.
12. It installed just fine, once the phone rebooted, I restored my current backup, but canceled the file sync after it backed up.
13. Replaced the MobileInstallation file using TotalCommander and Tpot addon. Rebooted iPhone.
14. Synced in iTunes 8. Everything works.

Now have Modem Firmware 02.11.07


Let me make sure I understand fully, you took these steps because previous attempts following other people's suggestions left you with a non-updated modem firmware. Is that correct?

So if I have a jailbroken 2.0.2 and I want to make sure the modem is updated I can't just apply the custom .ipsw using iTunes 8 that's floating around here?

I leave for China tomorrow.....I've been patiently waiting for Winpwn, but I cannot wait any longer. :(
Correct. When I tried someone else's suggestion and just restore bushido's custom firmware over top of my jailbroken 2.0.1 firmware, it didn't update the modem firmware.
Wow. Finally was able to jailbreak my 3G iphone. I had to do it on a different PC with iTunes 7.7 that never had iTunes 8 installed before. Somehow, on my PC, despite uninstalling everything, some files were still leftover from iTunes 8 preventing me from doing any jailbreaking (QuickPwn, WinPwn etc.)
This is interesting. I used the custom IPSW from the first post on this thread and I just checked my baseband and it states 02.08.01, but I have firmware 2.1. Before I restored to this 2.1 custom, I had a 2.01 custom firmware, which I think had 02.08.01 baseband too. Weird. I would've thought that it would have upgraded the baseband too? I'm not sure what the baseband is supposed to do, but I am getting really really good coverage now, compared to previous versions. Pretty much what 2.1 is supposed to do. Does the baseband have something to do with that?

At the same time, my battery life hasn't increased at all. It is still the same crappy life as before the upgrade. I'll give you a quick rundown of what I have done:

1. Had 2.01 custom firmware, worked great, with great battery life.
2. Upgraded to 2.02 custom when it was available and man, battery life sucked! It changed the modem version I think to 02.08.11.
3. I decided to move down to 2.01 custom to get back my better battery life, but I still had the same crappy battery life! But I did check my baseband and it was the same 02.08.11 baseband from 2.02. It didn't downgrade my baseband apparently.
4. I am now up to 2.1 custom firmware, and I am seeing most of the 2.1 features MINUS the supposedly better battery life. And I suspect having the old baseband is my problem. I should have 02.11.08 but I have 02.08.11.

I think I'll wait for winpwn to come out with something official for 2.1 until I decide to redo my 2.1 custom, considering how many people have had problems. It looks like I had luck on my side when my 2.1 custom upgrade worked.

02.08 is the previous baseband, 02.11 is the current, and according to (BigBoss' blog) it's the best yet.

So here's what I did.
1. In iTunes 8, I restored my phone to regular 2.1 (no jailbreak). When the screen said "iPhone is Activated" I didn't go any further in iTunes 8. (I didn't restore my backup or sync anything).
2. Uninstalled iTunes 8 and Apple Mobile Device Support from Add/Remove Programs
3. Did not reboot PC when iTunes 8 Uninstall asked me to.
4. Once uninstall was complete, I installed iTunes 7.7.043
5. Used quickpwn with 2.1 bundle found here:
6. Ran Quickpwn, checked Cydia and Installer. Unchecked Custom logo.
7. Selected the iPhone1,2_2.1_5F136_Restore.ipsw file (2.1 3G Firmware)
8. I followed the directions to get it into DFU mode, yadda yadda......and it jailbroke my phone. Took a few minutes with just a spinning loading circle on a black screen (I thought for a minute I killed my phone lol).
9. Once the phone rebooted, Cydia and Installer weren't visible, this is normal.
10. Reinstalled iTunes 8.
11. Opened iTunes 8 and Shift+Restore and selected bushido's Custom firmware.
12. It installed just fine, once the phone rebooted, I restored my current backup, but canceled the file sync after it backed up.
13. Replaced the MobileInstallation file using TotalCommander and Tpot addon. Rebooted iPhone.
14. Synced in iTunes 8. Everything works.

Now have Modem Firmware 02.11.07

Correct, the custom 2.1 file does not update the baseband (no idea why)....

so you must update to regular 2.1 first, then follow my instructions so when you are done you have the current baseband with jailbroken 2.1.

If I've never pwned my iphone 3g before can I create a custom ISPW and then put the phone in DFU mode and restore in itunes with the custom firmware... or does pwnage need to do something to the phone first in order make it able to install a custom firmware?
Hi, do you do steps 11,12,13 to get the latest modem updates? Or also Cydia + Installer?

Is that modem update available in Apple 2.1 firmware too?

after step 13, do you lose all you custom settings including exchange accounts, songs, gmail, apps, etc?


02.08 is the previous baseband, 02.11 is the current, and according to (BigBoss' blog) it's the best yet.

So here's what I did.

11. Opened iTunes 8 and Shift+Restore and selected bushido's Custom firmware.
12. It installed just fine, once the phone rebooted, I restored my current backup, but canceled the file sync after it backed up.
13. Replaced the MobileInstallation file using TotalCommander and Tpot addon. Rebooted iPhone.
14. Synced in iTunes 8. Everything works.

Now have Modem Firmware 02.11.07

If you follow my instructions, you will get the new baseband.

Just follow them from Step 1.

At Step 14, when I "synced", that meant I also restored the Backup, so no, no settings, songs, gmail, etc are lost.

worked for me. thanks derek.

I did lose my downloaded apps though, since I didnt sync apps with iTunes.

If you follow my instructions, you will get the new baseband.

Just follow them from Step 1.

At Step 14, when I "synced", that meant I also restored the Backup, so no, no settings, songs, gmail, etc are lost.

Is it normal for the installer icon to be a little lower than the rest of the icons ?
I followed all the steps and I noticed that installer's icon is lower compared to cydia.
Hey guys,

Hate to sound like a noob, but i've read conflicting reports on this -

So, if i do a clean restore using custom pwned 2.1 firmware, and then do a RESTORE FROM BACKUP using a previous, un-jailbroken, regular 2.1 firmware to get my data back, does it delete Cydia and Installer and take away the jailbreak and just restore my previous pre-jailbreak settings? Or does it keep the jailbroken status? Would there even be any problems or instabilities doing it this way?

I jailbroke 2.0.2 and loved it, but i don't want to lose a bunch of data if it's possible to use a custom 2.1 firmware and restore my backup from a non jailbroken firmware, it would be awesome and ideal...thanks a lot for the help!
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