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I need some help I don't have much money and I was wondering if you guys could visit my town and gift me or franchise in my business ID:37947138 my town name is loganville
business hours

ive been playing for months on my ipod and recently got an iphone and had to start all over...

all the times at 3min, 15min, 1hr, 4hr
what happed to the 30min, 2hr, 10hr?????????

anyone remember when this kicks in or if it is gone in the new update?

town water mill II
Need cash!

Anyone have tips in getting more cash (bucks)? I have a ton of coins, max businesses, max XP... I just want BUCKS, and I'm not going to pay actual money for them :D

My user ID: 35778212
Town: Josophia

My other user ID: 3750466
Town: Jtown_13

I also wish there was a way to UNDO. I accidentally hit "upgrade now" on a business, and lost 20 BUCKS! Sucks!

What is the quickest way to earning BUCKS?
i have over 474mill+ coins and very few dollars...if anyone could help franchise with dollars please :D

booyah id: 35204407
town name: mrchicago
Please franchise me with bucks

Please franchise me with bucks. I have Nike.

Town: love. ID 30257080

Thank you, I'll return the favor by sending you population since you are rich in bucks:)
Candy land

Thank you so much:). I got 41 bucks. It was rad. Thanks for going out of your way to help me:). Do you prefer population? I'll do your preference when they post at midnight.
Thank you:)

Town: Love
ID: 30257080
Hi all,

Feel free to add me. I play in New Your City, but am living in Denmark in real life. I got all my businesess up for franchising if anybody want's New York businesses :)

ID: 36270051
Town name: Heliwe

What can I say you are a legend. Thank you for franchising me. I am getting so close to Mt Fuji I can smell it!! Thanks also to a few others that sent me dollars but I got so excited I missed of who it was :(

Question: when you get the free spins and you win money I don't seem to see that my bucks are added. Today I won 15 but it didn't change my total ugh. Would have made such a difference. So sad.

Thanks again guys. Big hugs. And please remember me when you Re socializing. Xx
I've met more buck rich people

Wow! I am happy to have met all these buck rich people who have franchised multiple times from me! I met them at Although some of them are here too, like Pekman and cAndyland.

Not only are these rich mayors helping other members, but also, there are tons of information found in there --- that I have not seen here. You might want to check it out.

Just wanted to share this with you, so you can meet them too.
Can you guys help me get some bucks so I can get the new ballons decoration? I'll love you for ever! ;)


Thanks to candyland, val & pekman for ALL your help!!
I appreciate it!
Thanks cAndyland

You are Santa, the Easter Bunny, and the toothfairy all rolled into one. You have helped so many of us on this forum move forward.

Thank you, cAndyland, for franchising several of my businesses today. Now I would like to gift you, however I can't find your ID number, just your town name. I did a search but all I found was every entry where your name was mentioned, but no submissions from you, so that I could get the info I need.

Please let me know your ID and what gifts you like to receive.

IngS. Hamilsand. ID 30830097

Hey princess, I've franchised a few of your businesses, although I don't know how many bucks you'll receive. Still, I hope this helps, if only just a little.

ID: 35677417
Want to start over!

I really want to start my town over. I've tried deleting it then downloading it, but it just starts in the same spot. I've read a few things on here, but it's still confusing. Any help? Thanks!
Thanks Valmorra

Thanks Valmorra! Your town is amazing. I was never able to get the St Patricks Day stuff. Jealous!!!
I really want Mt. Fuji!
If anyone else can help me with cash, my town is




Thanks to whoever franchised some of my businesses! I'm sorry I don't have enough cash to return the favor! If anyone else wants to help out please do! I have an apple building cheap!

ID - 29743438
Name - The Burg
Question about stores

Do any of the more experienced players know how high my population has to be to unlock all the vacancies & how many there are? I was trying to buy kites to max out my population so I could go get all my stores before i decorate but it seems like it's never ending. Is there a better way to get high population without using green bucks? I want to save those for Mt Fugi :rolleyes:

;) Thanks to Val, you're a dream ;)
Val! So happy to find you here!

Does anyone from you own Rolex, Audemars Piguet, and/or Patek Philippe?

Val's Dream @ Booyah: 30709300

I have to say thank you! You have made it possible for me to play this game. Without the franchises you have made in my town I would not have had the ability to do so much. I have never figured out how to generate dollars. So with out your franchises, I could never have purchased anything with dollars. I would love to understand how to generate dollars so that I can pay it forward the same as you. You are truly generous. Thank you so much!

I have noticed recently that it appears we are getting less dollars for franchises. I am wondering if anyone else on the board recognizes this as well. The value of my franchises surely would have gone up. But, instead of getting the previous $30-$50 most franchises are netting $4-$14. I would love to know if anyone else has experienced the same.

I suggested to Booyah that it would be great if we could purchase more gifts with coins to give to the other newer players. It seems to me that five gifts aren't enough to give per day. And I would love to be able to purchase more with an excess of coins. it would be so fun to be able to just surprise another player with a bag of coins at any time I choose. or it would be fun to donate decorations or different items for a town of a friend.

I don't personally know any of the people whom I have befriended in this game. But I enjoy the sense of camaraderie that it has created for me.

I would also like to be able to trade coins for dollars. But I suppose that would lower the amount of money Booyah could make on the game.

Thank you Val, and all of you here on this board.

Katie's Dream #32639747
Last edited:
@KatiesDream, Anne-ville, and Sandieopolis
you are all very welcome :)
I will continue franchising you for a while until you can all buy nice wonders and other things which cost bucks ;)
I know how hard and unfair it was when I just started out with MyTown, so I decided that I will franchise almost everyone who gifts me at least one time. But for some people I've decided that I will help them over an amount of time until they have truly "enough" bucks :)

one thing I'm unsure of, is when I franchise a business from someone, do I actually have to wait until the person collects the bucks from the franchise I've made until I'm allowed to delete the business, or may I delete it immediately?

I usually wait 6-10 hours after I make a franchise, until I delete it. Because I'm not sure that if I delete it earlier the person still gets bucks or not.

does anyone know more? :confused:

thank you
Thanks to whoever franchised some of my businesses! I'm sorry I don't have enough cash to return the favor! If anyone else wants to help out please do! I have an apple building cheap!

ID - 29743438
Name - The Burg

Just franchised apple. Hell of a price! $9,000 and some change. Sweet!

I'll take some more franchises :)

I'm maxed out on businesses, but will definitely delete to add cool ones... Like Apple!

My user ID: 35778212
Town: Josophia
Val, I haven't read the entire thread, but what is your secret to more cash? How do you have THREE Mt. Fuji's??? Do you use a cheat? Pay real cash?
Val, I haven't read the entire thread, but what is your secret to more cash? How do you have THREE Mt. Fuji's??? Do you use a cheat? Pay real cash?

Never ask a multi-millionaire how he made his first million ;)

But I can tell you one thing, a while ago you got much much more bucks if someone franchised you. That way I got couple of thousand bucks.
But now Booyah put a limit in it, so you get at the best 50 bucks if someone franchises you, but in reality much less.
Val could you gift me bucks or franchise for me to help me that would be awesome 37947138 loganville thanks
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